38th Annual Change Over Dinner
Les Pontin called the meeting to order.
Past President Ross Harrison welcomed members, partners and guests, especially Assistant District Governor Gordon Watson to the 38th Annual Change Over of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific.
There were a few apologies, but Ross singled out Ken Hinkley whose wife Marie is terminally ill.
Barbara Bailey proposed the toast to Rotary International.
In President Dan’s address he thanked his board members for their support, fellowship and wisdom throughout the year. He especially thanked Penny for her support and understanding throughout the busy Rotary year. He presented 100% attendance certificates to: Brian Mason, Les Pontin and Gordon Watson.
President Dan then had the great pleasure to present a Paul Harris Recognition to Peter Higgs which was greeted by acclamation. In his reply, Peter was initially lost for words. However he recovered enough to say that he had not striven for this award, that he felt blest by the “Man upstairs” for even being here and that he has gained more out of his service to Rotary than he has put in.
Barbara Bailey & Brian Mason then presented the club with a signed Sister Club agreement for the Rotary Club of Onah in South Korea. It is a club of 100 members and has one full time administrator. President Dan and President Elect Mike had the pleasure of counter signing the documents, a copy of which will be sent to the Rotary Club of Onah.
On behalf of ROMAC, Brian Mason presented the club with a certificate of appreciation for its involvement in the trivia night fund raising event.
Win Fowles then gave a report on the Solomon Islands project accompanied by some very interesting photos. The working conditions were not all beer and skittles, although lobsters were mentioned many times. He showed the construction of the toilet block and the installation of a working water tank. The many smiling faces shown, especially from the children, gave us an idea of how well received their efforts were.
Assistant District Governor Gordon Watson then presented certificates of appreciation to Patrick King, Peter Higgs, Win Fowles and to Gordon Watson for their participation in the project. He then gave a brief report. The project was in three stages, $65,000 was raised the three Rotary clubs and the matching grant from the Rotary Foundation, that the project ended with a $6000 profit which will be returned to Rotary International and that the project passed the official audit with flying colours.
Theme for Mike’s year – ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY.
ADG Gordon Watson introduced Mike and his wife Jenny to the club. He listed Mike’s long Rotary history.
ADG Gordon then presented Dan with his past president’s pin.
Past President Dan then presented Mike with the Club’s Charter for safe keeping.
ADG Gordon then officially inducted Mike as president of the Rotary club of Caloundra Pacific and presented him with his lapel pin and the Presidential Chain of office.
President Mike then introduced his board for the year and presented his thoughts and plans for the upcoming year. These included:
  • Using the collective wisdom of club members.
  • Using the club meetings to discuss Rotary business.
  • To aim for a membership of 50 by the end of the Rotary year.
  • He mentioned that Rotary International has left the attendance requirements to the clubs themselves and also to set the number of meetings for the club (eg possibility of meeting twice a month instead of weekly).
  • He pointed out that we do need money for projects but fundraising should be aimed at how well we serve the community.
The raffle was drawn and MC Ross closed the meeting.