Mike Healy as Sergeant welcomed everyone to the meeting which is our AGM. Jacqui Castorina proposed an International Toast to the RC Yala, Nepal, in district 3292; the Intnernational sister club of Rotary Club of Jindalee in Brisbane Currenty have 48 members and projects include water/toilets in secondary school and PCR kits to Nepal Korea Friendship Municipality Hospital, support for breast cancer awareness and patients and free mental health support and other important regular health checkups. A number of these projects funded through Grants. President David Wallis welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting and handed over to Clive to present the financial and legal aspects that needed to be presented and accepted by members. Nominations were called for Board positions the 2025-26 year; all current directors except that of Secretary have nominees and been approved by members to carry on their roles for another year. As there is a vacancy for Club Service Director, Evelyn McCorkell was nominated and accepted. Nominations for Secretary should be submitted to the Board as soon as possible. David then formally closed the AGM. President's Moment - First focus is the ROMAC Trivia night coming up early in March 2025 - a Co-ordinator for this event is required. Resignations received from Michael Berris, Christine Craig and Frank Lunt - sorry to see you leave. Directors' Moments: Ross Harrison had previously emailed a summary of the Activities in the Philipines and asked for volunteers who would be interested in the next Club visit in February 2025 - please contact Ross for more details if interested. Evelyn McCorkell invited Volunteers to take on the role of weekly Meeting Attendance/Registration and a second volunteer to produce the Calpac Capers every week and distribute - these roles to start in January 2025. Please contact Eve to take on either of these roles, as soon as possible. It will only take an hour or so of your time every week - not much to contribute for a Volunteer! Members' Moments: Win Fowles has asked for any suggestions for guest speakers for the next 6 months and also suggested that Members talks could be included in some of the meetings so that we know a little bit more about each other - especially beneficial for the newer members to get to know us too. But please give Win as much notice as you can to include this into the Calendar. Greig Lee-Archer spoke on Domestic Violence and recently went to a local meeting on this subject. Greig also asked for assistsance to help pack a 40' shipping container next Monday & Tuesday from 9 - 12 (with goods to go overseas). Please contact him for details if you can help. Suzanne Lee-Archer is organising a "Walk/March" up Bulcock Street during peak times (wearing DV T-shirts) to bring awareness of the increase in domestic violence. Greg will send out an email with further details. Geoff Leddy showed the Bundaburg Rotary Club Calendar for 2025 - proceeds will be going to Cambodia. We could also do one startingthe planning after Christmas for Xmas 2025? The usual fines session was done by Mike Healy, table by table! The Raffle prizes duly drawn and distributed along with the usual chocolates to share. Next week is the Christmas Celebration - see you there. |