20 April Calpac Capers
MEETING NOTES FROM 20th April 2017
The meeting was opened with the introduction by Les of a prospective new Member Tatiana Porter, welcome.
Kevin Curd proposed a toast to the International Rotary Club of Antigua in Guatamala where he found picture of a Rotary Badge on a composting toilet door - a good reason to celebrate!
President Mike Healy recognised birthdays and anniversaries.
David Smith talked briefly about the success of the KIVA project - 5 loans had been extended and 4 have been completed, so the project will continue.
Barbara Bailey has finally had an email response from our sister club in Seoul who are very pleased to continue the association.
Mention was made to the fact that Suzanne Lee-Archer is again in hospital and our thoughts go out to Suzanne and Greig.
Patrick King, as usual, did an innovative fines session.
Les Pontin - sourced some interesting question options for Riki Tiki and left one man standing.
Our guest for next week is Cameron Tuesbury, the meeting will be held at the Caloundra Golf Club, 6 for 6.30 pm on Thursday, 27th April 2017.
Bio for Cameron -
As an Integral Technology Solutions, Cameron is an innovative entrepreneur, with strong business acumen combined with extensive IT experience. Under his leadership Integral has become a market leader when it comes to delivering innovative and complex IT solutions for clients.
Cameron is passionate about mentoring young people in IT and exploring sustainable engineering. These passions collide in the Team Arrow project. Creating a solar car that raced in the World Solar challenge in the NT, and being th first Australian car to cross the finish line, was an outstanding feat for the small team.
As an Integral Technology Solutions, Cameron is an innovative entrepreneur, with strong business acumen combined with extensive IT experience. Under his leadership Integral has become a market leader when it comes to delivering innovative and complex IT solutions for clients.
Cameron is passionate about mentoring young people in IT and exploring sustainable engineering. These passions collide in the Team Arrow project. Creating a solar car that raced in the World Solar challenge in the NT, and being th first Australian car to cross the finish line, was an outstanding feat for the small team.
MIKE HEALY - we have our combined Sunshine Coast clubs meeting at the University on Wednesday 10 May. As usual, this will take the place of our normal Thursday meeting for that week.
Although the date is still a couple of weeks away, we must provide final numbers and make payment by next Wednesday (3 May).
So that we can meet this deadline, I will send out a ClubRunner invitation later today and I ask that you please respond by Tuesday 2nd May so that we can send off our payment the next day.
I’ve attached a flyer for the event which promises to be an interesting night and I encourage you to attend.
The meeting ended with a Board Meeting.
There is nothing more to report as there was no meeting held on Thursday before Good Friday.
From Geoff Leddy:
Hello all – Caloundra Pacific Rotary Club is holding a Vocational Service night on Thursday 4th May. The night is proposed to be like a mini seminar on how technology has and will impact on the lives of our members, their businesses, and the community. The idea is to promote each person’s vocation as a worthwhile part of our society and how the leaders in our society (i.e. Rotarians) keep on top of change. I have attached hereto a “briefing paper” for your consideration. I am sending this out to 11 of our members and I am hoping that at least about 6 or 7 of you will be willing to participate by giving a 2 or 3 minute talk as set out in the briefing paper. I hope to have a session lasting about 20 to 25 minutes and then a 10 minute question/discussion session of the members.
Please let me know by email in the next couple of weeks if you are willing to be a speaker on the night for a couple of minutes. Happy to take any queries in the meantime.
REMINDER: Casablanca Evening at the Queensland Air Museum on Saturday 22 April from 7-11 pm. Click here for details. It promises to be a fun night and Diana Latham and Evelyn McCorkell will be attending with a few friends.
REMINDER: Combined Rotary Clubs meeting at the University of the Sunshine Coast will be on Wednesday 10th May, guest speaker is Katie Toni .
As from 1st May, Diana Latham will be the welfare officer while Eve McCorkell is away, till end of June, thanks Diana; then hopefully she will carry on the pleasant task of sending members greetings for the following twelve months.
Mark Paton will be taking over the Editor's role for the Clubrunner during May and June, again while Eve McCorkell is away - thanks Mark.
NEXT WEEK: Next meeting will be Thursday 20th April at the Caloundra Golf Club 6.30 for 7 - 8 pm
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