The selection process for our District’s 2027-2028 Governor Is about to commence, and in this respect, as Chair of the Nominating Committee, I am calling for expressions of interest from District Rotarians and Rotaractors to be a member of the District Governor Nominating Committee. There are two positions available (as highlighted below).
Each year the District Governor Nominating Committee consists of:
·       District Governor (ex-officio),
·       District Governor Elect (ex-officio),
·       District Governor Nominee (ex-officio),
·       The Nominating Committee Chair (A Past District Governor appointed by the District Board. Traditionally, but not necessarily, the Immediate Past District Governor), and
·       Two District Rotarians/ Rotaractors determined by a majority decision of the committee members listed above.
To qualify to sit on the Committee, the District Rotarians/Rotaractors will have held office for a term in a District Leadership position (not a District Governor) or full term as President of a Rotary or Rotaract club in District 9620, 9630 or 9600 during the five years prior to the establishment of the Nominating Committee.
No more than one person on the Nominating Committee can be from any one club.
No member of the Nominating Committee can be from the club of an applicant.
If you feel you are qualified and able to contribute to this important District process, please submit your expression of Interest with details of your past roles in the District on the attached form.
Expressions of Interests should be submitted to IPDG Paul Roger by Friday 31 January 2025.
As indicated above the appointment to the Committee will be determined by a majority decision of the other Committee members listed above.
Details of the full District 9620 Process for Selection of District Governor Nominee can be viewed at