Disaster Aid International - rebuilding communities....together

Disaster Aid International coordinates the work of its Country Partners to:

  1. Respond to disasters with the supply of humanitarian aid to the affected communities and/or individuals until the needs determined by Disaster Aid International are reasonably addressed.
  2. Operate an Overseas Aid Fund, to be known as the Disaster Aid International Overseas Aid Fund, in order to provide relief and aid to those who are displaced by natural or other disasters;
  3. Train volunteers in administering humanitarian relief and aid;
  4. Provide education and training in aspects of disaster relief to individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and other organisations; and
  5. Work in partnership on humanitarian projects funded by other organisations, including Rotary clubs and Rotary districts.
Safe Water - A Basic Human Right :Disaster Aid Australia led a 'Breakout Session' at this years Rotary International Convention in Toronto, Canada on ‘Safe Water – A Basic Human Right’. Several of the board members travelled to Toronto to work on our stand in the International House of Friendship.
Disaster Aid is a volunteer organisation at all levels from managing the delivery of aid overseas to doing office paperwork. You don't have to be a Rotarian, we welcome anyone who wants to be involved in helping people in developing countries. If you have some spare time and would like to assist email at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au