Our guest speaker was Vicki Meyer from IFYS.  Across Queensland from Toowoomba to Cairns, IFYS provides a range of accommodation, support and counselling services, ranging from Child Protection and Support Programs to the Coolum Civic Centre, Community Centres, Disability Services and Accommodation.  IFYS can support individuals and/or their family/carer to have a level of choice and control over supports and services. The services they provide are holistic and tailored to the individual, to provide the best outcomes. 
All Integrated Family and Youth Service programs and services share an implicit belief in the following Four Pillars :
1. Person Centred - the corner stone of the practice framework is a person centred approach. IFYS delivers a service informed by the needs, wishes and best interest of the service user.

2. Outcome Focused - IFYS provides services that build a capacity for self-reliance. This requires proactive attention to developing service users’ well-being as a whole.

3. Culturally Responsive - our practice values diversity, seeks to become informed and to demonstrate a commitment to cultural development. This includes addressing potential barriers to service delivery, relationship building and engagement with communities. 

4. Collaborative - we recognise that service provision in the community is best undertaken within a network of government, non-government and other community supports and services. No single agency has the capacity or diverse expertise, skills and knowledge to meet the many needs that service users present us with. 