President Elect Mike Healy opened the meeting.
On this day: Charles Kingsford Smith landed in Brisbane after his Trans-Pacific flight.
International Toast proposed by Marilyn Harris was to the Rotary Club of Taipei. It was chartered in 1948 and meets at Caesars Palace Hotel at midday. It is heavily involved in providing medical aid to the Philippines.
  • District assembly will be held this weekend.
  • Marilyn went to the Zonta AGM where CalPac’s assistance was mentioned several times (in a good light!)
  • Brian Reith (on Les Pontin’s behalf) asked if any members were able to act as drivers for Meals on Wheels.
  • Win Fowles announced that the Combined University Fund raised $12,950 and that 14 out of 17 clubs on the Sunshine Coast made donations.
  • Graham Bowden announced that his wife, Chris, ran into Peter Friend and Barry Admans at a cancer clinic.
  • First weekend in July is the Air Museum Open Cockpit Day. Mike asked for volunteers to man the BBQ.
Sergeant David Millar got money out of most people.
Guest Speaker:
David Smith introduced our guest speaker, Mark Camilleri from Mates 4 Mates. Mark is ex-airforce and has served in Timor Leste and Afghanistan. He is an Arab linguist. Mates 4 Mates is sponsored by the RSL and is three years old in Queensland. It provides rehabilitation services to current and past service personnel and their families. He stressed that the family unit was important.
The five main foci for Mates 4 Mates are: psychological, physical, adventure challenges, employment and education support and social connection. Their biggest challenge is getting “bums on seats”.
He was thanked by Win Fowles.
The raffle was run and won.
President Elect, Mike, closed the meeting.