As the end of my first six months presidency draws near, I thought I would provide an quick update on the clubs activities over the last six months.
Firstly, it is with some sadness that I inform you that Michael Berris has tendered his resignation from the club, citing personal reasons for his decision.  Michael has been a powerhouse of support to the club, participating in almost everything we have done, trailer raffle, BBQs and particularly as the caterer for the Hanger event for the last two years. There is no doubt he will be missed. His leaving creates a vacancy on the Board (Club Services Director) which we hope to fill as quickly as possible.
As your president I am proud of the club’s activities over the last six months.  We have participated in RYDA, conducted several BBQ events, the Golf Day, Broadway in the Hanger, and the Trailer raffle is in full swing.  As a result of the funds raised by these events the Board has been able to allocate the following donations:
1    STEPS Pathway          $9,000
2    Care flight                    $9,000
3    Angle Flight                 $9,000
Along with RYDA, we continue to support local youth by co-sponsoring three local students, with $1000 each, to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra.
We have successfully completed our three initial projects in the Philippines, and we look forward to hearing about the positive impact these projects are having on that community.  Our support to the Keve Loan program continues through the dedication of Marion Schultz who continues to change lives, one $60 loan at a time.
While the last six months have been good, we can do more. With more participation from you our members we can do more and engage more, particularly in our local community.
This week’s club assembly is an opportunity to raise your ideas with your Directorsto identify projects and activities that the community needs, and that we can achieve, particularly over the next six months.
I would like to thank all those who have already donated to our charity, the Rotary Foundation.  We are again striving to achieve Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) certification.  This requires a minimum donation of $40.00 (US$ 25) from each financial member, and the club member average of $160 (US$100).  With your continued support we can again achieve the EREY certification.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your support over the last six months and wish you all a Merry Christmas and hpe you all get some much needed rest over the holiday season.
David Wallis