Notes from the Meeting on February 15, 2018
OPEN: Tatiana Porter opened the meeting with the singing of the Anthem, lead by Mark Paton,,a Toast to the Queen, the International Toast proposed by Kevin Curd, the Four Way Test, and Rotary Grace.
WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests, including May Gowlett , Denise Steel and Will Waterford.
ANNIVERSARIES: were announced by Peter Higgs.
- Brad and Peter both asked us to bring family and friends to help celebrate Pride of Workmanship Awards next week. We were also reminded it would be appropriate to dress for the occasion. Chris Roche is our guest presenter and Ross will also give a presentation on Rotary. Volunteers were requested for putting covers and sashes on chairs.
- Peter Higgs asked for numbers for the 'Casablanca Evening' on March 16th. There were about 50 at this stage, but we need to get it to at least 150 to make it viable - so invite family and friends. He also advised that it will be a fun night at the Queensland Air Museum, so if you don't want to dress up or dance, come along anyway.
- Tatiana thanked all those who had returned the Trivia Night table attendance sheets and asked for any outstanding sheets to be returned. Again a reminder that if you don't have a table we'd still love you to attend, and we will find a table for you!
- Kevin Leadbetter informed us of the Queensland Begonia Society Annual Begonia Show on March 3 at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens (details below) and nominations for the Queensland Greats Awards (details below). For further information, contact Kevin.
- Our club has accepted Richard Hall as a member of our club and he will be inducted at the club meeting on March 8.
- Peter told us that there had been a proposal to merge districts 9630, 9640 and 9600 - taking in from Gympie to Coffs Harbour. This was voted for at the board meeting, but will make little difference to our Club.
RIKI TIKI : Great presentation by Richard Hall and won by Mike Healy.
SERGEANT’S SESSION: An informative Sergeant's session, preparing the Club for Trivia Night.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our own Trevor Steel, presenting his life story, "from Nappies to Now".
CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.