Club Meeting    13th Feb 2025    
Room Set Up/Clear Away   L Pontin
  W Fowles
International Toast   M Mayne
GS Into/Thanks  J Castorina
Guest Speaker  NYSF
Regn/Fellowship  K Hinkly
Bulletin Note Taker  D Johnston
Tony Long opened our Club Assembly Meeting on 6th February with the Loyal Toast, the Four Way test, and Rotary Grace.
We also welcomed prospective member Jerri Van Wyk and celebrated various members milestones, including birthdays and significant Rotary anniversaries.  
An international toast was made by Peter Hovey, to the Rotary Club of Montreal, highlighting their unique meeting schedule and their focus on the theme, “The Magic of Rotary”.  They meet in person and “virtually” each month.
Tony Long shared insights during the vocational moment, discussing his extensive experience in events management, local government and property management, and expressed his eagerness to contribute to Rotary initiatives.
January got a  belated mention!
The pre-dinner part of meeting concluded with a video presentation that showcased Rotary’s global impact and the potential for small ideas to create substantial change.
David Wallis then continued with updates on recent membership changes, including the loss of five members but the addition of new enthusiastic ones. Key positions such as Community Service Director and Secretary are currently vacant, highlighting the need for recruitment efforts, especially for the Youth Protection Officer due to Christine’s departure and Club Secretary, which is essential as a Club for us to keep operating.
Upcoming events were announced, including Clean Up Australia Day and Trivia Night.
Not forgetting David Johnston, who David Wallis recognised as Rotarian of the Month for his efficient IT contributions to our weekly meetings, brilliant job.
The meeting also covered plans for the Youth Exchange Program and ongoing community service projects, including funding for the Rice for Cambodia initiative.  Additionally, discussions on starting a new Rotary Club in Aura and improving member profiles on Club Runner for better engagement took place.
Each Committee then gave a summary of their proposed and upcoming activities or events:
Youth Service Committee (Bruce Radford)
* Youth Exchange Program: Inbound student expected later in the year
* Rotary Youth Training required for youth protection
* National Youth Science Forum students to speak at next meeting
* Umoja Orphanage project ongoing
* Rice for Cambodia project approved for $1000 funding
RYDA Program and Club Activities (Geoff Leddy)
* RYDA program for road safety education continuing with 14 schools participating, targeting Year 10 students
Community Service Committee
An Update on the upcoming ROMAC Trivia Night was given by Suzanne Lee-Archer.
Club Service (Evelyn McCorkell)
Focus is getting the structure in place for Broadway in the Hangar as there are some major changes this year, such as no Naming Rights Sponsor and no inhouse Caterer. 
It’s all coming together for 23rd August!    All of our Committee are willing to play an active part!
Membership Committee
Will Waterford also reminded us about Clean-Up Australia Day.
Peter Harding and Will Waterford also outlined the idea/plan of setting up a Rotary stall at Aura markets to seek new members with the potential to establish a new Rotary Club in that area.
International Service (Greig Lee-Archer)
* Philippines project continuing next week with a painting of classroom built last year
* KIVA micro-lending project ongoing – Marion Schultz
* Christmas boxes project continuing
* Containers for Change still providing some funding, thanks for collecting our bottles every week Marion Schultz!
Vocational Committee (Patrick King)
* Organising Vocational visit as fundraiser for Les’ CEO sleepout
* Would like to re-introduce Pride of Workmanship Awards but needs someone to assist with organizing it – ideas in the pipeline.
Tony Long collected some fines from all those members not wearing a Club badge and David Millar took a phone call while the meeting was in progress! 
Who knew the answer to this Question – When will Australia meet Net Zero???
And Graham Bowden had his first car accident (no one was hurt!)
As usual there were some very happy raffle ticket winners too.
Next week’s meeting we will hear from the National Youth Science Forum guests.
The following week Richard Harding will be talking rural medicine – Are we there yet?
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty. But the origins of this festival of candy and cupids are actually dark, bloody — and a bit muddled.
Though no one has pinpointed the exact origin of the holiday, one place to start is ancient Rome.
From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain (Really?).
The Roman romantics "were drunk. They were naked," Noel Lenski, now a religious studies professor at Yale University, told NPR in 2011. Young women would line up for the men to hit them, Lenski said. They believed this would make them fertile!
The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be, um, coupled up for the duration of the festival — or longer, if the match was right:)
The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 in different years in the third century. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.
As the holiday spread, it evolved William Shakespeare helped romanticize Valentine's Day in his work, and it gained popularity throughout Britain and the rest of Europe.
Later, Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the fifth century by combining St. Valentine's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals. But the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it had once been. Lenski added, "It was a little more of a drunken revel, but the Christians put clothes back on it. That didn't stop it from being a day of fertility and love".
Club Meeting    13th Mar 2025    
Room Set Up/Clear Away    T Long
   M Mayne
International Toast   E McCorkell
GS Into/Thanks  
Guest Speaker  
Regn/Fellowship  M Mayne
Bulletin Note Taker  A Mogg

David Millar opened the meeting, and welcomed Ross’s guests, Peter Asher (a former member) and Ray Capps, and Peter Hovey’s guest Gerri Van Wyk.
Graeme Bowden toasted the Rotary Club of Washington DC, as the city has been in the news lately. The club was established in 1912 and was the 46th Rotary club. Projects include:
 Evening meals, advice and help for the homeless
 Trees for the capital and
 Monthly bingo to benefit military veterans and their families
Members Moments:
** Peter Hovey spoke about the upcoming Trivia Night to raise funds for ROMAC.
** Allen Morgan was pleased with the new photos in Clubrunner.
Mark Paton introduced guest speakers Bonnie Lynn (a former member) and Kylie Lowe representing Housing Older Women’s Support Service (HOWSS).

Older women are the fastest growing population becoming homeless due to insufficient super, increased rents, lack of social housing, elder abuse, family breakdowns and outstanding child payments. Currently a total of $10 billion is outstanding from former husbands who haven’t paid what they owe.
This charity began in 2019 and has a current waitlist of 180. There were 436 enquiries from July to December 2024. They have partnerships with 8 related charities. The HOWSS newsletter will be launched next month.
The number of homeless women is underestimated because they hide the shame and stigma by couch surfing or living in cars. Early intervention is best. The key issue with housing is affordability, which was defined as no more than 30% of income. Sharing is an affordable option but is not what this cohort wants. HOWSS does not have housing stock.
There are men in the same situation but there are other services for men.

Mark thanked our guests and acknowledged their commitment to this cause.
David Millar managed to fine most of us for indiscretions over the past week.  There weren't many who hadn't done something of note!
Graeme Bowden and Les Pontin ran the raffle (with the help of Gerri Van Wyk who drew someone's lucky ticket), and Graeme also provided an assortment of novels (uncorrected proofs) for those interested.
The end?   Not yet .......
Confucius Did Not Say -

"A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!" 
but there's more
"Man who runs in front of car gets tired but man who runs behind car gets exhausted"
Occupying the role of a Rotary District Governor is a lifetime opportunity to give service to our organisation, Rotary International, to our District 9620, and to the wider community.  While the role is challenging it is also very rewarding.  It will take your personal time, but it will also provide opportunities to learn from the wider Rotary family, to extend your leadership and communication skills, and to enjoy friendships with others undertaking similar opportunities across the globe, as you share and learn from each other, and from your own District colleagues closer to home.
Each year Rotarians and Rotaractors within a District are called on to select the District Governor for a future year.  The process is governed by RI Policy, and we are starting the selection process for the 2027 – 2028 year.  Our current succession plan is that our current District Governor (DG) Sue Mulraney will be followed in 2025-2026 by current District Governor Elect (DGE) Mark Williams and subsequently in 2026-2027 by current District Governor Nominee (DGN) Ian Hope.
We encourage you to put your name forward to potentially join this team by nominating for District Governor 2027-2028. If successful you will become the DGN in 2025-26, the DGE in 2026-27, and then the DG in 2027-28.
The Process for Selection of District Governor Nominee has been uploaded onto the District Website at the following link -
The selection process for our District’s 2027-2028 Governor Is about to commence, and in this respect, as Chair of the Nominating Committee, I am calling for expressions of interest from District Rotarians and Rotaractors to be a member of the District Governor Nominating Committee. There are two positions available (as highlighted below).
Each year the District Governor Nominating Committee consists of:
·       District Governor (ex-officio),
·       District Governor Elect (ex-officio),
·       District Governor Nominee (ex-officio),
·       The Nominating Committee Chair (A Past District Governor appointed by the District Board. Traditionally, but not necessarily, the Immediate Past District Governor), and
·       Two District Rotarians/ Rotaractors determined by a majority decision of the committee members listed above.
To qualify to sit on the Committee, the District Rotarians/Rotaractors will have held office for a term in a District Leadership position (not a District Governor) or full term as President of a Rotary or Rotaract club in District 9620, 9630 or 9600 during the five years prior to the establishment of the Nominating Committee.
No more than one person on the Nominating Committee can be from any one club.
No member of the Nominating Committee can be from the club of an applicant.
If you feel you are qualified and able to contribute to this important District process, please submit your expression of Interest with details of your past roles in the District on the attached form.
             You have most likely heard about the earthquake that hit Vanuatu on Tuesday. Vanuatu is part of District 9910, and we have been trying to establish communication with our Rotarians on the ground where possible, to                      assess the     needs for an immediate response. It has been difficult.
The latest status, as we understand it: On Tuesday, 17 December, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck near Vanuatu, followed by multiple aftershocks. With the number of fatalities and injuries rising, and major damage to health, roads and telecommunications infrastructure, it is essential that critical assistance in water, sanitation, health, and nutrition is provided immediately in Vanuatu’s state of emergency.   
There are two options for supporting this effort, and both ways, you can be sure that the funds will help directly:

1. Give a donation to the District 9910 Fund (NO tax deductibility, therefore suitable for club and district donations, for immediate funding availability), and / or

2. Give a donation to the Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund (WITH tax deductibility, therefore suitable for individuals, in support of a future Disaster Response Grant application that is being prepared based on the needs identified on the ground in Vanuatu)
The initial uptake of shirt and cap purchases last year was ok but not overwhelming. It is now very important that as many Rotarians AND Businesses, Mum's and Dad's & absolutely ANYBODY that can wear a shirt and/or cap be seen every Friday in a Purple Shirt / Cap. 
We must continue to raise the profile of this Awareness Program across the State of Queensland - others are tackling the rest of Australia. The rest of the world will follow when we succeed in Australia!!!! In my opinion this should be the next Polio sized Project on Australian Rotary's radar.
Latest statistics indicate a considerable worsening of the DV scourge from one woman dying every nine days from a DV incident (excluding DV related suicides) in calendar 2023 to one woman every 3.4 days to November 30 2024 (11 month period - 98 deaths). Again excluding DV suicides.
Attached please find a flyer and order form to enable you to hopefully make a choice to purchase a shirt and/or a cap. The prices thereon you will note do not include freight. RC Cooroy holds a stock of shirts and caps which I maybe able to purchase from them (hopefully no freight). That will depend whether or how much they had to pay for freight when they made their purchase.
I think the worst case scenario would be a extra $1.50 to the costs shown on the Flyer.
As the end of my first six months presidency draws near, I thought I would provide an quick update on the clubs activities over the last six months.
Firstly, it is with some sadness that I inform you that Michael Berris has tendered his resignation from the club, citing personal reasons for his decision.  Michael has been a powerhouse of support to the club, participating in almost everything we have done, trailer raffle, BBQs and particularly as the caterer for the Hanger event for the last two years. There is no doubt he will be missed. His leaving creates a vacancy on the Board (Club Services Director) which we hope to fill as quickly as possible.
As your president I am proud of the club’s activities over the last six months.  We have participated in RYDA, conducted several BBQ events, the Golf Day, Broadway in the Hanger, and the Trailer raffle is in full swing.  As a result of the funds raised by these events the Board has been able to allocate the following donations:
1    STEPS Pathway          $9,000
2    Care flight                    $9,000
3    Angle Flight                 $9,000

RE: 2024-2025 Volunteer Grants - Now Accepting Expressions of Interest

I am contacting you to advise that my office is now accepting expressions of interest for the Federal Governments 2024-2025 Volunteer Grants Programme (“Volunteer Grants”).

These Volunteer Grants, set up by the previous Coalition Government, aim to support our nation’s vibrant volunteer workforce, to encourage volunteer and community participation and to highlight volunteer teams whose work has been faithfully tendered. Up to $66,225 is available for projects within our electorate of Fisher. The grants of between $1000 and $5000 are available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations to support the efforts of your volunteers.


Process from here:

1.      Submit Your Completed EOI Form to by 11.59pm, Sunday 19 January 2025.

2.      A shortlist of recipients will be nominated to the Department for assessment.

3.      The department will advise successful nominees and enter into an agreement, which will include acquittal and reporting requirements.


A few things to note which may differ from previous rounds:

·         This round enables organisations to utilise funds for items and services which support online communication initiatives.

·         It also includes support to meet obligations for working with young volunteers and activities which support children’s wellbeing and development; and

·         Grant funds can be used for other ongoing costs, including covering the costs of insurance, internet usage and phone bills for volunteer organisations


For more information, please refer to Grant Opportunity Guidelines or call the Community Grant Hub on 1800 020 283.


Containers for Change account no. C10219799
Donate your containers to the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific
Caloundra Pacific

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 6:00 pm
Caloundra Golf Club
1 Charles Woodward Drive
Caloundra, QLD 4551
Meeting registration
The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific welcomes all who are interested in dining with us and wish to share with us in our Rotary ideals.
If you would like to come along and meet us, please call or email our Meeting Coordinator, Jacqui Castorina on 0448 804 302 ( to let us know that you are coming so that meals can be arranged.
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
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