Club Meeting | 13th Mar 2025 | Room Set Up/Clear Away | T Long | Sergeant/MC | M Mayne | International Toast | E McCorkell | GS Into/Thanks | | Guest Speaker | | Regn/Fellowship | M Mayne | Bulletin Note Taker | A Mogg |
Duty Roster for March 2025
Eve McCorkell
2025-03-05 14:00:00Z |
Tony Long opened our Club Assembly Meeting on 6th February with the Loyal Toast, the Four Way test, and Rotary Grace. We also welcomed prospective member Jerri Van Wyk and celebrated various members milestones, including birthdays and significant Rotary anniversaries. An international toast was made by Peter Hovey, to the Rotary Club of Montreal, highlighting their unique meeting schedule and their focus on the theme, “The Magic of Rotary”. They meet in person and “virtually” each month. Tony Long shared insights during the vocational moment, discussing his extensive experience in events management, local government and property management, and expressed his eagerness to contribute to Rotary initiatives. January got a belated mention! The pre-dinner part of meeting concluded with a video presentation that showcased Rotary’s global impact and the potential for small ideas to create substantial change. David Wallis then continued with updates on recent membership changes, including the loss of five members but the addition of new enthusiastic ones. Key positions such as Community Service Director and Secretary are currently vacant, highlighting the need for recruitment efforts, especially for the Youth Protection Officer due to Christine’s departure and Club Secretary, which is essential as a Club for us to keep operating. Upcoming events were announced, including Clean Up Australia Day and Trivia Night. Not forgetting David Johnston, who David Wallis recognised as Rotarian of the Month for his efficient IT contributions to our weekly meetings, brilliant job. The meeting also covered plans for the Youth Exchange Program and ongoing community service projects, including funding for the Rice for Cambodia initiative. Additionally, discussions on starting a new Rotary Club in Aura and improving member profiles on Club Runner for better engagement took place. Each Committee then gave a summary of their proposed and upcoming activities or events: Youth Service Committee (Bruce Radford) * Youth Exchange Program: Inbound student expected later in the year * Rotary Youth Training required for youth protection * National Youth Science Forum students to speak at next meeting * Umoja Orphanage project ongoing * Rice for Cambodia project approved for $1000 funding RYDA Program and Club Activities (Geoff Leddy) * RYDA program for road safety education continuing with 14 schools participating, targeting Year 10 students Community Service Committee An Update on the upcoming ROMAC Trivia Night was given by Suzanne Lee-Archer. Club Service (Evelyn McCorkell) Focus is getting the structure in place for Broadway in the Hangar as there are some major changes this year, such as no Naming Rights Sponsor and no inhouse Caterer. It’s all coming together for 23rd August! All of our Committee are willing to play an active part! Membership Committee Will Waterford also reminded us about Clean-Up Australia Day. Peter Harding and Will Waterford also outlined the idea/plan of setting up a Rotary stall at Aura markets to seek new members with the potential to establish a new Rotary Club in that area. International Service (Greig Lee-Archer) * Philippines project continuing next week with a painting of classroom built last year * KIVA micro-lending project ongoing – Marion Schultz * Christmas boxes project continuing * Containers for Change still providing some funding, thanks for collecting our bottles every week Marion Schultz! Vocational Committee (Patrick King) * Organising Vocational visit as fundraiser for Les’ CEO sleepout * Would like to re-introduce Pride of Workmanship Awards but needs someone to assist with organizing it – ideas in the pipeline. Tony Long collected some fines from all those members not wearing a Club badge and David Millar took a phone call while the meeting was in progress! Who knew the answer to this Question – When will Australia meet Net Zero??? And Graham Bowden had his first car accident (no one was hurt!) As usual there were some very happy raffle ticket winners too. REMINDER: Next week’s meeting we will hear from the National Youth Science Forum guests. The following week Richard Harding will be talking rural medicine – Are we there yet? VITAL INFORMATION WITH VALENTINE’S DAY APPROACHING………..  Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romance and love and kissy-face fealty. But the origins of this festival of candy and cupids are actually dark, bloody — and a bit muddled. Though no one has pinpointed the exact origin of the holiday, one place to start is ancient Rome. From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain (Really?). The Roman romantics "were drunk. They were naked," Noel Lenski, now a religious studies professor at Yale University, told NPR in 2011. Young women would line up for the men to hit them, Lenski said. They believed this would make them fertile! The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be, um, coupled up for the duration of the festival — or longer, if the match was right:) The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 in different years in the third century. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. As the holiday spread, it evolved William Shakespeare helped romanticize Valentine's Day in his work, and it gained popularity throughout Britain and the rest of Europe. Later, Pope Gelasius I muddled things in the fifth century by combining St. Valentine's Day with Lupercalia to expel the pagan rituals. But the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it had once been. Lenski added, "It was a little more of a drunken revel, but the Christians put clothes back on it. That didn't stop it from being a day of fertility and love".
Calpac Capers 6th February 2025
2025-02-08 14:00:00Z |
Club Meeting | 13th Feb 2025 | Room Set Up/Clear Away | L Pontin | Sergeant/MC | W Fowles | International Toast | M Mayne | GS Into/Thanks | J Castorina | Guest Speaker | NYSF | Regn/Fellowship | K Hinkly | Bulletin Note Taker | D Johnston |
Duty Roster for February 2025
Eve McCorkell
2025-02-05 14:00:00Z |
Please find attached link for Rotary Australia Repurposing Newsletter Jan-Feb
Rotary Australia Repurposing Newsletter
2025-02-03 14:00:00Z |
Rotary Theme for February
2025-01-31 14:00:00Z |
Australian Rotary Health Fundraiser
2025-01-08 14:00:00Z |
FOR ESSENTIAL ACTION BY CLUB PRESIDENTS: PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL CLUB MEMBERS ARE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO READ THIS EMAIL. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR POSITION OF GOVERNOR OF ROTARY DISTRICT 9620 FOR THE 2027 – 2028 ROTARY YEAR Occupying the role of a Rotary District Governor is a lifetime opportunity to give service to our organisation, Rotary International, to our District 9620, and to the wider community. While the role is challenging it is also very rewarding. It will take your personal time, but it will also provide opportunities to learn from the wider Rotary family, to extend your leadership and communication skills, and to enjoy friendships with others undertaking similar opportunities across the globe, as you share and learn from each other, and from your own District colleagues closer to home. Each year Rotarians and Rotaractors within a District are called on to select the District Governor for a future year. The process is governed by RI Policy, and we are starting the selection process for the 2027 – 2028 year. Our current succession plan is that our current District Governor (DG) Sue Mulraney will be followed in 2025-2026 by current District Governor Elect (DGE) Mark Williams and subsequently in 2026-2027 by current District Governor Nominee (DGN) Ian Hope. We encourage you to put your name forward to potentially join this team by nominating for District Governor 2027-2028. If successful you will become the DGN in 2025-26, the DGE in 2026-27, and then the DG in 2027-28. The Process for Selection of District Governor Nominee has been uploaded onto the District Website at the following link -
Call for Nominations for DG 2027-28
Roger Klaassen
2024-12-29 14:00:00Z |
The selection process for our District’s 2027-2028 Governor Is about to commence, and in this respect, as Chair of the Nominating Committee, I am calling for expressions of interest from District Rotarians and Rotaractors to be a member of the District Governor Nominating Committee. There are two positions available (as highlighted below). Each year the District Governor Nominating Committee consists of: · District Governor (ex-officio), · District Governor Elect (ex-officio), · District Governor Nominee (ex-officio), · The Nominating Committee Chair (A Past District Governor appointed by the District Board. Traditionally, but not necessarily, the Immediate Past District Governor), and · Two District Rotarians/ Rotaractors determined by a majority decision of the committee members listed above. To qualify to sit on the Committee, the District Rotarians/Rotaractors will have held office for a term in a District Leadership position (not a District Governor) or full term as President of a Rotary or Rotaract club in District 9620, 9630 or 9600 during the five years prior to the establishment of the Nominating Committee. No more than one person on the Nominating Committee can be from any one club. No member of the Nominating Committee can be from the club of an applicant. If you feel you are qualified and able to contribute to this important District process, please submit your expression of Interest with details of your past roles in the District on the attached form.
Call for Expressions of Interest to sit on the District Governor Nominating Committee
Roger Klaassen
2024-12-29 14:00:00Z |
You have most likely heard about the earthquake that hit Vanuatu on Tuesday. Vanuatu is part of District 9910, and we have been trying to establish communication with our Rotarians on the ground where possible, to assess the needs for an immediate response. It has been difficult. The latest status, as we understand it: On Tuesday, 17 December, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck near Vanuatu, followed by multiple aftershocks. With the number of fatalities and injuries rising, and major damage to health, roads and telecommunications infrastructure, it is essential that critical assistance in water, sanitation, health, and nutrition is provided immediately in Vanuatu’s state of emergency. There are two options for supporting this effort, and both ways, you can be sure that the funds will help directly:
1. Give a donation to the District 9910 Fund (NO tax deductibility, therefore suitable for club and district donations, for immediate funding availability), and / or
2. Give a donation to the Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund (WITH tax deductibility, therefore suitable for individuals, in support of a future Disaster Response Grant application that is being prepared based on the needs identified on the ground in Vanuatu)
Vanuatu Earthquake - Help Rotary Assist the People of Vanuatu!
2024-12-25 14:00:00Z |
RAWCS RARE Roster 1st February 2025
Peter Collins
2024-12-24 14:00:00Z |
Rotary Xmas Party Pics
Eve McCorkell
2024-12-24 14:00:00Z |
Certificate of Appreciation
Eve McCorkell
2024-12-24 14:00:00Z |
The initial uptake of shirt and cap purchases last year was ok but not overwhelming. It is now very important that as many Rotarians AND Businesses, Mum's and Dad's & absolutely ANYBODY that can wear a shirt and/or cap be seen every Friday in a Purple Shirt / Cap. We must continue to raise the profile of this Awareness Program across the State of Queensland - others are tackling the rest of Australia. The rest of the world will follow when we succeed in Australia!!!! In my opinion this should be the next Polio sized Project on Australian Rotary's radar. Latest statistics indicate a considerable worsening of the DV scourge from one woman dying every nine days from a DV incident (excluding DV related suicides) in calendar 2023 to one woman every 3.4 days to November 30 2024 (11 month period - 98 deaths). Again excluding DV suicides. Attached please find a flyer and order form to enable you to hopefully make a choice to purchase a shirt and/or a cap. The prices thereon you will note do not include freight. RC Cooroy holds a stock of shirts and caps which I maybe able to purchase from them (hopefully no freight). That will depend whether or how much they had to pay for freight when they made their purchase. I think the worst case scenario would be a extra $1.50 to the costs shown on the Flyer.
SAY NO TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Polos, Tee's and Caps ordering process
2024-12-24 14:00:00Z |
 Mingling! CALPAC CAPERS – CLUB CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION NIGHT Sergeant Ross Harrison opened the Celebrations proposing a Toast to the King and People of Australia and recital of the Four Way Test. Partners and Guests were welcomed along with David Larkin our entertainment maestro for the night. Barb Bailey gave thanks for our meal with a beautiful Grace. Robyn Hills (Photographer) with Barb Bailey  International Toast to the RC of Alta, Norway with a Christmas theme was presented by Clive Seymour highlighting the similarities of Rotary’s Four Way Test with the great man Santa Claus thought to be a Member of the Club however confirmation was hard to find on the Club’s website - Service above Self – works all year for others Is It The Truth? – his list of naughty and nice Is it Fair To All Concerned? – Naughty, not much in the sack for you, Good, nice usually follows. Will it Build Good Will and Better Friendships? Giving builds goodwill and better friendships. Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned? Absolutely, Santa is literally spreading joy to the world.
 While a small IT glitch was ironed out, Les Pontin regurgitated a joke (from the last 4 years possibly) – an oldie but a goodie Les. Be there next Christmas and you will probably hear it again!! Ricky Tickie made a comeback with a Christmas theme – thanks Ross, with Sharon Seymour beating Mark Paton at the post and leaving the rest of us in awe.  Ross Harrison, introducing Suzanne to start the first of two games – Reindeer Antlers - was introduced by Suzanne Lee-Archer where teams of two were required to make antlers from “panty hose” and “balloons”. Somehow, Amanda Innes and Mark Paton after taking advantage of the lack of rules conscripted their table to blow the balloons up for them!! Despite the other teams of Jacqui C / Mike H, Lisa P / Adam M, David J / Sharon S, Joey M / Clive S and Robyn H & Jackson H arguably, appearing to have better antlers – the meeting gave the biggest shout for Amanda and Mark (not sure where money changed hands). It would appear Mark got confused (maybe the hangover of the recent anesthetic) by putting a larger balloon up his shirt – seemed to be channeling Santa rather than a Reindeer????? There are many more photos of our members getting up to their antics on facebook - The Second game also introduced by Suzanne was Drawing Blind at Christmas. All attendees were given a piece of A4 Paper and a pencil (most people didn’t break the lead John D!!!). Everybody was requested to draw various items with a Christmas theme on the paper – with their eyes closed. Some results were quite comical and displayed no drawing skill at all however, the standout after scores were tallied, the lady with the photographic mind and flair for creation – Robyn Hills took out the coveted prize. (Was there a prize??) All in all Members and Guests appeared to enjoy the digression from the norm and celebrated with lots of laughs.
Also lovely to see some "old" faces, welcome back Marilyn Harris and Trevor Steel and Donna Hammett - you are welcome any time! Sergeant Ross did find a fine for all members, many based on a message of thanks to Members who have done so much to keep our Club operating. Big thanks to Michael Larkin who played some great music and spent a lot of the time watching our antics, plus he got the leftover sweets, not that there many left! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES
Don't forget our first "meeting" in January 2025, is a trivia night at the Moffat Brewing Co on Caloundra Road - RSVP to the Invitation in the usual way.
Calpac Capers 19th December 2024
2024-12-20 14:00:00Z |
As the end of my first six months presidency draws near, I thought I would provide an quick update on the club’s activities over the last six months. Firstly, it is with some sadness that I inform you that Michael Berris has tendered his resignation from the club, citing personal reasons for his decision. Michael has been a powerhouse of support to the club, participating in almost everything we have done, trailer raffle, BBQs and particularly as the caterer for the Hanger event for the last two years. There is no doubt he will be missed. His leaving creates a vacancy on the Board (Club Services Director) which we hope to fill as quickly as possible. As your president I am proud of the club’s activities over the last six months. We have participated in RYDA, conducted several BBQ events, the Golf Day, Broadway in the Hanger, and the Trailer raffle is in full swing. As a result of the funds raised by these events the Board has been able to allocate the following donations: 1 STEPS Pathway $9,000 2 Care flight $9,000 3 Angle Flight $9,000
Message from the President
David Wallis
2024-12-16 14:00:00Z |
Hello Good Day to All! Please find the attached link below for the November-December 2024 RARE Newsletter Thank you and have a great day!
RARE Newsletters
Mary Grant
2024-12-16 14:00:00Z |
RE: 2024-2025 Volunteer Grants - Now Accepting Expressions of Interest 
I am contacting you to advise that my office is now accepting expressions of interest for the Federal Governments 2024-2025 Volunteer Grants Programme (“Volunteer Grants”). These Volunteer Grants, set up by the previous Coalition Government, aim to support our nation’s vibrant volunteer workforce, to encourage volunteer and community participation and to highlight volunteer teams whose work has been faithfully tendered. Up to $66,225 is available for projects within our electorate of Fisher. The grants of between $1000 and $5000 are available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations to support the efforts of your volunteers. Process from here: 1. Submit Your Completed EOI Form to by 11.59pm, Sunday 19 January 2025. 2. A shortlist of recipients will be nominated to the Department for assessment. 3. The department will advise successful nominees and enter into an agreement, which will include acquittal and reporting requirements. A few things to note which may differ from previous rounds: · This round enables organisations to utilise funds for items and services which support online communication initiatives. · It also includes support to meet obligations for working with young volunteers and activities which support children’s wellbeing and development; and · Grant funds can be used for other ongoing costs, including covering the costs of insurance, internet usage and phone bills for volunteer organisations For more information, please refer to Grant Opportunity Guidelines or call the Community Grant Hub on 1800 020 283.
2024-2025 Volunteer Grants - Now Accepting Expressions of Interest
2024-12-11 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant: Rev Barbara Bailey opened the meeting at 6.30pm with toasts, grace and the 4 way test and a few facts from "This Day in History" eg What was the longest day in history? 46BC when Julius Caesar changed the Roman calendar to realign it with the sun and to make it more uniform 455 days.  International Toast: Rotarian Ken Hinkley proposed the Int. Toast to the RC of Tooting England a place close to where his father was born. Guest speakers and other guests were welcomed to the meeting. Dinner: Chicken on Fettucine with very flavoursome sauce topped with strips of red capsicum accompanied by roasted zucchini. Induction of new members Joey & Adam Mogg by Recruitment Director, Jacqueline Castorina, Ross Harrison & President David Wallis who presented their membership kit and dinner badge warning them that they must wear the badge every week to avoid fines. All members in attendance formed a friendship circle to welcome the worlds newest Rotarians to our club. Both Joey and Adam are involved with real estate in Caloundra as property consultants for both residential & commercial real estate. They will be part of the Community services directorate led by Stan Nawrocki. As part of their response Joey revealed that she thought she was being induced not inducted. (Different circumstances Joey) President David Wallis presented his half yearly report and congratulated all members on activities and money raising effort for the last 6 months. He urged all to read the full report sent to members. He then presented a Paul Harris Fellow with Sapphire to Greig Lee-Archer for his outstanding work in Rotary. Directors & members Reports: Club Secretary Dan Thomasson reminded all that the meeting next week was the AGM and he was still accepting nominations for all positions for the next Rotary year 25/26 Graeme Bowden advised that former Rotary club of Caloundra member & PP Merv Paddison had passed away and his funeral is to be held on 10/12/24 full details on Gregson & Weight website. Evelyn McCorkell & Greig Lee-Archer advised that Members Bryan Mason is not well and in hospital & Cedric Gowlett loves getting our invitations (although he is unable to attend) and the Bulletin. Visitors for Bryan Mason are welcome SCUH ward 5C bed 19. Greig Lee-Archer also advised that he was looking for volunteers to help pack desks at Perigian Springs SS on 16 & 17 December from 9.15am to 12.15pm
Guest Speakers: Malou Deakin, Dan Thomasson, Greig Lee-Archer & Ross Harrison outlined the work done by our club at the Buyasan Integrated School & District 3 Daycare Centre in the Philippines with the aid of Rotary Grants & local Rotary Clubs in the area.
 More projects will be considered in 2025 with a further trip planned for some time in Jan/Feb 2025 volunteers welcome. Graeme Bowden introduced and thanked the speakers.
Clive Seymour advised of all the members with birthdays & anniversaries for the month.
Sergeant Rev Barbara Bailey fined members mercilessly!
Les & Graeme handed out raffle prizes to all the lucky winners and the chocolates were eagerly shared amongst members.
Meeting Closed around 8.00pm
NOTICE 1: A member is required to learn how to produce the Calpac Capers every week, starting in January 2025 - please msg Eve if you can take on this role or are willing to give it a go. It's not that hard! NOTICE 2: Please RSVP to the Christmas Celebration event by 11th December for catering purposes, if you haven't already done so.
Calpac Capers 5th December 2024
2024-12-04 14:00:00Z |
Hi Folks, RAWCS Northern Region RARE (formerly DIK) has formed a relationship with Ventia, the entity under contract with Queensland Education to provide new school furniture to the State Schools in South-East Queensland. The next round of furniture being replaced is happening in December as shown on the attachments and RAWCS Northern Region RARE has been offered the furniture as listed on these attachments. One of the schools shown is at Peregian Springs State School where the furniture will be replaced on 16th & 17th December. RAWCS Northern Region RARE is making arrangements to have a 40’ container delivered to the school to be loaded with the furniture on these days as the furniture is removed from the classrooms. Ventia contractors will remove the furniture from the classrooms and deliver it to a site adjacent to the container ready for loading into the container by Rotary volunteers. RAWCS Northern Region RARE will have someone on site to supervise the loading of the container. RAWCS Northern Region RARE is approaching the Rotary Clubs in the Kenny and Renouf Clusters seeking volunteers to assist on the 16th & 17th December at the Peregian Springs State School with the packing of this container. Loading will commence at 9.30 am om each day. It would be appreciated if each Club could respond by COB on Friday 6th December 2024 indicating whether they provide assistance with the number of volunteers that can attend on each day.
2024-12-01 14:00:00Z |
Both Noel and myself, Bronwynne Bates, have been supporting and volunteering at Umoja Orphanage Kenya a RAWCS Rotary Project for a number of years and we return again in August this year, so we have decided to have a fundraising high tea Saturday 27th July from 12.30 to late afternoon in the community centre at Halcyon Nirimba to take over funds to buy much needed items for the children and the home on this trip.
So, if would like to support one of our passions Ladies (as the men will be doing the waiting and serving) tickets are $25 a head and can be purchased by contacting Bronwynne on 0408 189 650.
There will be a drink on arrival and the bar will also be open, also there will be a door prize, raffles and silent auction for numerous items that have been donated.
As volunteers we pay 100% our own way.
So 100% of what is raised at the hightea will be put towards much needed items for the children and home while we are there for the 15 days. We will be taking photos and videos of what we spend the money on and will give a presentation on our return of our trip.
Thank you for your support. Please RSVP by Wednesday 24 July. If you cannot make it, please purchase raffle tickets by emailing: ✉
Umoja Orphanage Kenya
2024-07-15 14:00:00Z |
 The Club held its annual Presidents changeover night on the 27 June 2024. The theme for the evening was the Magic of Rotary in the 1920’s, a reflection back to when Rotary first started in Australia with the chartering of the Rotary Club of Melbourne in 1921. The outgoing President, Peter Higgs, outlined some of the projects completed by the club and donations given throughout the year and presenting seven PHF awards. He concluded his report by thanking his outgoing Board of Directors. PDG Patrice Robinson then presided over the change of president ceremony with the Collar of Office passing to the new President, David Wallis. David thanked the outgoing board for their efforts and introduced the 24/25 Board of Directors. President David briefly outlined his vison for the Club and detailed the Club’s meeting rhythm, ensuring the partners were well informed of the Club’s social calander. Having completed the formal part of the evening attendees were entertained by the international guest singer from the Philippines, Angel Perico. While Angel sang a variety of songs, her rendition of “Wind Beneath my Wings” was particularly moving as it embodied her feelings towards to the Club’s projects within her local community. The evening topped off a successful year for the Club and provided an excellent spring board for the Club’s endeavours for the new presidential year.
Annual Changeover Dinner 2024
David Wallis
2024-05-18 14:00:00Z |

Date: Saturday, 20 April 2024 Location: Novotel Sunshine Coast Convention Centre Time: 6pm until late Dress Code: Black Tie Buy Tickets
Lifeflight Gala
Dan Thomasson
2024-03-08 14:00:00Z |
Known as the "Yellow of the Old Masters", and "giallorino" in Italian, the deep yellow pigment used by Johannes Vermeer in his famous painting "The Milkmaid" is a lead stannate - meaning it contains what other chemical element? tin

ROMAC Trivia Night Sample Question
Peter Hovey
2024-02-21 14:00:00Z |
Michael Berris opened the meeting and called on P Peter who welcomed all and introduced the guest speaker, Jason OPray. President’s Update: P Peter welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and those members with recent birthdays. The canoe club at Maroochydore has asked for us to put on a BBQ on Sunday 10th March, which coincides with the District Conference. The winning ticket of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific Christmas Trailer Raffle went to Narelle in Ipswich Members moments Win Fowles has a great array of upcoming guest speakers: - Jake Larkin, who did a youth exchange in France in 2006, and is now a computer software person – he will tell how he benefitted from the experience.
- Jenny and David Allen of Friendship Force
- Jenny Currie, president of Caloundra Residents association
Win said Jason OPray and other Mayoral candidates would be speaking at the Powerboat Club next Wednesday 24 January. Evelyn McCorkell has been in recent contact with Pattie Wilson and passed on her thoughts and regards to everyone. Tony Long reminded us that the Golf Day (fundraising) will be on Friday 4 October. Christine Craig has secured Unity College on 7 March for the ROMAC Trivia Night. Christine is doing registrations, Greig will organise the food, Michael will do the bar, and Peter Hovey has volunteered to be MC. International Toast Graeme Bowden proposed the International Toast to the RC of Kathmandu, Nepal. Graeme gave a summary of Nepal Rotary, being busy and active especially following last year’s earthquake and COVID19. Guest speaker Cr. Jason OPray - Third generation Sunshine Coast family, 12 years as a local councillor. Jason spoke of his respect for Rotarians, understanding what it is to be a volunteer, having been a surf-life-saver for the last 40 years. Jason talked about the impact of the 2032 Olympic games on the Sunshine coast, which would host at least the marathon, kite boarding, mountain biking, basketball (SC is bidding for a national franchise), the preliminary soccer rounds, 200k cycling, 50k walk and the Paralympics. Using the marathon as an example, he discussed the implications of the competitors and their entourage arriving in the area to train on the marathon course before and during the event. Numbers will swell as extended family members come along to watch. Accommodation is clearly an issue, with international travellers arriving and expecting to book into hotel rooms. There is currently little incentive for developers to build hotels as opposed to accommodation units. Jason discussed infrastructure, public transport and sources of funding, all in the context of population growth in the area, which is expected to reach over 500,000 by 2041. He mentioned the “Matilda effect” which has produced an “explosion in women’s sport.” The Sunshine Coast urgently needs disabled access to venues, to public pools and to beaches. My Rotary Story Christine Craig spoke of her experience of coming to know Rotary. Philippines Project Ross Harrison advised members that, inspired by the tremendous amount of work done by Malou helping and sponsoring children in the Philippines for many years, a team of five (Ross, Dan, Greig, Malou and John) will visit the Philippines at the end of January for 8 days to inspect possible school-based projects and liaise with two local Clubs to establish what the needs of the region are. The team will attend a District conference and visit a children’s home while there. January is Vocational Services Month Greg Rayment, Director Vocational Services, left a flyer on each table highlighting his visit to Kerry’s Corner and encouraging Members to wear their Rotary shirt and get at least four photos at a local business they visit (one picture to include yourself and the Rotary logo). Also get two or three facts about the business that visited, and email photos and facts to Greg has requested all Rotarians wear their Club shirt out in public and participate in the programme, which is designed to create links with the local business community and promote the Rotary brand. Sergeant Fines Michael Berris found due cause to fine most members for random misdemeanours. Raffles Graeme Bowden and Les Pontin distributed raffle prizes and as is custom, the chocolates were shared amongst members.
Calpac Capers 18th January 2024
Bruce Radford
2024-01-17 14:00:00Z |
And the winning ticket of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific Christmas Trailer Raffle is 2063. Congratulations to Narelle!
WINNER... Christmas Trailer Raffle
Dan Thomasson
2023-12-17 14:00:00Z |
Few happy photos of our Christmas Party at the Caloundra Golf Club on 14th Dec 2023 Joe Castorina, talented accordian musician / Tony & Annalis, our caterers with Pete Cedric Gowlett turns 90 Congratulations! Donations during 2023 to DV Safe Phones / Angel Flight / Life Flight
Christmas Party was fun in 2023
2023-12-13 14:00:00Z |
Nominations are now open for the 2023Fisher Community Awards |
The 6th Annual Fisher Community AwardsI am excited to launch the sixth annual Fisher Community Awards, celebrating all of those unsung heroes who make our community the place to be to learn, earn and retire.
Fisher is home to some of the boldest innovators, most selfless volunteers, and the most remarkable community groups anywhere in the world. Their stories tell of compassion, conviction, perseverance and genius - and I need YOUR help to uncover them.
The categories this year are: - Fisher Student of the Year
- Fisher Educator of the Year
- Fisher Education Provider of the Year
- Fisher Environmental Leader of the Year Award
- Fisher Business of the Year
- Fisher Innovator of the Year
- Fisher Employee of the Year
- Fisher Senior of the Year
- Fisher Senior Community Group of the Year
- Andrew Wallace Award for Community Group of the Year
Visit my website at to find out more, and to nominate your unsung hero for a Fisher Community Award.
Nominations close on Friday, 20 October, with a special awards ceremony to be held on Wednesday, 22 November 2023.
For more information email or call (07) 5493 5556. |
Fisher Community Awards
Dan Thomasson
2023-10-02 14:00:00Z |
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) matches participants with older Australians who are socially isolated, may be experiencing mobility challenges, and support them to reduce feelings of loneliness or anxiety. Join the ACVVS and make a lasting and positive impact on an older person. You can: • Support isolated older people by having a cup of tea or coffee and a chat • Make new friends and share life stories • Improve the quality of life for yourself and others • Contribute to your local community • Bring a sense of purpose and meaning into your life • Learn new skills. Your experience, time and energy is valued.
Aged Care Volunteer Scheme
Dan Thomasson
2023-10-02 14:00:00Z |
Time is running out to secure your ticket for the 2023 'Moments That Matter' Rotary and Rotaract conference.
With a speaker list jam-packed, audiences will hear inspirational stories from business and community leaders and experts in their fields.
Key note speakers include Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally and Rotary International President-elect Stephanie Urchick.
For more information and to purchase tickets head to the conference website.
Sincerely, Your South Pacific and Philippines Office Support Team |
Moments that Matter Virtual Conference
Dan Thomasson
2023-08-28 14:00:00Z |
Good Morning All and Welcome to the new Rotary year! It is now <100 days until RYPEN, and as you step into your new positions, we wanted to make sure you had this year's RYPEN information at your fingertips 
The application forms for RYPEN 2023 are still available, and you’ll find a copy of the paper application attached to this email. We’re incredibly proud of the RYPEN Program. We genuinely believe in what we do and we’ve seen firsthand the impact of the outcomes we achieve. Whilst I could talk about the benefits of the program all day, I thought it might be more impactful to hear from one of our past participants. The following heart-felt words from Brooke, a past participant of the program, sum up RYPEN very nicely - “… I have found confidence in myself that I never thought I had. I recommend this camp to every teenager because it shows you a different perspective on how you communicate with people. The activities have been very challenging and I pushed myself in ways I didn’t even realise I could… ” If you know a young person aged 14-16 who has a high amount of potential across a range of areas and just needs to be shown that they can be exceptional, why not recommend they attend RYPEN – it might just change their life.
RYPEN 2023
Dan Thomasson
2023-07-23 14:00:00Z |
Thank You for Making Miracles Happen: Operation Cleft Donors, Your Impact is Priceless! |
We are currently seeking passionate and dedicated volunteers (Ambassadors) to join our team and help us achieve our mission. Whether you are a medical professional, a fundraising expert, or simply someone who cares about making a difference, we have a role for you. If your club or other organisation (it doesn't have to be Rotary) would like to learn more about Operation Cleft, either in person if we have someone handy or by zoom, please also let us know that by emailing; |
Operation Cleft
Dan Thomasson
2023-07-23 14:00:00Z |
You are on the duty roster - Please visit to view the dates. If you cannot fulfil your duty, please find a replacement and email as soon as possible.
Duty Roster
Frank Lunt
2022-08-31 14:00:00Z |
In this edition we share some of the promotional materials and resources which have been developed. Please contact ESRAG Oceania Chair Ted Waghorne if you would to receive files: at ted.waghorne@canterburyrotary.orgWe are seeking people to work with us on preparations and planning for the Rotary International Convention to be held in Melbourne in 2023. ted.waghorne@canterburyrotary.orgWe are also keen to hear from Rotarians and clubs about their environmental projects. Please send words{400-600} and images or a website/Facebook link and I would be delighted to share and celebrate your work. Please join us for the March chapter meeting to be held on Thursday 17 March where Marie Gerrard will speak to us about viruses and her work in virology. Lesley |
ESRAG Oceania Update
Christine Craig
2022-02-26 14:00:00Z |
The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.” – Al McGuire “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein “War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.” – Ambrose Bierce “It would be nice to spend billions on schools and roads, but right now that money is desperately needed for political ads.” – Andy Borowitz “At every party there are two kinds of people – those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.” – Ann Landers “Have you noticed that all the people in favour of birth control are already born?” – Benny Hill “The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.” – Bill Watterson “My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine.” – Caroline Rhea “All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.” – Casey Stengel “Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.” – Dave “How many people here have telekinetic powers? Raise my hand.” – Emo Philips “If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.” – George Burns “Too many birthdays is a major cause of death” - Yogi Berra
Life's Mysteries
Win Fowles
2022-02-26 14:00:00Z |
What do you do or say, when an innocent child asks you something so innocent and they are so serious? Read on and you'll discover the joy in it! These have to be original and genuine. No adult is this creative!! JACK (age 3) was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new baby sister... After a while he asked: 'Mom why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?' STEVEN (age 3) hugged and kissed his Mom good night. 'I love you so much that when you die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroom window.'
BRITTANY (age 4) had an ear ache and wanted a pain killer. She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: 'How does it know it's me?'
SUSAN (age 4) was drinking juice when she got the hiccups. 'Please don't give me this juice again,' she said, 'It makes my teeth cough.'
DJ (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: 'How much do I cost?'
CLINTON (age 5) was in his bedroom looking worried When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, 'I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in it?'
MARC (age 4) was engrossed in a young couple that were hugging and kissing in a restaurant. Without taking his eyes off them, he asked his dad: 'Why is he whispering in her mouth?'
TAMMY (age 4) was with her mother when they met an elderly, rather wrinkled woman her Mom knew. Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, 'Why doesn't your skin fit your face?'
JAMES (age 4) was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: 'The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.' Concerned, James asked: 'What happened to the flea?'
The Sermon I think this Mum will never forget.... This particular Sunday sermon... 'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust....' He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'
Funny Fowles
Win Fowles
2022-02-26 14:00:00Z |
Fighting achieves very little except tears and bloodshed. Find a different way to resolve the problem - let's start by talking!
February - Peace & Conflict
2022-01-14 14:00:00Z |
January - Vocational Services Month
Eve McCorkell
2021-12-16 14:00:00Z |
June - Rotary Fellowship Month
2021-12-16 14:00:00Z |
May - Youth Service Month
2021-12-16 14:00:00Z |
March - Water and Sanitation Month
2021-12-16 14:00:00Z |
February - Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month
2021-12-16 14:00:00Z |
This event has been rescheduled from 28th August to 30th October! Venue: QUEENSLAND AIR MUSEUM Date: 30th October Time: 5.30 - 10.00 pm Dress: After 5 attire Tickets: $100 pp includes free drink on arrival, Paella and Italian pastries, EFPOS Bar
Cirrus Aircraft Opera in the Hangar
2021-10-29 14:00:00Z |
Volunteers required to sell tickets for the 2021 Christmas Trailer Raffle! To view the roster and locations - click here.
Christmas Trailer Raffle
Dan Thomasson
2021-10-19 14:00:00Z |
A great day and plenty of fune! A very big thank you to the organiser... Secretary Christine Craig!
Rotary Rummage Sale
Dan Thomasson
2021-07-16 14:00:00Z |
Peter Hovey welcomed members and guests. International Toast Graham Carrol proposed his first ever International Toast to the Rotary Club of Racine, Wisonsin USA. Founder of Rotary International was born in Racine. The club was founded in 1917. The club has over 100 members with 65 awarded PHFs. The club meets for a Friday early morning breakfast meeting. Vocational Talk Michael Berris has a varied interesting career working in radio mechanics in the army, electronics and renewable energy. Michael has donated his time to many charities including the Salvation Army. Michael is a husband, father of 4 children and grandfather to 9 children. Director's Moments Geoff Leddy has requested the Youth Committee meet at 5:30pm on 22 July 2021. Will Waterford advertised the Pelican Waters Resort Art Show on 24-27 July 2021. President's Spot President Greig reminded members of the DG Cluster Conference to be held at Australia Zoo on 1 August 2021. The only way to pay is via the humantix website.
Notes from last meeting 15 July 2021
Dan Thomasson
2021-07-14 14:00:00Z |
July Theme - New Leadership
Dan Thomasson
2021-07-12 14:00:00Z |
CIRRUS AIRCRAFT Opera in the Hangar
Dan Thomasson
2021-06-16 14:00:00Z |
For those interested in wine and supporting ROMAC here is a great opportunity.
ROMAC Tyrell's Wine Offer
2021-03-08 14:00:00Z |
| Pauline spoke to the club on aspects of journalism and of politics as she had seen those two disciplines through the course of her working life. She left school with As in English,shorthand and typing. The latter 2 subjects being the norm for many girls of her era irrespective of their ability. Her early work was typing material to be used during television broadcasts. her hard work and ability were recognised and she gained the opportunity to qualify and work in television journalism. In the course of her presentation Pauline reflected on the changes in journalism over the last decades. A reflection which suggested to us that modern journalism is now less driven by substantiating facts but more on personalities and opinion making. Sadly her experiences as a political staffer left us with the impression there had also been a similar decline in traditional standards within the political environment. The club was entertained by anecdotes of Pauline’s experiences from cadet journalist, to regional newspapers, to the major newspaper houses and personal experiences with their owners. Her time within the political sphere provided us with anecdotes and intriguing insight of politics outside of the Chamber. |
Pauline Clayton on 26 November 2020
2020-11-25 14:00:00Z |
Supporting Teenagers Education Mothering Mentoring STEMM - Supporting Teenagers Education Mothering Mentoring Jacqui Dean, Paul Harris Fellow, creator of and driving force for the STEMM organisation described the work of STEMM, which offers a unique opportunity for teenagers though their pregnancy and motherhood especially where they have no other or little support networks. Running out of Burnside State High School in an independent unit funded operated by volunteers and self-supporting fundraising. It supports teenagers through pregnancy in their preparation for motherhood and also to maintain the development of their own education as they embark motherhood. The teenagers learn how to be loving mothers, to care for the child ,to balance motherhood and study as they work towards providing opportunity to the child that they had not been able to enjoy. The school provides assistance which recognises the need to also care for the babies and infants as the mothers engage in formal study – Tertiary Preparation Pathway, Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, certificate II Business, Literacy, Numeracy, Distance Education, Barista Certificate and First Aid Certificate all contribute to a rich palate of opportunity for the young women to choose from to meet their individual needs. There are also partnerships with TAFE and the University of the Sunshine Coast as well as vocational courses, all in the context of accommodating and respecting the importance of the mothers being able to care for their infants. The Club donated $5,000 to assist in maintaining/developing opportunities for each mother and child. 10 September 2020
2020-09-09 14:00:00Z |
Our hosts Amanda & Wroxton As part of our Vocational activities, we were guests of Wroxton and Amanda Innes business, the Saddlery Trading Co on 27 Aug 2020. Thank you so much to Wroxton & Amanda - you have a very successful business right here in Caloundra. We enjoyed the great company of the 29 who were there, great food prepared by Mark and his merry little helpers, a tour of the business and most importantly a wonderful time to share friendships. Wroxton and Amanda run a very impressive operation showcasing wise and efficient use of computerisation in all facets of the business. Impressive caterers Now that's a Warehouse Food glorious food
Vocational visit - Saddlery Trading Co.
2020-08-30 14:00:00Z |
2020-08-27 14:00:00Z |
A project sponsored by Caloundra Pacific utilising a RAWCS grant to take a teaching program to schools and communities in the developing world. It is a unique program in that it is wholly picture bases thus avoiding problems associated with illiteracy in the communities being served. The program manager is Rotarian Shirley Hayes-Cornish E: . To date the program is being delivered in Kenya, Timor Leste, the Phillippines, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda.
SHEP - Sexual Health Education by Pictures
Shirl Hayes-Cornish
2020-08-26 14:00:00Z |
Please ensure that you find a replacement member for your duties if you are unable to attend Duties | January 2021 | February 2021 | March 2021 | Meeting Sergeant | Tony Long | David Johnston | Geoff Leddy | Fellowship | Peter Hovey | Ken Hinkly | Mike Healy | Room Set-up | Jeff Blakely | Allen Morgan | Greig Lee-Archer | International Toast | David Millar | Barb Bailey | Don Wilkie | Intro Guest Speaker | | | | Thank Guest Speaker | | | | Bulletin Editor | David Johnston | David Johnston | David Johnston | Sergeant at Arms | Tony Long | David Johnston | Geoff Leddy |
Duties | April 2021 | May 2021 | June 2021 | Meeting Sergeant | Suzanne Lee-Archer | Stan Nawrocki | Mark Paton | Fellowship | Richard Hall | Allan Gillespie | Evelyn McCorkell | Room Set-Up | Patrick King | Will WSaterford | John Hayes | International Toast | Di Latham | Graeme Bowden | Kevin Curd | Intro Guest Speaker | | | | Thank Guest Speaker | | | | Bulletin Editor | David Johnston | David Johnston | David Johnston | Sergeant at Arms | Suzanne Lee-Archer | Stan Nawrocki | Mark Paton |
meeting duties
Ken Hinkly
2020-08-19 14:00:00Z |
Please ensure that you find a replacement member for your duties if you are unable to attend. Duties | January 2021 | February 2021 | March 2021 | Meeting Sergeant | Tony Long | David Johnston | Geoff Leddy | Fellowship | Peter Hovey | Ken Hinkly | Mike Healy | Room Set-up | Jeff Blakeley | Allen Morgan | Greg Lee-Archer | International Toast | David Millar | Barb Bailey | Don Wilkie | Bulletin Editor | David Johnston | David Johnston | David Johnston | | | | |
Meeting duties October 2020 and March 2021
David Johnston
2020-08-19 14:00:00Z |
Providing support to people admitted to hospital in a range of ways including nearby accommodation for families whose homes are too far away for there to be frequent and regular visits to the patient By medical equipment and innovative medical research. By providing additional care By providing additional medical equipment .... and more Our Club has donated $5,000 Wishlist to support families in the Sunshine Coast.
Kenneth Hinkly
2020-08-19 14:00:00Z |
There is a story with this trailer, it starts with the RotaryClubCaloundraPacificwho raffled it off as part of their Christmas promotion and fundraising. It w as won by a lady in Sydney, who redonated it back to our Club who in turn donated it through a Facebook Group called, #AdoptafarmersWife who then gifted it to us here at Granite Belt Drought Assist. A wonderful #payitforward moment.
Christmas Trailer Raffle
Eve McCorkell
2019-12-18 14:00:00Z |
A recipient of the Rotary University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund Scholarship, Brittany is a PhD student who has specialised in bee research.
Brittany Elliot 3 October 2019
Ken Hinkly
2019-10-06 14:00:00Z |
Please complete and collect at end of the meeting | | | If you don’t want to put your name, that’s OK, we just want to gauge your interest and support for this function. Proposed date 26th September – Partners Night At the Golf Club | | | Your name (optional) _____________________________________ | Yes | No | Is attracting new members to our Club important to you? | | | Would you like to see more local business people join us? | | | Do you and your partner like to dress up a bit occasionally? | | | Have you been to a cocktail part in the last 5 years? If you answered “No”, then would you like to go to one? | | | Can you compile a list of say 5+ employed people (with street address & Ph. No.) who live in the Caloundra area who are community minded? (An official invitation would be sent to them from the Club) | | | In this space, can you write down in 10-15 words what Rotary does? | | | Is it reasonable to expect that if we invite 100 people that 60 may RSVP “Yes” and 20 would join? | | | If this happened, would it be worth it? | | | Do you think September/Spring would be a good time to have this? | | |
Cocktail Party Questionaire
Eve McCorkell
2019-05-11 14:00:00Z |
International Toast Thursday 15 Nov 2018 This weekend APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders are meeting in Port Moresby PNG (our nearest neighbour). The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a regional economic forum established in 1989 to leverage the growing interdependence of the Asia-Pacific. APEC's 21 members aim to create greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration. The international toast this evening is to the Rotary Club of Port Moresby in District 9600. Tuesday 12 noon for 12.15pm, Park Royal Hotel | |
In 1957, Mike Woods, a former member of the Rotary Club of Bournemouth in the UK, arrived in Port Moresby and decided that it was time to start Rotary in Papua New Guinea. The Rotary Club of Port Moresby was chartered on 19 September 1957. The 2018 Golf raised close to K118,000 (A$60,000) and this would not have been possible if not of the team effort of the Rotary members and the Companies who donate and sponsor each year. Please join me in toasting the Rotary Club of Port Moresby PNG in our District 9600
International Toast to RC of Port Moresby
Peter Hovey
2018-11-19 14:00:00Z |
Report of meeting by Tania Cherry.
Meeting Notes 15 November 2018
Tania Cherry
2018-11-19 14:00:00Z |
Manfred opened the meeting. International Toast: Barb proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Kotor in Montenegro. It was chartered in June 2017 and meets at 7.30 on Wednesdays. 55% of members are female. Their projects include collection books for the local school and clothes for the mental hospital. Their fund raisers include a masked ball and a Booker Bay cruise. President Peter: Peter welcomed partners Kath, Hilde, May, Garry, Yvonne, Suzanne, Donna and exchange student Camilla. He noted that today was World Polio Day and that vaccination rates in Australia still have not yet reached the 95% of the population. Announcements: Barb reminded us that the Christmas breakup will be at the Golf Club on 20th December. There will be a competition for the best Christmas hat. She also needs volunteers to help set up. Dave Smith advised that he has ridden 1050kms on his bike this month in support of the Children’s Cancer Appeal, He hopes to reach 1200 kms. To break down the month so far: 13,256 riders are taking part from every state in the country and 79,652 individual rides have been logged. 58,384 individual donations have been received and an incredible $3,523,539 has been raised so far. The website has been viewed a total of 57,329 times from 171 different countries across the world. Together, we've ridden a total of 1,702,169km and pedalled for the equivalent of 3,189 days and 3 hours. To donate go to the web site Win spoke of his very pleasant time with Teresa (a former exchange student), Matais and their 3 delightful children. He and Sandy spent two days with them including time at the Octoberfest. Exchange Student: Camilla gave a short talk on her experiences so far. The highlights are- She is very grateful to Peter & Yvonne. Has visited a cheese factory, the Glasshouse Mountains. She has been at school for 3 months studying some very difficult subjects. She got an A+ in English and finds Physics challenging. Attended the Rotary orientation weekend where she met the other exchange students who are a great bunch. A trip to Sydney where she climbed the Bridge (Prince Harry & Meghan passed underneath as she climbed). Sergeant: Manfred was awarded the no bell prize but still did a great job. Guest Speaker: Past President Dan spoke on how he got into accounting. He grew up at Caves 20 kms north of Rockhampton, went to primary school there and secondary school at Cathedral College in Rockhampton. After year 12 he went to James Cook Uni and studied Pharmacy (which he did not finish) and joined the army. After the army he managed various bars and resorts in Townsville. With young sons he moved back to Rockhampton to work in his fathers printing business which he increased fourfold. He came to the coast and set up his own printing business and met the love of his life, Penny. He studied a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in accounting at the Sunshine Coast University. A highlight was being president of Caloundra Pacific and going to the Solomon Islands of projects. He was also the foundation secretary of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton – Fitzroy. He is also a councillor for outbound exchange students. Dan strongly recommends hosting. He married Penny in Tasmania on 23/12/2016. His business on the coast was struggling mainly due to high overheads and he took the decision to close it. He has since setup a new business called Fatboys and uses premises of a mate in Brisbane. He graduated from USC 3 weeks ago and has been invited to study for an honours degree. He now works for Pilot Partners, an accounting firm in Brisbane as a graduate accountant business manager. One of his clients is the Chinchilla Solar Farm and he also handles family trusts, BAS etc. He will be studying to be a Chartered Accountant sponsored by Pilot Partners. His goal is to set up his own business on the coast within 10 years.
Meeting Notes 25 October 2018
David Johnston
2018-10-28 14:00:00Z |
The time of the year has come again where I seek your support for the ROMAC Trivia Challenge to be held on Thursday 7th of March 2019 at Unity College. Please place this date in your Diary/ I phone. We ask that all members try and obtain a table of 8 and Stephen Thompson (Event Coordinator) with the assistance of Dave Handy will be following up members to appoint a team captain and obtain numbers coming. As you are aware, last year was great result for ROMAC with over 350 people attending on the night. ROMAC would be extremely appreciative and pleased if you can support this event and increase our numbers attending. This is a fantastic fund raising event and a major fund raiser for much needed funds for ROMAC to enable them to continue the lifesaving and /or dignity restoring surgery for children , mainly from the Oceania Region that cannot access this surgery in their own country. Many thanks for your past support. Yours in Rotary Service Bryan Mason OAM ROMAC Northern Region Committee
ROMAC Newsletter
David Johnston
2018-10-23 14:00:00Z |
"Bohemian Rhapsody" This Years Rotary Polio Movie
Mooloolaba Rotary Club
Marie Jameson
2018-10-23 14:00:00Z |
The following is from Ray White Real Estate: We require a volunteer to coordinate this project and a nominee as recipient of the gifts. How time flies with Christmas now just 10 weeks away! Its that time of year again and I trust you will recall the Ray White Caloundra and Ray White Golden Beach initiative, "A little ray of giving", which we have supported for a number of years now with our beneficiary being a preferred charity selected by Rotary. We would like to be involved again this year. We will have the trees up in both offices and will have marketing initiatives supporting this campaign. Can you please confirm if: a) a current contact for Rotary for us? b) the charity that you will select - and then whether it is boy/girl or male/female young adults etc to buy for or a mix of both; and c) pick up date from yourselves.
A Little Ray of Giving 2018
David Johnston
2018-10-23 14:00:00Z |
Manfred opened the meeting. International Toast: Barb proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Sarajevo International – Delta in District 1910. They meet on Wednesdays at 7.30pm at Restaurant Lovac. They have 25 members of which 13 are women. Their President is Zeljka Mudrocic and the meetings are carried out in English. The club has more than 8 countries represented in their membership & the club was formed in 2003. Fund raising includes a Diplomatic Winter Bazaar and a Winter Challenge. Projects are aimed at intellectually disabled and they have built a day centre for adults and teach photography to special needs children. See their web site President Peter: Peter welcomed all to the meeting and invited everyone to stay on for the board meeting. He announced the birthdays and anniversaries. Sergeant: Manfred did a great job as usual. Board meeting & open forum highlights: Correspondence included a thank you letter from ROMAC for the $23,000 raised from the last Trivia Night. Election of office bearers Club Service | Ross Harrison | Treasurer | Brian Reith | Community Service | Christine Craig | International Service | Dave Smith | Vocational Service | | Youth | | President Elect | | Secretary | Don Wilkie? |
The trailer is ready to go and the roster starts soon. Treasurer Brian reported that there is $15,230.61 in the club account. $36,292.64 in the project account. $16,596.47 in the term deposit. Brian advised that the project account has funds committed to projects that will reduce the balance to $13,000 effectively. Club service: The Christmas breakup will be at the Golf Club on 20th December. There will be a social night at the Power Boat Club on 13th November. Please check Club Runner for details. General business: No contact from sister club in South Korea Trailer raffle needs good signage. A suggestion to sponsor a club in the Aura area was made. Marilyn spoke on the Caloundra Greeters & Heritage Centre. She received approval in principal to follow up on: 1 Exploring options for cultural heritage centre. 2 Continuing with Caloundra Greeters. 3 Investigate the CCSA Hall as a possible site for the Heritage Centre. Motion passed to charge members for meals ordered.
Meeting notes 18 November 2018
David Johnston
2018-10-23 14:00:00Z |
Alex was born too long ago to remember. But what he does remember is being fascinated by radio in his childhood; a fascination and involvement that continues to this day. Strangely, radio never a became his career. As with many people, life has not been boring. The son of a clerk and very capable stay at home mum, Alex didn’t do well at school – he was more interested in radio! But that didn’t stop him going onto four very different and successful work lives, ending up with many (and different) technical qualifications, a degree in adult education, a postgraduate management certificate and a pilot licence which he used as a business tool for many years. Involvement in community radio started in earnest in the late ‘80s, initially in a support role. He moved to the microphone in the early ‘90s and commenced hosting his own radio program in 1995. What is this beast called community radio? How does it fit alongside commercial and public broadcasters? Is it just a bunch of amateurs ‘having a go’? And how does a modern radio station work? Alex will answer this and other questions in his presentation titled Community Radio – who needs it? Alex is married to his first wife Robynne. They have two grown up children who have given them five beautiful grandchildren, all girls – we’re specialists! Now living on the Sunshine Coast, with the aid of modern technology Alex continues as the presenter of Sunday Celebration from 6.00 – 9.00am on 96 five, Family Radio Brisbane.
Guest Speaker November 1
Christine Craig
2018-10-13 14:00:00Z |
The Caloundra Greeters volunteers met at the offices of McGrath Real Estate on Monday for a get together and morning tea. The rosters and communication were discussed. Marylin and Evelyn showed off the new summer vests that the Sunshine Coast Council kindly sponsored. These will make the volunteers visible and more comfortable in the coming summer months. A good morning was had by all.
Caloundra Greeters
David Johnston
2018-10-07 14:00:00Z |
Adam Benjamin. Director of Medifarm here on the coast is coming to speak at our Rotary Club on November 8, 2018. The farm is about to cultivate enough plants to produce Cannabis Oil for 5000 patients in need of this oil that has so many special qualities to relieve suffering.
Please could this article go into Cal Pac Capers or on our Club Runner to encourage partners and friends to come along to hear Adam speak. This is an innovative agribusiness for the coast and indeed has a strong social conscious component to the story about how it came to be established.
Marilyn Harris
2018-10-07 14:00:00Z |
A reminder for those interested in attending the CleftConnect Grand Trivia Night at 6pm on Saturday 13 October at Unity College. At this stage we have almost enough people for two tables of eight team members so please feel free to invite a friend(s). To register for the event you will need to log on to the CleftConnect Australia website. Here is the link . Our team name will be 'Rotary Caloundra Pacific' and we can sort out seating arrangements on the night. The cost is $35.00 each which you can pay by credit card when you register plus you will need to choose a meal out of a selection of three options.
CleftConnect Trivia Night
David Johnston
2018-10-07 14:00:00Z |
Meeting notes 4th October 2018 Les opened the meeting. International Toast: Barb Bailey proposed the toast to the Rotary of Zagreb Central in Croatia. Guests: Ruby & Chantal Rowling. Sergeant: Manfred Klink did a wonderful job of not missing anyone. Guest Speaker: Chantal spoke on her role as an exercise physiologist. Her main message was that we should get moving and keep moving. She spoke of six myths: 1 No pain, no gain. Pain IS a warning sign that we should take notice of. 2 Dieting alone will produce weight loss. We must exercise as well. 3 Spot exercise is good. (eg produce flat tummy). Total exercise and good diet is necessary. 4 Must spend a long time at training. Not necessary as short 10 minute sessions are adequate. 5 Exercise will cancel sedentary behaviour. No it doesn’t. 6 Aerobic exercise is sufficient for good health. No it isn’t, we need to do resistance training as well. Some of the benefits of regular exercise include good posture, better metabolism, reduced falls. Regular exercise will help to form a healthy habit in our lifestyle and we shouldn’t concentrate on weight loss alone. Stretching is very important, not before but after exercise. Stretches should be held for 30 seconds each. The many questions showed how involved the members were in Chantal’s presentation.
Meeting notes 4 October 2018
David Johnston
2018-10-07 14:00:00Z |
Annual Golf Day 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-26 14:00:00Z |
Our annual Charity Golf Day was a great success. The rain held off and both the serious golfers and the 'not so serious' teams enjoyed the course, a game of golf and spending the day with good people in a great setting. While the day is always fun and we hope everyone enjoys themselves enough to want to return next year, the reason so much effort is put into it, is that we raise much needed funds to assist in local projects. A BIG thank you to all for making the day run smoothly.
Charity Golf Day 2018
David Johnston
2018-09-19 14:00:00Z |
Volunteers will be required at Corbould Park Racecourse for the following RYDA days: Monday 15 October - 1pm - 3pm (set-up) Tuesday 16 October - 8am - 2pm (Beerwah State High School and Glasshouse Christian College) Wednesday 17 October - 8am - 3pm (Siena Catholic College and packing up) If you are available, please contact Geoff Leddy Email : Mobile : 0400 840 100 RYDA has been an incredibly successful program in our region, aimed at students who are approaching that time in their lives where they can independently use a car. The learning objectives for students attending RYDA are:
RYDA volunteers needed
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-19 14:00:00Z |
The Board of Rotary International at their April 2018 meeting made a decision to agree to the merger of Districts 9600, 9630, and 9640, effective 1 July 2021. The boundaries of our new district will encompass parts of the states of Queensland and New South Wales as well as Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Nauru. A Transition Reference Team has been established to oversee the transition and ensure everyone knows what is going on. This team will be supported by the Transition Leadership Team who will plan the transition and offer guidance to the six action committees: Administration, Finance and Governance ; Youth Foundation ; Services ; Membership and Public Image ; Training.
Provisional Rotary District 9620
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-19 14:00:00Z |

STRONGER TOGETHERShelterBox are project partners with Rotary International to create positive, lasting change in communities at home and all over the world. By working together, we are able to collaborate and combine resources to ensure that we can support more communities in desperate need of shelter. Rotarians and Rotary groups across the world support ShelterBox in a variety of ways, from raising funds to providing support on the ground during our response to a disaster. This enables us to cross boundaries and cut through red tape to reach even the most remote communities. 
ShelterBox assisting in Philippines
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-19 14:00:00Z |

STRONGER TOGETHERShelterBox are project partners with Rotary International to create positive, lasting change in communities at home and all over the world. By working together, we are able to collaborate and combine resources to ensure that we can support more communities in desperate need of shelter. Rotarians and Rotary groups across the world support ShelterBox in a variety of ways, from raising funds to providing support on the ground during our response to a disaster. This enables us to cross boundaries and cut through red tape to reach even the most remote communities. 
ShelterBox assisting in Lombok
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-12 14:00:00Z |
International Day of Peace Lecture
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-05 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Allen Morgan
They are our Clubs flying Rotarian who are flying across America, what fun. Ross said he had planned to fly under the "Golden Gate Bridge" but he has to find it first. (Ross said It's illegal but with this fog no one will see him so they will never know) Will he wait for the fog to lift to achieve his bucket mission or will he land short and end up on Alcatraz? What type of flying machine is Ross likely to use on his epic adventure a Biplane or Helicopter?   
This is a clear day above the clouds in San Francisco 
Captain Ross Harrison (our Rotary "Biggles") with co-pilot Robyn
Allen Morgan
2018-09-05 14:00:00Z |
Geoff Leddy - International Toast to R/C Toronto, Canada David Smith - Kiva brief Tony Long - Golf Day brief Tania Cherry - Sergeant Sundry reprobates (after the meeting closed)
Last week's meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-09-05 14:00:00Z |
Membership Month
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-29 14:00:00Z |
The drought is continuing and causing hardship for many. It doesn't only affect those on the land, but creates difficulty for the entire community. Rotary Clubs around the country are trying to make it easier for those in need. from District Governor's Newsletter August 2018  The Rotary Club of Murgon has been busy recently helping to facilitate donations to families affected by the drought. A chance conversation about the weather and the drought at the local markets resulted in the donation of a load of hay from the son of a Rotary member to go to a family who live at Loomberah, south of Tamworth. Murgon Club President, Heath Sander, contacted Brian Egan of Aussie Helpers, who offered to organise the transport. Heath then phoned several connections in the Tamworth area, including the District Governor and Rotary clubs to organise the unloading and smoko. Following media coverage of the hay donation, two local organisations contacted the Murgon club entrusting the club to facilitate getting their donations quickly to Queensland families who really needed it. After some research and phone calls with the Rev. Jenny Coombes of the Uniting Church in Longreach (previously of Murgon), who is a member of the Western Queensland Drought Appeal; with Damian Arthur, Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Longreach, also on the WQDA committee, and with Phillip Charles, PDG of District 9630, District Drought Committee Chair, representing the clubs in Roma, Charleville, Mitchell and St George who are on the front line of drought relief, the Murgon Club made the decision to distribute the donations between the three organisations to support their ‘on the ground’ efforts. The Longreach Rotary Club has been working on drought relief for the last 6 years.  They work in with the committee of the Western Qld Drought Appeal and also try to ‘plug the gaps’. Their immediate focus is to help communities get through the current drought conditions. To do this, some of their key drought related activities are: • Confidential cash drops where drought is made even worse through personal circumstances • Movie/BBQ Trailer events in the paddock to bring local families together for a night. They travel to remote towns and properties for this. • Free movies through the Longreach Star Cinema, to bring local families together, provide safe socialisation for local youth and for hard-working volunteers • Delivering Christmas hams to the smaller townships in the district • Cooking community BBQs to allow everyone in smaller communities to come together and reconnect • Providing free Q Fever vaccine, as this debilitating disease which affects rural workers is expensive to prevent and not subsidised through health programs • Supporting youth to attend sporting and other camps • Supporting local events for community cohesion (e.g. shows and fishing competitions) • Supporting Beds for Bush Kids and other school-based programs • Trucking drinking water to households which are close to running out • Trialling welding upskilling days to bring ‘the blokes’ together They advise that while people generally associate drought with only the rural sector, the reality is that drought has engulfed the entire community. Towns and businesses are suffering from decreased cash flow and business turnover and the knock-on effects of decreased employment causes people to pack up and leave and most never return. The Clubs from Charleville, Mitchell, Roma and St George in Rotary District 9630 Drought Appeal work on a similar basis and also emphasise that the drought affects the whole community. They have a voucher system for struggling families, arrange Family Social Days, and a Rotary Reading Assistance Program for young children. They also take a ‘whole of community’ approach and their vouchers are used in local businesses. They regularly travel to small, remote towns to run Family Days with BBQs, drinks, social and wellbeing activities. They said people such as hairdressers and massage therapists will often travel long distances to join them in places where those services don’t exist and donate their time for hours and hours. They have also had bush poets join them to provide some entertainment.
How some Rotary clubs are assisting drought stricken communities
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-29 14:00:00Z |
As you are all familiar with ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children) and the life-changing surgery provided by this wonderful organisation, I thought I would share a story of Rotaplast, an initiative which provides similar surgeries for people in Chile. Since 1993, Rotarians in Chile and the United States have teamed up to provide life-altering reconstructive surgeries By Diana Schoberg (downloaded from Ricardo Román was shopping with his wife at a department store in Chile in 2012 when a woman in her early 20s approached him. He didn’t recognize her, he confesses through an interpreter, but there were two good reasons: He had last seen her more than a decade earlier – and her smile had changed drastically. Román, a member of the Rotary Club of Reñaca, Chile, is the national coordinator of a program that has helped thousands of children in Chile with cleft lips, cleft palates, and other birth defects – including this stranger who now wanted to give Román a hug. “She told me, ‘This is my Rotarian smile,’” he recalls, his voice full of emotion. “It was a very gratifying moment.” The project got its start in 1993 when San Francisco (California) Rotarians, led by Peter Lagarias and Angelo Capozzi, sponsored a medical mission that performed reconstructive surgeries in Chile. That was the beginning of Rotaplast, a program that evolved into a nonprofit organization that has since sent teams to 26 countries. In 2004, Rotarians in Chile assumed leadership of the program in their country. Over the years, Chilean doctors became more involved and eventually the program expanded to include breast reconstruction for cancer patients. “It’s a great commentary on Rotary that you’ve got people in a Spanish-speaking country and people in an English-speaking country working together to get things accomplished,” says James Lehman, a plastic surgeon who joined the Rotary Club of Fairlawn, Ohio, USA, after working with Rotarians in Chile. In February, Lehman and a team of U.S. surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses visited Iquique, a Pacific port city and tourist hot spot about 80 miles south of Chile’s northern border. With financial help from the nearby Collahuasi copper mine, local Rotarians coordinate and pay for the medical team’s food, lodging, and in-country transportation. (Visiting doctors pay for their flights between the United States and Chile; an Ohio-based nonprofit funds the travel of some support staff.) More than 250 potential patients lined up early on a Saturday morning outside Ernesto Torres Galdames Hospital to try to get a spot on the team’s schedule. They had come from all over Chile, including a family who had traveled from Concepción, 1,400 miles to the south. About 600 children are born each year in Chile with cleft lips and palates, and though the government established eight centers to treat those abnormalities, the long wait list means corrective surgery can lie years in the future. “The demand exceeds the supply of people to take care of the patients,” Lehman explains. Using four operating rooms – one for cleft lip or palate, one for ear reconstruction, one for breast reconstruction, and one for other issues – the team got to work. Patients were chosen based on need and on the complexity of the surgery. By the end of their stay, the surgeons and their staff had operated on 82 patients. In many cases, however, the complete reconstruction may take multiple surgeries, and some patients return several years in a row to complete the procedure. But the final surgery doesn’t always signal an end to the relationship between a patient and Rotary. Román, who has coordinated the program since 2004, recalls an occasion involving the young woman he encountered in the department store. At Román’s invitation, she described her transformational cleft lip and palate surgeries at a Rotary district conference in Chile in 2012. Moved by her story, many in the crowd of 300 broke into tears, dazzled by her Rotarian smile. The team evaluated 250 potential patients; the team selected patients based on need and the complexity of each surgery. The team includes surgeons, nurses, an anesthesiologist, and a speech pathologist, as well as Rotaractors and Rotarians who handle logistics and translation.
Reconstructive surgery changing lives in Chile
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-22 14:00:00Z |
I just read that Boeing predicts need for 600,000 pilots with projections that airlines worldwide will need some 635,000 new pilots in the next 20 years. The company's 2018 Pilot and Technician Outlook also predicts airlines will need some 622,000 more aircraft technicians by 2037. Our guest speaker, Captain Joe Biffen, an airline captain flying for a Chinese carrier, will be talking about aviation and his career. It promises to be a very interesting evening.
Our next meeting....
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-22 14:00:00Z |
Appreciatively downloaded from
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-22 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Dan Thomasson on Aug 12, 2018
Do you know a potentially good guest speaker? If so we would like to have one guest speaker every Thursday night at the club meeting. Guest speakers receive a free meal. If you do know a guest speaker, please email Dan at and we will work together to find a suitable Thursday night.
Guest Speakers Required!
Dan Thomasson
2018-08-11 14:00:00Z |
Another reminder that the World Polio Eradication dinner will be held next month.
World Polio Eradication Dinner
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-08 14:00:00Z |
On Sunday, August 12, we held a BBQ at the Paddlesports Club in Maroochydore. President Pete, Camilla, Les P, Don W, Greig L-A, Tania C and Win F proudly represented us with their good humour and even better cooking skills. We grossed over $950, with lots of positive feedback from the kayakers.
Paddlesports BBQ
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-08 14:00:00Z |
Mission StatementROMAC provides surgical treatment for children in Australia and New Zealand from developing countries from our Pacific region in the form of life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country. Objectives- Provide hope and restore dignity to transform a child’s life
- Provide the best possible surgical and medical expertise
- Engage Rotary and the community at all levels to fund and support the ROMAC cause
- To maintain and improve the quality of the management process and ensure high quality governance of the ROMAC program
Patient SnapshotTo date, ROMAC has treated 512 children over the past 30 years. Here are the latest patient statistics about the ROMAC regions, countries and treatments to 30 June 2018.
ROMAC snapshot
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-01 14:00:00Z |
Disaster Aid International - rebuilding communities....together Disaster Aid International coordinates the work of its Country Partners to: - Respond to disasters with the supply of humanitarian aid to the affected communities and/or individuals until the needs determined by Disaster Aid International are reasonably addressed.
- Operate an Overseas Aid Fund, to be known as the Disaster Aid International Overseas Aid Fund, in order to provide relief and aid to those who are displaced by natural or other disasters;
- Train volunteers in administering humanitarian relief and aid;
- Provide education and training in aspects of disaster relief to individuals, community groups, businesses, schools and other organisations; and
- Work in partnership on humanitarian projects funded by other organisations, including Rotary clubs and Rotary districts.
Safe Water - A Basic Human Right :Disaster Aid Australia led a 'Breakout Session' at this years Rotary International Convention in Toronto, Canada on ‘Safe Water – A Basic Human Right’. Several of the board members travelled to Toronto to work on our stand in the International House of Friendship. Disaster Aid is a volunteer organisation at all levels from managing the delivery of aid overseas to doing office paperwork. You don't have to be a Rotarian, we welcome anyone who wants to be involved in helping people in developing countries. If you have some spare time and would like to assist email at
Disaster Aid
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-01 14:00:00Z |
August Member Birthdays Les Pontin - August 28 Spouse Birthdays Laura Hall - August 01 Denise Gillespie - August 02 Cheryl Leddy - August 14 Jenny Healy - August 16 Sandy Fowles - August 20 Mary Price - August 27 Anniversaries Yvonne and Peter Higgs - 4 August 1974 Ann and David Johnston - 8 August 1975 Mary and Frank Price - 15 August 1959 Frauke and Manfred Klink - 16 August 2014 Deborah and Stephen Thompson - 20 August 1976 Join Date Bryan Mason - 44 years (August 1) Paul Brennan - 1 year (August 3) Tania Cherry - 1 year (August 3) Nicole Martin - 1 year (August 3) David Johnston - 30 years (August 4) Peter Higgs - 4 years (August 26)
August Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-01 14:00:00Z |
Our guest speaker was Vicki Meyer from IFYS. Across Queensland from Toowoomba to Cairns, IFYS provides a range of accommodation, support and counselling services, ranging from Child Protection and Support Programs to the Coolum Civic Centre, Community Centres, Disability Services and Accommodation. IFYS can support individuals and/or their family/carer to have a level of choice and control over supports and services. The services they provide are holistic and tailored to the individual, to provide the best outcomes. All Integrated Family and Youth Service programs and services share an implicit belief in the following Four Pillars : .JPG) 1. Person Centred - the corner stone of the practice framework is a person centred approach. IFYS delivers a service informed by the needs, wishes and best interest of the service user. 2. Outcome Focused - IFYS provides services that build a capacity for self-reliance. This requires proactive attention to developing service users’ well-being as a whole.
3. Culturally Responsive - our practice values diversity, seeks to become informed and to demonstrate a commitment to cultural development. This includes addressing potential barriers to service delivery, relationship building and engagement with communities.
4. Collaborative - we recognise that service provision in the community is best undertaken within a network of government, non-government and other community supports and services. No single agency has the capacity or diverse expertise, skills and knowledge to meet the many needs that service users present us with.
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-01 14:00:00Z |
In Australia, farmers are the lifeblood of our country and they are in crisis. Record breaking heat and lack of rain means farmers are struggling to feed sheep and cattle, and keep crops alive. Families on the land are suffering and they need our help. Channel 9 and Rotary Australia have partnered with the National Farmers’ Federation, launching an appeal to big business and everyday Australians, so we can provide some emergency relief. 100% of donations goes to the farmers and is tax deductible via Rotary and RAWCS. Every dollar counts. The link for the donation page for the project is: The RAWCS website home page has the link also:
Help our farmers survive this drought
Tatiana Porter
2018-08-01 14:00:00Z |
Rotariana Against Malaria Conference 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-18 14:00:00Z |
Tonight's guest speaker was Roslyn Leslie from WILVOS, pictured with Acting President Barbara Bailey. WILVOS (Wildlife Volunteers Association Inc) has been operating for 25 years. Based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, WILVOS provides rescue, rehabilitation and release services to the local native fauna. Previously caring for wildlife under the umbrella of Queensland National Parks, WILVOS became an incorporated body back in 1995, operating with only 20 volunteers. Now 25 years later we have 290 members who all have a passion and desire to assist our native animals in need. With a dedicated hotline that operates 24 hours a day 365 days a year, WILVOS receives thousands of calls each year from members of the community requiring assistance for injured, orphaned or distressed animals. David Johnston thanked Roslyn for her interesting and informative presentation. The International Toast was proposed by Greig Lee Archer, and overseen by Will Waterford.
Photos from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-18 14:00:00Z |
DonateLife Week 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-18 14:00:00Z |
DonateLife encourages people to register as organ donors and increase the number of desperately needed donors in Australia. As Rotarians we have an opportunity to spread the word in our communities and also by issuing identical Press Releases to our local media. The Assistant Governor will coordinate the clubs to achieve the greatest impact.
Donate Life Week
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-18 14:00:00Z |
Queensland Air Museum Open Cockpit
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-11 14:00:00Z |
JULY Member Birthdays Christine Craig - 14 July Spouse Birthdays Margaret Reith - 06 July Anna Leadbetter - 16 July Anniversaries Marilyn Harris and Garry Pash - 1 July 2012 Nicole and Kurt Martin - 2 July 2010 Will and Donna Waterford - 5 July 1981 Aub and Lyn Tucker - 14 July 1974 Join Date Kevin Curd - 37 years (July 01) Win Fowles - 23 years (July 01) David Millar - 49 years (July 01) Don Wilkie - 25 years (July 01) Gordon Watson - 36 years (July 02) Peter Asher - 5 years (July 11) Mark Paton - 3 years (July 19) Allan Gillespie - 47 years (July 27)
July Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-07-04 14:00:00Z |
On May 23 2018, Rotary Clubs from across the Sunshine Coast met at the Innovation Centre to present 3 scholarship recipients of the Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund with their scholarships. Pictured above are the Rotary Club presidents. The guest speaker for the evening was Jan Becker, CEO of Becker Helicopters Group. Here are some photos of the scholarship winners followed by other shots from the evening.
Photos from the Annual Joint Meeting of Sunshine Coast Rotary Clubs
Tatiana Porter
2018-06-06 14:00:00Z |
 Rotary’s commitment to eradicating polio worldwide won Best Nonprofit Act in the Hero Awards of the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign, an international global citizens’ movement to tackle the world’s most important issues. The campaign is an initiative of PeaceJam Foundation and is led by 14 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, including the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Rigoberta Menchú Tum, with the ambitious goal of inspiring a billion acts of peace by 2020. Each year, the campaign picks two finalists in each of six categories for their work to make a measurable impact in one of the 10 areas considered most important by the Nobel laureates. Winners are chosen by people from around the world. Rotary and Mercy Corps were the two finalists in the Best Nonprofit Act category. Rotary and the five other winners will be recognized at a ceremony on June in Monaco. Betty Williams, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for her advocacy for peace in Northern Ireland, will present the award. Source: Rotary International
Rotary wins Best Nonprofit Act for its polio eradication work
Tatiana Porter
2018-06-06 14:00:00Z |
Cleft Connect Australia
Tatiana Porter
2018-06-06 14:00:00Z |
International toast - Win Fowles - Rotary Club of Guatemala City (see attached notes from Win) Menzies Club of Victoria - Mike Lawton - $111,000 raised from the collection of used postage stamps from letters. Bournemouth East Cliff - Richard Hall - Richard returned from a brief trip back home with good wishes from his previous Rotary Club and gifted RCP with a banner (see photo) Caloundra Garden and Pet Supplies - Wil Waterford - CGPS was nominated and recognised in Queensland Top 100 Small Businesses - earning him a “100 Faces of Small Business” badge and recognition as a small business ambassador Sergeant session - Les Pontin Guest Speakers - Greig Lee-Archer introduced Peter Woff and Jasmine Ranken from Cleft Connect Australia - - Jasmine was told at 20 week scan that baby Lucas had a cleft palate (hole in palate) - Peter and Jasmine created the charity Cleft Connect Australia to support, create awareness and provide care packs for mothers going through the same scenario - CCA provides Hospital Support Packs free of charge to patients and parents (contains bottle, information pamphlet and personalised ‘lip repair teddy bear’ with a replica scar) - Upcoming event - Trivia Night to raise funds for breast pumps for mothers unable to breastfeed because of babies cleft palate - Upcoming project to develop a directory of specialists and support services to distribute to new mothers - Rotary Caloundra Pacific board announced the club would donate $500.00 in support of the charity (Taken by Tania Cherry)
Notes from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-06-06 14:00:00Z |
My Trip to Australia Zoo In the first week of term 2 at school I went on a Maths Excursion to Australia Zoo. I do Maths B but the excursion was for Maths A students. My friends knew that I hadn't been to Austr alia Zoo before so they arranged with the teachers so I could come along. It was really nice even though it was raining a most of the day. The students needed to measure the zoo so we had to walk in the rain!! At least when it stopped raining I had the opportunity to pet a koala and some kangaroos. It was a nice experience.
Clarice's Adventures - Chapter 3
Tatiana Porter
2018-05-16 14:00:00Z |
Rotary and the University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund
Tatiana Porter
2018-05-02 14:00:00Z |
Caloundrra Pacific Volunteer Awards
Tatiana Porter
2018-05-02 14:00:00Z |
Donations in Kind
Tatiana Porter
2018-05-02 14:00:00Z |
Rotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community FundRotary and University of the Sunshine Coast Community Fund
Tatiana Porter
2018-05-02 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Marilyn Harris
 The Club orientation was conducted in addition to two orientation sessions for friends of Rotary who have agreed to act as volunteer Caloundra Greeters. We need more volunteers to make this work so please encourage your friends and promote through your networks. We have posted the call for volunteers around town and an ABC Radio interview was made. Various other publicity opportunities have been taken up. Please support the program as it not only provides an excellent opportunity for community service but is an opportunity to showcase Rotary in our town. Our inaugural week has been met with a resounding appreciation by business owners and the community. All the volunteers have really enjoyed their role and also the 2 for 1 coffee at various sponsoring cafés around town has been a welcome time to take a break. Congratulations to all our volunteers. You have done a great job supporting our town and Rotary. I would like to especially thank Evelyn for an extraordinary amount of work to help get the program up and running . Also to Graeme Bowden for allowing us to use his shop as the sign on/ off point for Caloundra Greeters until the Transit Centre is ready for our occupation within the Arts and Heritage pop up space on the ground floor. Well done everyone -and for those who have not joined us yet - you will not be disappointed if you are able. Please let Evelyn know of your roster requirements well in advance - it will be a wonderful help. Thankyou!
Caloundra Greeters
Marilyn Harris
2018-05-02 14:00:00Z |
MAY Member Birthdays Manfred Klink - May 04 Spouse Birthdays Lisa Paton - May 15 Anniversaries Kerry and David Smith - May 06 1972 Cheryl and Geoff Leddy - May 10 1969 Lyn and Bryan Mason - May 23 1957 Join Date
May Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-04-30 14:00:00Z |
On Thursday evening we visited the Smart Centre, located at 63 Bulcock Street, Caloundra.  The Smart Centre and Living Lab showcases real-time results and examples of the smart city technology currently being tested. The technologies were looking at ways to create a sustainable city via Smart lighting, Smart parking, a Smart regional management platform, Smart waste, Smart water, and Smart Wi-Fi. This incorporated things like parking apps which alerts motorists of available car parks, free high speed public Wi-Fi, transport information to direct traffic to the least busy route, environmental water sensors providing data in real time which link irrigation systems to weather forecasts, and rubbish bins that sense when they need emptying. The council is testing these technologies in the Living Lab before they are installed in key locations throughout the region, including Caloundra CBD, new Maroochydore City Centre and Oceanside Health Hub. We also met Cassie - their robot. She is typically responsible for greeting guests as they enter the building but we saw her dance - and she provides her own music too. The Sunshine Coast has again been named a Smart21 community for 2018 by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), during the 4th Annual Next Gen Tech Conference in New York City. “The announcement means more than just being a semi-finalist for an international award,” Mayor Jamieson said. “The Smart21 represent the best models of economic, social and cultural development in the digital age as judged by ICF and a team of independent analysts. “It’s an excellent outcome that continues to support our region and our economy as being healthy, smart and creative.
Getting Smarter
Tatiana Porter
2018-04-18 14:00:00Z |
Here is a new Roster for May. If you are unable to fullfil duties, please advise the Service Director or President Peter. | May 3 | Chair | Peter Higgs | Registration Desk | Brian Reith | Meeting Registration | Greig Lee-Archer | Fellowship | Stephanie Day | Room Set Up | Cedric Gowlett | Sergeant-at-Arms | Les Pontin | International Toast | Ben Haycroft | Monthly Sargeant | Tony Long |
Club Roster
Tatiana Porter
2018-04-11 14:00:00Z |
Many of you travel and meet fellow Rotarians when you visit other clubs far from home. This is just a note to remind you that if you can’t attend our meeting, you can still do a local make-up. Here are the details of other clubs in our district. Rotary Club | Meeting Time | Place | Contact | Caloundra | Tuesday 6:30AM | Oaks Oasis | Peter Davis 0432 472 126 | Mooloolaba | Monday 6:30PM | Mooloolaba Surf Club | David Mares 0412 217 828 | Kawana Waters | Monday (2&4) 6:00PM | Kawana Waters Surf Club | DeAnna Delaney 0408 966 332 | Maroochydore | Thursday 5:45PM | Sands Tavern | Vicki Cooper 0412 802 215 | Buderim | Friday 12:30PM | Buderim Tavern | Bob Acaster 0412 137 363 | Sunshine Coast Central | Thursday 6:00PM | Maroochy River Golf Club | Gary Davis 0466 844 032 |
Other clubs in our district
Tatiana Porter
2018-04-11 14:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific funds international community development projects through Kiva. Kiva is a nonprofit with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Using microfinance principles, by lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. A current summary of our Kiva lending is presented below with a bit of information on one of our current recipients.
Kiva Update
Tatiana Porter
2018-04-04 14:00:00Z |
Notes from the Meeting on March 22, 2018 (provided by Marilyn Harris) President Peter welcomed Rotarians and guests and gave a report from the Board meeting. He promoted our Clubs commitment to the Caloundra Greeters program scheduled to commence on May 3, 2018, encouraging all members to play a part in this golden opportunity to provide a community service, welcoming people to Downtown Caloundra and creating a vibrancy in the area with business owners , locals and visitors alike and to profile Rotary in the main street of Caloundra, 2 days a week. Terese Finegan , Economic Development and Major Projects Manager, Downtown Caloundra was welcomed as our guest speaker. RI Toast: Kevin Curd gave an interesting summary of the extraordinary fund raising and community service activities of the 500 strong membership of the Rotary Club of San Diego, California. AGM: The AGM was conducted meeting our Constitutional obligations and with appropriate attention to the Clubs Financial report presented by Mike Healy( acting for Brian Reith as Treasurer). Moved by Mike Healy . Seconded by Don Wilkie. All in favour. The club is in a healthy financial position. Sip Save Shop fundraising event: Suzanne Lee - Archer and her helpers ( from Inner Wheel and Rotary) were congratulated for the very pleasant and successful ($1400) fund raising event in aid of the Hamlin Fistula Foundation. The event was held at the Aspinalls delightful home and was much appreciated. Our Rotary Club was thanked by Greig Lee-Archer on behalf of Suzanne for our contributions in many ways. Induction: Will Waterford - Past President was re- inducted to our Club. Welcome back Will and Donna. You and your family have been an integral part of our Club and we look forward to continuing friendship and working for our community with you. RYDA: The 10 year celebration of RYDA is on Friday March 23, 2018 at the golf club with Dr Bridie Parker- an Internationally reknowned researcher on youth driver behaviours. This is a wonderful milestone for RYDA and Rotary recognising the many volunteers, as well as the contribution of Sunshine Coast Council, State and federal government , Glasshouse Mountain Coaches, the Corbould Park Racecourse and all the Secondary Schools in the region. Well done everyone especially to the champions from our Club - Kevin Curd, Bruce Radford, Brian Reith, Geoff Leddy and the many team workers who contribute to the RYDA days being so successful. Riki Tiki: Conducted with gusto by Mike Healy and amongst the hilarity was won by non other than Dave Handy. THERE WILL BE NO MEETING NEXT THURSDAY BEING THE EVE OF EASTER. Guest Speaker: Introduced by Marilyn Harris and was thanked by Peer Higgs Terese Finegan gave a heartfelt story of her experience as a Rotary Exchange student 33 years ago in Campbell River Vancouver Island and expressed her gratitude to Rotary and the legacy it has left her ( and now her family) with. Her role is to revitalise the Downtown Caloundra area and she sees an important opportunity and role for Rotary in this. She is appreciative of working with our Club on the Caloundra Greeters program as a precurser to the Caloundra Cultural Heritage Centre, as part of an arts and heritage precinct which will become a focal point in Downtown Caloundra. Terese encourages us all to become familiar with the Downtown Caloundra Master Plan in order to help us engage and become an integral component of Downtown Caloundra along with the Business community, local residents and visitors alike. The Caloundra Greeters program will touch peoples lives and make Rotary visible - showing Rotary at work and giving Rotary leverage in the community. Practically, the Caloundra Greeters program will help to bring Bulcock St alive with stories of the past, greetings for today and unbelievably wonderful opportunities for a cohesive village atmosphere for the future. The Caloundra Greeters will have signage, a place in the revitalised Transit Centre and visible vests to wear when on roster. Terese explained that Stage 4 of the Bulcock Street streetscape project will commence in April - November between Minchinton St and Knox Avenue. Our Club has a golden opportunity to be involved in the evolution of Bulcock Street along with the business community and residents. It was pleasing to hear some thoughtful questions and discussion. Raffle prizes were sought after with many oohs and arhhs at wins and losses. Remember no meeting next week on March 29th. HAPPY EASTER - see you all next on April 5. The meeting closed at 8.10pm. OPEN: Les Pontin opened the meeting, with a tuneful singing of the Anthem lead by David Millar, the Four Way Test, our Toast and Rotary Grace. WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Kevin Curd proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Honolulu. ANNIVERSARIES: were announced by Peter Higgs. TO MAKE YOU SMILE: Mike Lawton shared the following joke: When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED! UPDATES: - This year we are welcoming an exchange student from Norway. The Caloundra Club is receiving a student from France.
- The Rotary Club of Sunshine Coast Central is holding the inaugural Sunshine Coast Police Officer of the Year. The Award ceremony will be held at the Maroochy River Golf Club on May 9. Anyone can nominate - details below.
- Peter Higgs informed us the 'Casablanca Evening' has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers. For those wanting to attend they can still go on Saturday night. We will now have a movie night next Thursday.
- Marilyn Harris provided an update on the Cultural Heritage Project - she was excited to announce that we will be involved in the first stage - Caloundra Greeters - very soon. If you love Caloundra and you love Rotary then this is certainly a project for you. Our club made a commitment to the development of a Cultural Heritage Centre a year ago, and we now have an opportunity to start. More details are in the story below.
- Bryan Mason thanked all those who participated in the ROMAC Trivia Night. Numbers are still to be finalised but we raised over $20,000.
- David Smith provided an update on our Kiva loan. Last week the Kiva Committee (of one) approved 4 new loans to 4 more people. Kiva provides us with an opportunity to re-lend the same money and really make a difference. Have a look at the story below.
- David Smith also updated us on our Smith Family sponsorship - we will be renewing this on April 1 and increasing from supporting one child to two.
- Greig Lee-Archer reminded us that Swap and Shop raising funds for the Hamlin Fistula Foundation was on Sunday 10th March.
SAVE THE DATES: Barbara Bailey gave us the following dates for our calendars: - April 19th - Vocational Visit to the Smart Centre in Bulcock Street from 6-7pm with dinner somewhere afterwards.
- May 10th - Volunteers Night
- May 31st - TAFE Dinner
Barbara also said she would be pleased if someone else wanted to serve as Vocational Service Director, so please let Peter Higgs know before the AGM. ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH: Peter Hovey was named Rotarian of the Month for among other things, the great job he did on Trivia Night. As Trivia Master he compiled the questions, sorted the power point, and kept things running smoothly on the night. He did it with great humour, an authoritative voice and a shiny blue waistcoat. Congratulations Peter! Well deserved. WORDS OF WISDOM : Barbara Bailey shared a thought on losing driving skills as we age. It is not uncommon for one person, often a husband, to take on the driving duties. The only problem is that if something happens to the driver, the other partner may not feel confident driving any more. So she urged us all to ensure we maintain our driving skills and encourage our partners to do so. SERGEANT’S SESSION: Les was in fine form. CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.
Notes from the meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-21 14:00:00Z |
First some Rotary history – the first club was formed in 1905 in Chicago , the 2nd in 1908 in San Francisco and the 3rd in Oakland in 1909 and the first International Club in Winnipeg in 1910. This time last year Joan and I spent a few days in San Diego before embarking on our cruise through the Panama Canal. San Diego has many attractions including: the San Diego Zoo; Balboa Park; the Old Town; Little Italy; and several museums including the Aircraft Carrier, “Midway”. There are 5 Rotary clubs in the city and tonight we toast the Rotary Club of San Diego which was the 33rd Rotary Club to be established. The “seed” for Rotary came to downtown San Diego with Ernie Shiels a builder who met with ten other leading young San Diegans in September 1911. The club was formally chartered in 1913 and is currently the 5th largest in the world with over 500 members. The current president is Bob Russell and they meet for lunch at noon on Thursdays in the Liberty Station Conference Centre. Their goal is to improve the community in which they live as well as the world beyond and this is managed through 60 service committees –they have 17 youth service committees and several committees for each of the avenues of service. Their annual report 2016/2017 states they spent the following amounts on projects: $106112 on youth; $62819 on vocational service; $29160 on community service and $87322 on international . They have a foundation with a balance of $3.8million with an income of $403,977 last year comprising : donations - $146300; auction proceeds - $115945; and endowment - $141732. Friends let us toast the Rotary club of San Diego. (proposed by Kevin Curd)
International Toast Rotary Club of San Diego
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-21 14:00:00Z |
Volunteer Awards 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-18 14:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 15, 2018
On Friday 23rd March 2018 RYDA Caloundra will be celebrating 10 years: 2009 -2018. Just a reminder to all those attending that the celebrations will be at the Caloundra Golf Club from 6.00 - 8.30pm.
10 Years of RYDA
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-14 14:00:00Z |
The Vocational Service Committee is once again organising a night to honour volunteers in our community. We would expect those nominated to have given some significant service to fill a need in any number of organisations. Nominations should be received by April 19. Please fill in the information requested below and hand to a member of the Vocational Service Committee, President Peter or myself. Thank you, Barbara Bailey Director Vocational Service Committee 0407633086
Volunteer Awards Night May 10 2018
Barbara Bailey
2018-03-14 14:00:00Z |
Rotarians will know that on 26 February 2018 an Earthquake of 7.5 magnitude occurred about 3.00am in an area of the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Due to the isolated location access has been very difficult. The PNG Army has been working with assistance from RAAF Chinook helicopters and C130 Hercules aircraft. However due to landslides and damage to roads and bridges very little other support is getting through The area is still suffering aftershocks, with villagers not prepared to go back to their homes. The current death toll has risen to 125 with over 35,000 displaced. District has established a fund through Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) to aid the recovery. Past District Governor Charles Guesdon is the Project Manager ably assisted by Assistant Governor and PNG Liaison Mary Grant. Donations to this fund are tax deductable through RAWCS. District will make available $10,000.00 from the District Disaster Fund and clubs and members may make contributions through the following link: The Project name is: Papua New Guinea Southern Highlands Earthquake recovery. RAWCS ref 75-2017-18. Further details will be circulated as they come to hand.
PNG is an important part of our District and need our support following this disastrous event.
Please consider and give generously.
Together in Rotary Service,
John Lane
Governor 2017-18
Papua New Guinea Earthquake
2018-03-14 14:00:00Z |
I found this on the website of the Rotary Club of Bournemouth East Cliff, Richard Hall's old club. I hope you enjoy it. This was an article submitted to a 1999 Louisville Sentinel contest to find out who had the wildest Christmas dinners ... It won first prize. As a joke, my brother Jay used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them. What they say about Santa checking the list twice must be true because every Christmas morning, although Jay's kids' stockings overflowed, his poor pantyhose hung sadly empty. One year I decided to make his dream come true. I put on sunglasses and went in search of an inflatable love doll. They don't sell those things at Wal-Mart. I had to go to an adult bookstore downtown. If you've never been in an X-rated store, don't go. you'll only confuse yourself. I was there an hour saying things like, 'What does this do?' 'You're kidding me!' 'Who would buy that?' Finally, I made it to the inflatable doll section. I wanted to buy a standard, uncomplicated doll that could also substitute as a passenger in my truck so I could use the car pool lane during rush hour. Finding what I wanted was difficult. 'Love Dolls' come in many different models. The top of the line, according to the side of the box, could do things I'd only seen in a book on animal husbandry. I settled for 'Lovable Louise.' She was at the bottom of the price scale. To call Louise a 'doll' took a huge leap of imagination. On Christmas Eve and with the help of an old bicycle pump, Louise came to life. My sister-in-law was in on the plan and let me in during the wee morning hours. Long after Santa had come and gone, I filled the dangling pantyhose with Louise's pliant legs and bottom. I also ate some cookies and drank what remained of a glass of milk on a nearby tray. I went home, and giggled for a couple of hours. The next morning my brother called to say that Santa had been to his house and left a present that had made him VERY happy, but had left the dog confused. She would bark, start to walk away, then come back and bark some more. We all agreed that Louise should remain in her pantyhose so the rest of the family could admire her when they came over for the traditional Christmas dinner. My grandmother noticed Louise the moment she walked in the door. 'What the hell is that?' she asked. My brother quickly explained, 'It's a doll.' 'Who would play with something like that?' Granny snapped. I kept my mouth shut. 'Where are her clothes?' Granny continued. 'Boy, that turkey sure smells nice, Gran,' Jay said, to steer her into the dining room. But Granny was relentless. 'Why doesn't she have any teeth?' Again, I could have answered, but why would I? It was Christmas and no one wanted to ride in the back of the ambulance saying, 'Hang on Granny, hang on!' My grandfather, a delightful old man with poor eyesight, sidled up to me and said, ' Hey, who's the naked gal by the fireplace?' I told him she was Jay's friend. A few minutes later I noticed Grandpa by the mantel, talking to Louise. Not just talking, but actually flirting. It was then that we realized this might be Grandpa's last Christmas at home. The dinner went well. We made the usual small talk about who had died, who was dying, and who should be killed, when suddenly Louise made a noise like my father in the bathroom in the morning. Then she lurched from the mantel, flew around the room twice, and fell in a heap in front of the sofa. The cat screamed. I passed cranberry sauce through my nose, and Grandpa ran across the room, fell to his knees, and began administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. My brother fell back over his chair and wet his pants. Granny threw down her napkin, stomped out of the room, and sat in the car. It was indeed a Christmas to treasure and remember. Later in my brother's garage, we conducted a thorough examination to decide the cause of Louise's collapse. We discovered that Louise had suffered from a hot ember to the back of her right thigh. Fortunately, thanks to a wonder drug called duct tape, we restored her to perfect health. I can't wait until next Christmas.
Just for a laugh
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-14 14:00:00Z |
 Terese Finegan, Downtown Caloundra Curator, is coming to speak at the meeting this week to discuss the Sunshine Coast Council's plans for Caloundra including the incorporation of a Heritage Centre. As you may have heard, to get the project up and running there is a plan to reinvent the Transit Centre as an Arts and Heritage hub, with the introduction of “Caloundra Greeters”. This is a chance for our club to be involved early in the project as we showcase Caloundra and heighten the profile of Rotary. Please come to the meeting to hear about the exciting changes in Caloundra, and if you are interested, how you can be involved, and bring any other interested parties. Also a reminder that there is potential for partnership with the Rotary Club of Caloundra, so President Peter Davis and Director of Community Services James Condon will also attend.
Caloundra Heritage Centre
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
  Kevin Curd made the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Honolulu. Over 100 years have passed since two Hawaiian business men aboard the luxury liner Lurline sailing from San Francisco to Honolulu had a conversation about a new community service organisation called Rotary. This led to the establishment of the first Rotary club in Hawaii on the 1st July 1915 . Today , this club still exists as the Rotary Club of Honolulu . Since then an additional 49 clubs have been chartered and thrive throughout the state of Hawaii. The rotary club of honolulu has 160 members comprising business, civic and community leaders both young and old. They meet weekly at noon on a Tuesday in the Monarch Room of the famed “Pink Palace” – the Royal Hawaiian Hotel located in Waikiki. One of the current rotary projects is the creation of “Centennial Park”. A walk amongst the modern concrete tourist mecca reveals little in the way of culture or history and even less ‘green space’. To a small degree this will soon change. Thanks to the efforts of the Rotary Club of Honolulu and Rotarians throughout the state of Hawaii the only remaining undeveloped land in central Waikiki will soon be transformed from a barren debis-strewn gravel lot into an oasis of greenery , education, culture and history. They describe the vision as follows: -historic “roto-stone” markers -Rotarian – planted gardens -elevated “Paul Harris” performance lawn -rolling “Grand Lawn” -regal wrought iron/stone wall fencing -natural stone seating -meandering natural stone walkways -expansive shade trees
International Toast Rotary Club of Honolulu
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
On March 8 2018 the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific welcomed Richard Hall as its newest member. Rotarian Greig Lee-Archer introduced Richard Hall as an eager, jovial guy who plays Riki Tiki well. Richard is a long-standing Rotarian who is transferring from the Rotary Club of Bournemouth East Cliff to our club. Richard has recently moved to the Sunshine Coast with his wife Laura, following their children and grandchildren to this part of the world. Richard is a chartered management accountant with experience of working internationally including in Canada, Argentina and Thailand and being based in Europe. We are pleased to welcome him to our club. Richard thanked us for the generous welcome and indicated that the move to Australia was not in his 'life plan'.
Welcome, Richard Hall.
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
As you know, our district is being redrawn to include a much larger area. Wendy Gilson, Assistant Governor Sunshine South, informed us that the vote on redistricting was as follows: - 50 clubs (75% of all clubs in the district) voted
- 42 clubs (64% of the district) accepting the proposal
As a new Rotarian, I assumed it was just an 'administrative' thing. It wasn't until I ventured to another club that I heard people saying things about leaving Rotary because of this change, so I thought I'd share my thoughts. It is unfortunate that people feel disengaged, disenchanted and excluded when change is forced from a centralised power. BUT that is why we have our club. In our club, we can host a golf day that supplies wetsuits to LifeFlight to save lives, or we can work with other local clubs to build a house to support women and children leaving violent relationships, and at the same time we can link with clubs around the world to eradicate a disease globally. For all the frustration that centralisation causes people on the ground, Ken Hinkly's presentation on the interdependence between Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation, and the fact that this great humanitarian organisation has been serving the community for over 100 years is testament to its strength, its benefit to the community and its relevance today.
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Sunday 4th March was clean up Australia Day. A big THANK YOU to David Millar, Les Pontin, Kevin Curd, Mike Healy and Greig Lee-Archer, who represented the club! A great effort to support this great initiative.
Clean Up Australia 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Play Your Age A woman is having a bad day at the roulette tables in Vegas. Down to her last $100, completely exasperated, she cries, “What horrible luck! What in the world should I do now?” A gentleman next to her, trying to calm her down a bit, suggests, “I don’t know… Why don’t you play your age?” He walks away. Moments later, he is intrigued to hear a great commotion at the roulette table. Maybe she won! Rushing back to the table and pushing his way through the crowd, he is stunned to see the lady lying limp on the floor, with the table operator kneeling over her. He asks, “What happened? Is she all right?” The operator replies, “I don’t know, buddy…. She put all her money on 29. When 36 came up she fainted!” Fast Drinker A man goes into a bar and seats himself on a stool. The bartender looks at him and says, "What'll it be buddy?" The man says, "Set me up with seven whiskey shots and make them doubles." The bartender does this and watches the man slug one down, then the next, then the next, and so on until all seven are gone almost as quickly as they were served. Staring in disbelief, the bartender asks why he's doing all this drinking. "You'd drink them this fast too if you had what I have." The bartender hastily asks, "What do you have pal?" The man quickly replies, "I have a dollar."
Religious Horse There's this guy who had been lost and walking in the desert for about 2 weeks. Finally, he sees the home of a missionary. Tired and weak, he crawls up to the house and collapses on the doorstep. The missionary finds him and nurses him back to health. Feeling better, the man asks the missionary for directions to the nearest town. On his way out the backdoor, he sees a horse. He goes back into the house and asks the missionary, "May I borrow your horse to get me into town?" The missionary says, "Sure - but there is a special thing about this horse. You have to say 'Thank God' to make it go and 'Amen' to make it stop." Not paying much attention, the man says, "Sure, ok." So he gets on the horse and says, "Thank God" and the horse starts walking. Then he says, "Thank God, thank God," and the horse starts trotting. Feeling really brave, the man says, "Thank God, thank God, thank God" and the horse takes off running. Pretty soon he sees this cliff coming up and he's doing everything he can to make the horse stop. "Whoa, stop, hold on!!!!" Finally he remembers, "Amen!!" The horse stops 4 inches from the cliff. Then the man leans back in the saddle and says, "Thank God." Potato Patch An old man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his potato garden but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His only son Fred, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament. Dear Fred, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over I know you would dig the plot for me. Love, Dad A few days later he received a letter from his son. Dear Dad, For heaven's sake, don't dig up that garden! That's where I buried the BODIES! Love, Fred At 4am the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son. Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances. Love, Fred All jokes from
Just for Laughs
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Notes from the Meeting on March 8, 2018 OPEN: Les Pontin opened the meeting, with a tuneful singing of the Anthem lead by David Millar, the Four Way Test, our Toast and Rotary Grace. WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Kevin Curd proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Honolulu. ANNIVERSARIES: were announced by Peter Higgs. TO MAKE YOU SMILE: Mike Lawton shared the following joke: When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. When you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED! UPDATES: - This year we are welcoming an exchange student from Norway. The Caloundra Club is receiving a student from France.
- The Rotary Club of Sunshine Coast Central is holding the inaugural Sunshine Coast Police Officer of the Year. The Award ceremony will be held at the Maroochy River Golf Club on May 9. Anyone can nominate - details below.
- Peter Higgs informed us the 'Casablanca Evening' has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers. For those wanting to attend they can still go on Saturday night. We will now have a movie night next Thursday.
- Marilyn Harris provided an update on the Cultural Heritage Project - she was excited to announce that we will be involved in the first stage - Caloundra Greeters - very soon. If you love Caloundra and you love Rotary then this is certainly a project for you. Our club made a commitment to the development of a Cultural Heritage Centre a year ago, and we now have an opportunity to start. More details are in the story below.
- Bryan Mason thanked all those who participated in the ROMAC Trivia Night. Numbers are still to be finalised but we raised over $20,000.
- David Smith provided an update on our Kiva loan. Last week the Kiva Committee (of one) approved 4 new loans to 4 more people. Kiva provides us with an opportunity to re-lend the same money and really make a difference. Have a look at the story below.
- David Smith also updated us on our Smith Family sponsorship - we will be renewing this on April 1 and increasing from supporting one child to two.
- Greig Lee-Archer reminded us that Swap and Shop raising funds for the Hamlin Fistula Foundation was on Sunday 10th March.
SAVE THE DATES: Barbara Bailey gave us the following dates for our calendars: - April 19th - Vocational Visit to the Smart Centre in Bulcock Street from 6-7pm with dinner somewhere afterwards.
- May 10th - Volunteers Night
- May 31st - TAFE Dinner
Barbara also said she would be pleased if someone else wanted to serve as Vocational Service Director, so please let Peter Higgs know before the AGM. ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH: Peter Hovey was named Rotarian of the Month for among other things, the great job he did on Trivia Night. As Trivia Master he compiled the questions, sorted the power point, and kept things running smoothly on the night. He did it with great humour, an authoritative voice and a shiny blue waistcoat. Congratulations Peter! Well deserved. WORDS OF WISDOM : Barbara Bailey shared a thought on losing driving skills as we age. It is not uncommon for one person, often a husband, to take on the driving duties. The only problem is that if something happens to the driver, the other partner may not feel confident driving any more. So she urged us all to ensure we maintain our driving skills and encourage our partners to do so. SERGEANT’S SESSION: Les was in fine form. CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.
Notes from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
- Event: Annual award of three scholarships ($4k each) under auspices of the Rotary and Uni of Sunshine Coast Community Fund (RUSCCF).
- Guest Speaker: Captain Jan Becker - CEO of Becker Helicopters & a USC Outstanding Alumni of Year awardee in 2017. More here: . Vice-Chancellor Professor Greg Hill also usually attends & speaks when he's in town.
| Jan Becker has been the CEO since the creation of Becker Helicopters in 1995. As CEO, Jan leads the non-operational side of the business, including: |
- Venue: Innovation Centre, USC.
- Date: WEDNESDAY 23 May from 6pm.
Further details will be provided when we receive the formal invitation. From past events we know it usually starts by 7.30pm, costs $30pp, includes dinner with a cash bar operated by the Rotary Club of Maleny. All proceeds to RUSCCF. This counts as our weekly meeting so there will be no meeting on Thursday 24 May. Our club makes a contribution each year and 13 of the Coast Clubs do the same. Attendance is usually around 200 and for those who haven't been before this is a major Rotary function and the only one where all Coast clubs can get together annually for an enjoyable and rewarding event.
Save the date - 23rd May 2018
Win Fowles
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
We envision a world where all people hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others. from the Kiva Website
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
The search has begun to find the Police Officer of the Year here on the Sunshine Coast.  Inspired by similar projects around the country, the Sunshine Coast Police Officer of the Year will recognise outstanding acts of courage, compassion, understanding and devotion to duty provided by police officers at the local level. Nominations can be submitted on the attached form and all nominations will be vetted by the Queensland Police Service before they are considered. The selection panel will consist of selected members of the Rotary Club of Sunshine Coast Central, plus two representatives from QPS Sunshine Coast. Criteria will include attributes including community involvement, enthusiasm, compassion, dedication, and contribution to "making a difference”. Nominations close on April 13, with six finalists selected and honoured at a gala evening on May 9 at Maroochy River Golf Club.
Police Officer of the Year
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Janine Watson is officially the Female P34 Poomsae World Champion in Taekwondo. Gordon is obviously very proud and shared these photos with the club. You may know that Taekwondo is characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques. After a little research I learned that Poomsae refers to the form. I also learned that the name taekwondo was agreed upon in 1959 by a group of the kwans (martial arts schools in Seoul) which were established after the end of WWII by Korean martial artists with backgrounds in Japanese, Chinese and Korean martial arts.
Congratulations! Janine Watson, World Champion!
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Assistance Governor Sunshine South, Wendy Gilson, sent her thanks to the 8 Rotary members and Judy (a visitor from Germany on holiday), who represented our cluster and worked at Donations in Kind (DIK) in Brisbane last week. Because our numbers were light on they did a double shift. Wendy says that "The work was very hard but very rewarding, making you realise how much we have and how very little our sister clubs in the islands have. Many books were sorted and packed and we packed a 40’ container with 66 “very heavy” hospital beds (had to tie up all moving parts), 4 mattresses, 6 electric wheel chairs and 8 sets of cupboards. According to the powers that be, they usually only get 50 beds in a container, so quite a feat." Once again thanks to those who participated.
Donations in Kind
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
**** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CARRY OUT YOUR REQUIRED DUTIES, PLEASE ASK ANOTHER MEMBER TO FILL IN FOR YOU **** | March 15 | March 22 | March 29 | Chair | Movie Night | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Registration Desk | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Meeting Registration | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Fellowship | Frank Price | Frank Price | Room Set Up | Ian Aspinall | Ian Aspinall | Sergeant-at-Arms | Les Pontin | Les Pontin | International Toast | Kevin Curd | Kevin Curd | Monthly Sargeant | Peter Asher | Peter Asher | Riki Tiki | | Vocational Talk | | |
Club Roster
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Tatiana Porter
2018-03-07 14:00:00Z |
Just a reminder that the district conference is in Maroochydore on the weekend 20-22 April. If you would like more information, please ask President Peter.
Rotary District 9600 conference 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
Kevin Curd made the International Toast to the Rotary Clubs of South Korea. Over the past days we have been enjoying viewing the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Prior to that we watched with excitement as the South Korean tennis player, Hyeon Chung reached the semi finals in the Australian Open. Kevin had hoped to toast our South Korean Sister Club, the Rotary Club of Onah, but unfortunately could not find anything on the internet. Barbara Bailey has emailed the club congratulating them on the Winter Olympics and their recent success in the tennis. First some brief history of Rotary in Korea: Rotary was first established in Korea in 1927. Prior to liberation in 1945 Rotary was dominated by the Japanese, but since the end of the Korean War Rotary has flourished in South Korea. There are over 40000 members in over a 1000 clubs and 16 districts. The Rotary Clubs, through Shelter Box, have provided over 200 shelter boxes to North Korea to provide shelter for the homeless following recent floods.
International Toast Rotary Club of South Korea
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
Join us on February 22nd, 2018 at the Caloundra Golf Club to celebrate our Club's Pride of Workmanship Awards. Get dressed for the occasion and bring family and friends to support and encourage the recipients of these Awards. This year we have 4 deserving recipients and this is your chance to meet them. These Awards reflect and support the objective of Rotary, specifically our chance to encourage and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and recognise the worthiness of all useful occupations and to use this as an opportunity to serve society. .
Pride of Workmanship 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
 Trevor Steel entertained us with tales of his life. As a young fellow he would "thump the piano all day", and with a father who could play a violin, he had a very musical childhood. Along with his music, as a boy he liked Biggles, aircraft, airports and museums, and would spend his days between airports and museums, at least when he wasn't at school. School was the place he managed to frustrate some of the teachers, and live with the consequences. He went to Wilston State School in Brisbane, followed by high school at the Industrial High School. A career advisor suggested he go to work in the bank, but he said he wanted to be a motor mechanic. Life happened and a year later he was sitting the CBA entrance exam. In 1959 he "met a bird at the bank, and [he is] still with her". His musical abilities allowed him to supplement his income by playing at weddings and parties. In the 60s he qualified as an accountant by taking night courses, he moved to Brisbane Permanent Bank (now BoQ), got hepatitis and had children. In 1970, the founder of Metropolitan Permanent Building Society decided to retire and Trevor was unexpectedly appointed CEO. This promotion allowed him the opportunity to get his pilot's licence and in 1976 he bought his first aircraft. He had an eventful time with Metropolitan Permanent, and then with Metway Bank as it became in 1988. .jpg) In 1996 he retired from Metway Bank, where he had been the chief executive officer for 26 years. Retirement was followed by positions as Chairman of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Chairman of Trustees of the Queensland Museum and Deputy Chairman of the Port of Brisbane Authority. Soon after retiring Trevor had a heart attack. He had bypass surgery and was flying again soon after. His love of flying and his desire to help others lead him to volunteer for Angel Flight, an organisation providing transport to people with medical issues. In 2007, Trevor was named Caloundra Citizen of the Year for his work with Angel Flight and involvement in other charities. He had to stop flying, including with Angel Flight, in 2014 due to medical requirements of CASA. He continues his love of flying with drones. He often reflects on how he has come full circle with his love of flying, from observer to a participant.
From Nappies to Now: the life of Trevor Steel
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
Notes from the Meeting on February 15, 2018 OPEN: Tatiana Porter opened the meeting with the singing of the Anthem, lead by Mark Paton,,a Toast to the Queen, the International Toast proposed by Kevin Curd, the Four Way Test, and Rotary Grace. WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests, including May Gowlett , Denise Steel and Will Waterford. ANNIVERSARIES: were announced by Peter Higgs. UPDATES: - Brad and Peter both asked us to bring family and friends to help celebrate Pride of Workmanship Awards next week. We were also reminded it would be appropriate to dress for the occasion. Chris Roche is our guest presenter and Ross will also give a presentation on Rotary. Volunteers were requested for putting covers and sashes on chairs.
- Peter Higgs asked for numbers for the 'Casablanca Evening' on March 16th. There were about 50 at this stage, but we need to get it to at least 150 to make it viable - so invite family and friends. He also advised that it will be a fun night at the Queensland Air Museum, so if you don't want to dress up or dance, come along anyway.
- Tatiana thanked all those who had returned the Trivia Night table attendance sheets and asked for any outstanding sheets to be returned. Again a reminder that if you don't have a table we'd still love you to attend, and we will find a table for you!
- Kevin Leadbetter informed us of the Queensland Begonia Society Annual Begonia Show on March 3 at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens (details below) and nominations for the Queensland Greats Awards (details below). For further information, contact Kevin.
- Our club has accepted Richard Hall as a member of our club and he will be inducted at the club meeting on March 8.
- Peter told us that there had been a proposal to merge districts 9630, 9640 and 9600 - taking in from Gympie to Coffs Harbour. This was voted for at the board meeting, but will make little difference to our Club.
RIKI TIKI : Great presentation by Richard Hall and won by Mike Healy. SERGEANT’S SESSION: An informative Sergeant's session, preparing the Club for Trivia Night. GUEST SPEAKER: Our own Trevor Steel, presenting his life story, "from Nappies to Now". CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.
Notes from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
For those of my generation who simply do not, and cannot, comprehend why Facebook exists — I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles.
Therefore, every day I walk down the street and tell passersby what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I'm doing now, what I will be doing later and with whom, and where I'm going next, and ask them to follow me along and watch me be important. Then I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, washing the car, driving around town, eating lunch, getting a haircut, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day. I also listen to their conversations, give them the "thumbs up" and tell them I like them and will be friends with them. It all works just like Facebook. Only I do it face to face, not on a little glass screen. I already have four people following me — two police officers, a private investigator, and a psychiatrist. 
Facebook 4 Seniors
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-14 14:00:00Z |
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-07 14:00:00Z |
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-07 14:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Auckland meets on Mondays at 12.15 at the Stamford Plaza. It was chartered in 1921 with 5 5 members. The current president is John Collinge. The first project in 1921 raised £900 for Boy Scouts. Current projects include the long term support for YMCA, the Salvation Army, youth initiatives, vocational awards, and a golf day. They donate around $60 000 annually.
Internal Toast Rotary Club of Auckland
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-07 14:00:00Z |
 Manfred Klink arrived in Australia in 1980, after his wife thought it would be a good place to live. He came alone to set up a home in Brisbane before his family came to join him. Within days he found somewhere to live, but securing a job was a little more difficult for our over-qualified friend. After some persuasive / persistent interactions, he managed to convince someone to give him a trade certificate, even though his actual qualification was better. Once he had this certificate finding a job was easy. The family stayed in Brisbane for a while and Manfred learned the significance of the Melbourne Cup and taught others the importance of being on time. They then moved to North Queensland, where Manny had a successful business, but as you would imagine, he also had strong community involvement. He was a strong participant in the German community, so much so that if anyone had a problem the response was "Go and see Manfred, he will help you." It also lead to him meeting the German President on a visit to Australia.  After some time in Cairns, Manfred moved to Caloundra. He gave the club this sage advice : "Never, ever, EVER, follow your children", but after meeting someone who knew something he ended up at Continental Motors. At the time, this was Cedric's business, and at the time, Cedric might not have been selling it, but after meeting "this fast talking German boy" he couldn't refuse Manfred's offer to buy it. Since establishing himself in Caloundra, our accordian player has become an icon in the region. M  ore recently Manfred was very ill but by following medical instruction, doing as his wife told him, and hearing some positive words (he met Patrick, Win and Sandy in a shopping centre and they told him if anyone could get through this it would be Manfred) he recovered. He has since received an Order of Australia Medal and is immortalised in the National Library of Australia.
Manny Klink: the boy from the village who gave advice to the German President!
Tatiana Porter
2018-02-07 14:00:00Z |
Notes from the Meeting on February 1, 2018 OPEN: Les Pontin opened the meeting, with a tuneful singing of the Anthem led by Win Fowles, the Four Way Test, our Toast and Rotary Grace. WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Dave Smith proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Ayutthaya,Thailand. ANNIVERSARIES: were announced by Peter Higgs. UPDATES: - Marilyn updated us on the Cultural Heritage Project. After an enthusiastic meeting with Councillor Dwyer, our club will work with council on establishing a Cultural Heritage Centre. This will be a long term project which aligns with numerous Council plans (Caloundra CBD Project, Heritage Plan, Environment Plan) but to ensure the project maintains impetus the consideration of a "pop-up" Cultural Heritage Centre and having Street Greeters is on the agenda.
- Dave Smith gave us updates on : KIVA - we've made 15 loans, 7 of which have been fully repaid; The Smith Family - last year we sponsored one high school student, and this year we will increase it to 2.
- Tatiana requested that our club members return their Trivia Night table attendance sheets as soon as possible so we can welcome and seat all our guests efficiently on the night.
- A reminder that the Rotary Club of Caloundra are holding their Golf Day on 16th March at Pelican Waters Golf Club; and that the Rotary Club of Maroochydore are hosting a concert on 18th February at the Kawana Community Hall.
- Peter Higgs gave further details on our 'Casablanca Evening' at the Queensland Air Museum on 16th March. Dan printed some great flyers for distribution.
VOCATIONAL TALK: Bryan Mason shared his experience and amazing insight into the electrical industry. RIKI TIKI : Convincingly won by Mike Healy - is this an indication of his performance at the Trivia Night? SERGEANT’S SESSION: As sergeant, Dan did a great job and many realised why we weren't on Facebook. GUEST SPEAKER: Shelagh Brennand spoke about Stroke (see attached story) and gave us 5 things to do everyday to start the day well: - Awaken each morning with positive thoughts
- Focus on what you can do
- Be grateful
- Celebrate success
- Love. Live your life
CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.
Notes from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-31 14:00:00Z |
Shelagh Brennand joined us as a StrokeSafe Ambassador. She began by reciting a moving poem she had written about her experience as a stroke survivor. She then provided information on how to recognise stroke and said 80% of stroke victims do experience changes in F (Face) A (Arms) and S Speech) which is why it is important to act swiftly as T (Time) is critical in getting medical intervention to enable the best outcome. She cautioned not to sleep on it or rest if you have any symptons, but to get assistance quickly. Stroke is one of Australia’s biggest killers and a leading cause of disability with more than 470,000 people living with the aftermath of this life-changing event. Most strokes are preventable and if you go to My Health for Life, a Queensland Government initiative, you can do an online risk assessment.
StrokeSafe Ambassador - Shelagh Brennand
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-31 14:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Pranakorn Sri Ayutthaya, Thailand meets Monday evening at the Krung Sri River Hotel. Ayutthaya is the old capital of Siam, and is around 80km north of Bangkok. It has ruins similar to Angor Wat, but in better condition. The city is also a World Heritage Listed. The main projects of the club are provision of water treatment plants to remote areas of Thailand, provision of an echocardiogram to the city hospital and assistance with the upkeep of the city’s historical sites. They have partnered with the Rotary Club of Hyde Park, South Australia in these projects.
International Toast RC Pranakorn Sri Ayutthaya, Thailand
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-31 14:00:00Z |
February Member Birthdays Frank Price Feb 9 Bruce Radford Feb 17 Steve Thompson Feb 23 Spouse Birthdays Sylvia Hovey Feb 15 Kurt Martin Feb 28 Anniversaries Joan and Kevin Curd Feb 4 Lyn and David Millar Feb 8 Robyn Hills & Ross Harrison Feb 10 Charlie Tan & Patrick Feb 14 Margaret and Brian Reith Feb 29 Join Date Ross Harrison Feb 02 14 Years Ken Hinkly Feb 07 32 Years Mike Healy Feb 10 25 Years Geoff Leddy Feb 24 27 Years
February Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-30 14:00:00Z |
MARCH Member Birthdays Tania Cherry March 02 Dave Handy March 18 Bryan Mason March 23 Spouse Birthdays Denise Steel March 09 Anniversaries Jenny and Mike Healy March 07 Joy and Bruce Radford March 22 May and Cedric Gowlett March 30 Join Date Trevor Steel March 01 47 Years Greig Lee-Archer March 10 2 Years Peter Hovey March 20 21 Years Will Waterford March 20 15 Years
March Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-29 14:00:00Z |
We've mastered (or some say massacred) the National Anthem. So now it's time to share our voices with the outside world - or just go along and enjoy some professionals singing.
Greatest Showmen of the 60s
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
**** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CARRY OUT YOUR REQUIRED DUTIES, PLEASE ASK ANOTHER MEMBER TO FILL IN FOR YOU **** | February 8 | February 15 | February 22 | Chair | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Registration Desk | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Meeting Registration | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Fellowship | Tania Cherry | Tania Cherry | Tania Cherry | Room Set Up | Aub Tucker | Geoff Leddy | Geoff Leddy | Sergeant-at-Arms | Les Pontin | Tatiana Porter | Tatiana Porter | International Toast | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Monthly Sargeant | Tatiana Porter | Tatiana Porter | Tatiana Porter | Riki Tiki | Mike Healy | TBA | TBA | Vocational Talk | David Johnston | Stephanie Day | TBA |
Club Roster
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
Win Fowles proposed the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Abergele. The Club, located in Northern Wales, meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm at "Eat at the Green". The current president is Hannah Wormsley. Their projects include supplying vitamin and mineral supplements each year to child survivors from Chernobyl; raising money for local charities including participating in the "Great Daffodil Appeal" which supports people with terminal illness; and planting over 1500 purple crocus bulbs in support of polio eradication.
International Toast RC Abergele, Wales
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
Notes from the Meeting on January 25, 2018 OPEN: Les Pontin opened the meeting, with the singing of the Anthem, the Four Way Test, our Toast and Rotary Grace. WELCOME: Peter Higgs welcomed our members and guests and made special mention of our fellow Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Caloundra. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Win Fowles made the International Toast to the Rotary Club of Abergele, Wales. ANNIVERSARIES: were announced and we sang a tuneful rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to President Peter celebrating his 65th Birthday today. UPDATES: - Neville Woodforth, visiting from the Rotary Club of Caloundra, told us that there would be a celebration of 10 Years of RYDA on 23rd March. Participants of RYDA days from Rotary Clubs from Caloundra, Caloundra Pacific, Glasshouse and Kawana would be invited, along with Club Presidents; representatives from the 12 schools, TMR, Police Service, and RSE; the Sunshine Coast Mayor and Councillors; State and Federal politicians; the Sunshine coast Turf Club; Glasshouse Country Coaches; and Meals on Wheels. The guest speaker will be Bridie Scott Parker. The program educated 1395 students last year and saw the addition of a 12th school in St. Columbans,
- The Rotary Club of Caloundra also announced their annual Golf Day on 16th March at Pelican Waters Golf Club. Details attached in Bulletin.
- The Rotary Club of Maroochydore is hosting the "Greatest Showmen of the 60s" on 18th February at the Kawana Community Hall. Details attached in Bulletin.
- Peter Higgs advised that we will be hosting a 'Casablanca Evening' at the Queensland Air Museum on 16th March. It will be a costume affair and further details will be presented in coming weeks.
- A reminder to our members to get tables together for the ROMAC Trivia Night on 1st March.
VOCATIONAL TALK: David Millar gave an excellent retrospective on real estate with some insight into the future of the industry. RIKI TIKI : This Australia Day version was won by David Millar. SERGEANT’S SESSION: As sergeant I did a commendable job and managed to fine quite a few people. CLOSE: Peter thanked all guests, members and those who performed duties.
Notes from the Meeting
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
A reminder that on 10th March, Sip, Swap, Snack, is being hosted to raise funds for the Hamlin Fistula Foundation. You are invited to attend and bring any second hand clothing and accessories in good condition with you. You then have the chance to 'purchase' anyone elses items for $2, and they can buy your donated goods. More details will follow but SAVE THE DATE 10TH MARCH and start COLLECTING CLOTHING TO DONATE.
Sip, Swap, Snack
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
**** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CARRY OUT YOUR REQUIRED DUTIES, PLEASE ASK ANOTHER MEMBER TO FILL IN FOR YOU **** | February 1 | February 8 | February 15 | Chair | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Registration Desk | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Meeting Registration | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Fellowship | Tania Cherry | Tania Cherry | Tania Cherry | Room Set Up | Aub Tucker | Geoff Leddy | Geoff Leddy | Sergeant-at-Arms | Les Pontin | Les Pontin | Les Pontin | International Toast | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Monthly Sargeant | Dan Thomasson | Tatiana Porter | Tatiana Porter | Riki Tiki | David Millar | TBA | TBA | Vocational Talk | Mark Paton | Stephanie Day | Stephanie Day |
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-24 14:00:00Z |
We're looking for your support to make the 30th Anniversary of ROMAC our best Trivia Night yet! If you can't get a table, but would like to attend, let me know and I'll find you someone to sit with. Remember, we want 300 participants, so we need your help.
ROMAC Trivia Night 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-22 14:00:00Z |
January Member Birthdays Eve McCorkell Jan 1 Dave Smith Jan 2 Ken Hinkly Jan 9 Stan Nawrocki Jan 14 Peter Higgs Jan 25 Dan Thomasson Jan 26 Spouse Birthdays May Gowlett Jan 6 Jude Wilkie Jan 18 Ann Johnston Jan 20 Joan Curd Jan 30 Anniversaries Join Date Mark McArdle Jan 10 5 Years Graeme Bowden Jan 11 30 Years Allen Morgan Jan 11 31 Years Marilyn Harris Jan 20 13 Years
January Anniversaries
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-17 14:00:00Z |
On January 25 Peter Higgs is celebrating his 65th Birthday. Here is a photo of Peter with his twin brother John, taken in 1954. Which of these sleeping boys do you think is our President Peter? And why? 
Pick Peter
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-17 14:00:00Z |
Rotarian of the Month
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-17 14:00:00Z |
 David Johnson safely returned from his adventurous nine months globe trotting. The two questions he is often asked is "How could you leave for so long?" and "What was the highlight?" To the first question he responded that the internet allows you to keep in touch, but it doesn't allow for long distance babysitting. And as for the highlights, although it is difficult to compare things that are so different, for him Iceland and Egypt were the standouts. He then went on to answer the Why, How and Where of his travels. WHY? - to leave the security of home
- to travel to places less common
- to see if he could survive retirement
- to do something significant to mark the end of his work
HOW? - they rented out their home (so they couldn't come back...)
- Ann's parents left them an inheritance, and they loved travelling, so it was a way to honour their memory.
- they stayed in a lot of self-catering accommodation
- they joined the National Trust (giving them access to historic buildings, parks and gardens, and free parking)
- they decluttered their lives
- they planned an itinerary which was a mix of self-catering and guided tours
WHERE? Greece, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia, Norway, Russia, U.K., Egypt, Iceland and France. David shared some amazing photos, and a few of the hiccups (on smaller planes your luggage allowance may be significantly less than the 22kg you've packed; the hub system adopted by airlines may mean the distance of your flight increase threefold and so does the travel time; sometimes the ferry may not exist). And I guess he did enjoy himself because he is leaving for his next adventure, this time to Patagonia, in March!
The Year of Living Dangerously
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-17 14:00:00Z |
It's on again - our fun evening where you can show others how much trivia you can remember, while raising much needed funds for medical aid for children mostly from the Oceania Region. Get together a table of 8 and come and support ROMAC in it's 30th year of life-saving and life-changing endeavour. We will provide a light supper and a lot of laughs.
ROMAC Trivia Night 2018
Tatiana Porter
2018-01-13 14:00:00Z |
Wishing everyone a year of caring & sharing! Happy 2018 from everyone at the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific.
Happy 2018!
Tatiana Porter
2017-12-31 14:00:00Z |
On the 18th December our club was able to present two cheques: one to LifeFlight for the provision of wetsuits which are much needed in the life saving rescues they make; the other to Steps Charity for an occupational therapist to assist with the life-changing work they do with people with disabilities. This was possible because of the funds we raised at our annual Ian Baker Finch Charity Golf Day - and this couldn't have happened without YOU - our valued sponsors. We thank you all. THANK YOU!
Thanks to all our sponsors!
Tatiana Porter
2017-12-22 14:00:00Z |
Congratulations to Tony Long, a well respected and much loved member of our club. 
At our Christmas party and last event for 2017, Tony was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship.This was in acknowledgement of the great work he does for our club in general, but specifically his contribution to our annual Ian Baker Finch Charity Golf Day. As well as being a lot of fun, it raises significant funds to assist community initiatives, this year supporting LifeFlight and Steps Charity.
Our most recent Paul Harris Fellow
Tatiana Porter
2017-12-13 14:00:00Z |
Rotary Day at the United Nations celebrated two organizations’ shared vision for peace and highlights the critical humanitarian activities that Rotary and the UN lead around the world.
Rotary Day at the United Nations
Tatiana Porter
2017-11-10 14:00:00Z |
November is Rotary Foundation Month. 2016–17 marked 100 years of the Foundation. At the 1917 Rotary Convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That one idea, and an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe. So what does the Rotary Foundation do? The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. Why should you donate to The Rotary Foundation? Your donation makes a difference to those who need our help most. More than 90 percent of donations go directly to supporting our service projects around the world. How does The Rotary Foundation use donations? Our 35,000 clubs carry out sustainable service projects that support our six causes. With donations like yours, we’ve wiped out 99.9 percent of all polio cases. Your donation also trains future peacemakers, supports clean water, and strengthens local economies. What impact can one donation have? It can save a life. A child can be protected from polio with as little as 60 cents. Our partners make your donation go even further. For every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2.
The Rotary Foundation
Tatiana Porter
2017-11-04 14:00:00Z |
Rotary annual “Walk for Mental Health” Sunday October 15 Starting at 8am at the Mooloolaba Surf Club, and walking to the Maroochydore Surf Club and back. Every 3 hours someone in the country takes their own life. Come along and join us for a nice stroll. Walk with your family, your friends, your colleagues, your community – have the conversation about mental health….. lets break down the barriers….. it starts with us.
Walk for Mental Health
2017-10-14 14:00:00Z |
Our club holds an annual Charity Golf Day. This year we'll have 25 teams - each consisting of four players and each team with a golf cart - enjoying the course and a game of golf. There may be some 'not-so-serious' teams, but I'm sure they too will enjoy the day, with prizes, raffles and spending time with good people in a great setting. While the day is always fun and we hope everyone enjoys themselves enough to want to return next year, the reason so much effort is put into it, is that we raise much needed funds to assist in local projects. In 2017 the proceeds of the Golf Day will go to Life Flight and STEPS.
Charity Golf Day 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-30 14:00:00Z |
Calpac Capers 21 Sept 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-24 14:00:00Z |
Calpac Capers 7 Sept
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-06 14:00:00Z |
The future of business!
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-04 14:00:00Z |
Turning 40!
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-04 14:00:00Z |
September Anniversaries Member Birthdays Mike Healy September 16
| Spouse Birthdays Kerry Smith September 19 Jan Long September 23 | Join Date Ian Aspinall 1 year (September 8, 2016) Les Pontin
30 years (September 11, 1987)
Cedric Gowlett 39 years (September 21, 1978)
Diana Latham 5 years (September 27, 2012) | Anniversaries Ken Hinkly September 1
Graeme & Chris Bowden September 7
Mark & Lisa Paton September 10
Trevor & Denise Steel September 21
September Anniversaries
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
Social Night
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
Our Club is 40 years old and we are CELEBRATING! David Millar and Cedric Gowlett will be telling us about the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific and Rotary over the last 40 years. Some of our club members are not yet 40, so sharing these stories is sharing more than a personal history, it is giving context to the world we live in. And we can't celebrate the past without anticipating the future - Anita Moss from Workplace Central will be speaking about where business is heading over the next 5 years. And celebrations wouldn't be complete if we couldn't welcome a new member. Steve Thompson will be inducted on this celebratory evening. Help us celebrate what will be a momentous occasion -bring partners, past members and friends to this wonderful event. |
Celebrating 40!
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
40th Birthday
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
CLUB ROSTER **** IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CARRY OUT YOUR REQUIRED DUTIES, PLEASE ASK ANOTHER MEMBER TO FILL IN FOR YOU **** | September 7 | September 14 | September 21 | Chair | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Peter Higgs | Registration Desk | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Brian Reith | Meeting Registration | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Greig Lee-Archer | Fellowship | Graeme Bowden | Graeme Bowden | Graeme Bowden | Room Set Up | Dave Handy | Dave Handy | Dave Handy | Sergeant-at-Arms | Les Pontin | Les Pontin | Les Pontin | International Toast | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Dave Smith | Monthly Sargeant | Peter Hovey | Peter Hovey | Peter Hovey | Riki Tiki | Will Waterford | TBA | TBA | Vocational Talk | Peter Asher | Marilyn Harris | Mike Healy |
Club Roster
Tatiana Porter
2017-09-02 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 1a
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 8
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 7
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 6
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 5
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 4
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 3
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 2
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
CalPac Capers 10 August 2017 1
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-09 14:00:00Z |
Cardiac Resuscitation
Marilyn Harris
2017-08-05 14:00:00Z |
On August 3rd, 2017 the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific welcomed 4 new members. Rotarian Tatiana Porter introduced inductees Tania Cherry, CFO at Workplace Central, Stephanie Day, HR Manager at Workplace Central, and Nicole Martin, Workplace Partner at Workplace Central. Rotarian Tony Long introduced inductee Paul Brennan, CEO of Contour Consulting Engineers. This was a record night for the club and we are all looking forward to welcoming our new members and with their skills being able to serve the community better.
Welcome our new members!
Tatiana Porter
2017-08-02 14:00:00Z |
At our club meeting on August 3rd we will be joined by an amazing guest speaker - Mike Storkey. Not only is he the International President of Toastmasters International, he is also a Paul Harris Fellow, so I'm sure he will have a story or two to share. So please join us for an enjoyable evening with an exceptional speaker.
Introducing Mike Storkey
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-29 14:00:00Z |
Rotary Charity Race Day 10 September 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-29 14:00:00Z |
As you may know, whenever we have 5 Thursdays in a month, our club has a social night on the fifth Thursday. August 2017 is a five Thursday month, and this month we are going to a state-of-the-art Bowling Alley. Apparently, anyone can play and the venue has special equipment such as ramps and tailored handle balls to make it easier. It promises to be a fun night, so come along.
Social Night at Spinners
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-29 14:00:00Z |
The meeting was called to order by Les Pontin and we commenced with the singing of the National Anthem. INTERNATIONAL TOAST:   The international toast was proposed by Brian Reith to the Rotary Club of Twickenham-upon-Thames (which is not to be confused with the Rotary Club of Twickenham). Having just returned from his travels he shared the story of 'meeting' 3 burly Rotarians outside Sainsbury's St Clares supermarket where they were asking for donations to sponsor a musical therapy group for children with Autism. He told them he would have change after he had completed his shopping, and they were waiting for him when he exited the supermarket. This lead to a conversation around the success of the program and other activities they are involved in. The club has 37 members, and they meet on Tuesday evenings at the Strawberry Hill Golf Club in Twickenham. The 3 Rotarians Brian met each had a connection with Australia, 2 had relatives in Melbourne and 1 had family in Sydney. WELCOME CLARICE: ROTARY GRACE was followed by President Peter asking Dan Thomasson and Will Waterford to introduce our new Rotary Exchange Student, Clarice to  the club. She has been in Australia for a week and spent the first few days with Will, who says she is a joy to have around. She is now with Dan and his family as her first host family. Clarice told us she is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bela Horizonte, District 4520 in Brazil. She and her cousin are active in Interact, and her cousin is also on exchange in Australia and being hosted by the Rotary Club of Pine Rivers. THE ROTARY WHEEL: President Peter shared some interesting history about the Rotary Wheel Emblem and how it came to be. The first design was made by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engraver who drew a simple wagon wheel, with a few lines to show dust and motion. The wheel was said to illustrate "Civilization and Movement".Most of the early clubs had some form of wagon wheel as their emblem. In 1922 it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design as the emblem of Rotarians and after much discussion over how many cogs would work, and where the dust should be to demonstrate accurate movement, the present gear wheel, with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted by the "Rotary International Association". A group of engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a "keyway" in the centre to attach it to a power shaft, so it was added and in 1923 the design which we now know was formally adopted as the official Rotary International emblem. The cogs represent each of us, making things happen in Rotary, the spokes represent each of our projects, and the keyway is where the President puts his head - and sometimes it will get crushed, but he will take stock, make any changes that need to be made to make it right, and then get on with it. We need action. ROTARY ANNIVERSARIES: Allan Gillespie – 46 years SOCIAL NIGHT: O  n the fifth Thursday of the month the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific has a social evening. August 2017 has five Thursdays, so on August 31st, we are going to Caloundra's first ever Bowling Alley offering state of the art facilities and a complete entertainment experience. Allan Gillespie and Ross Harrison are arranging the evening at Spinners Bar and Bowl in Bulcock Street. In case you think it isn't for you - ten pin bowling is a game anyone can play. The venue provides bumpers and ramps and tailored handle balls - and they are fully licensed, so you can enjoy a beverage while bowling. They also have comfy lounges, large tvs, a dance floor, and a "New and Improved 12" Pizza Menu" - anything could happen. In addition to what you might eat or drink, the cost is $22 for 2 games. The fun starts at 6.30pm and it is anticipated it will take us about 2 hours to complete the games.  MELBOURNE CUP: Kim Berghofer told us that the Rotary Club of Caloundra is once again running their successful Melbourne Cup Long Lunch. This year the venue is the Pelican Waters Tavern. (That means if you are keen you can arrive at 10am and stay on as long as you like.) The date is Tuesday 7 November and it costs $65.00 per person which includes 1 glass of either bubbles or beer on arrival, a plate of canapés per table, a main meal plus dessert. There will also be a sweep and raffle tickets. ALL TICKETS SHOULD BE BOOKED THROUGH THE ROTARY CLUB OF CALOUNDRA. Contact Judy Clark : RYDA:  Don Wilkie reminded us that the RYDA program dates are : set up on August 1 (1-3pm) for the program on AUGUST 2 (8am - 2pm); and set up on August 15 (1-3pm) for the program on AUGUST 16 (8am - 2pm). WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR THE PROGRAM DELIVERY ON AUGUST 2. If you are available, please advise Don Wilkie or Neville Woodforth. OTHER CLUB NEWS: - Dan Thomasson was recognised for his service to Rotary.
- We are still planning to visit other Rotary Clubs in the area on 11th and 18th August.
- We will be holding a fundraising BBQ at Fisherman's Rd on September 3. Save the date!
- We have another corporate member in Contour Engineering.
SERGEANT'S SESSION: Conducted by Will Waterford and he successfully fined everyone in the room. GUEST SPEAKER: Our guest speaker for the evening was Evelyn McCorkell, who shared with us some remarkable photos and commentary of her  travels aboard the Majestic Princess on it's maiden voyage from Southampton. The ship had over 3500 passengers and 1300 crew. Evelyn said the fixtures and fittings were spectacular and we saw evidence in photos of the atrium and glassed walkways. We also heard about some lovely food on board and saw photos of the Main Dining Room and at least one bar where Evelyn attended a Margarita making demonstration and won a prize for being first to arrive. The route included Civitavecchia, Rome and Naples in Italy; Athens and Santorini Island in Greece; the Suez Canal; Aqaba, Jordan; Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the UAE; Cochin, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Penang and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia; and then Singapore. While there were many photos of significant architecture, famous landmarks and natural beauty, Evelyn couldn't resist sharing some photos of shipping containers. The stories were amazing and it was difficult to capture the culture and NEXT WEEK: Three Workplace Central friends will become individual members of Rotary. Our guest speaker will be Mike Storkey, the International President of Toastmasters. CLOSE: All members and guests were thanked for attending, including Marion, the guest of Evelyn who was also her travel companion and confirmed the accuracy of the presentation.
Notes from the Meeting 27th July 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-26 14:00:00Z |
We've all seen the logo and we know the theme for 2018, but I thought I'd share the words of Ian H.S. Riseley President, Rotary International, 2017-18 which explain it in greater detail. I like that it is a simple theme, but it embodies the complexity and diversity of the individuals and clubs that are Rotary.
Rotary: Making a Difference
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-24 14:00:00Z |
"The Object of Rotary is a philosophical statement of Rotary’s purpose and the responsibilities of Rotarians. The concept of vocational service is rooted in the Second Object, which calls on Rotarians to “encourage and foster”: • High ethical standards in business and professions • The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations • The dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society" (taken from An Introduction to Vocational Service handbook from Rotary International) The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific will put this into action by asking members to talk about their vocation during club meetings, allowing us to learn more about our fellow Rotarians. Below is the Roster. Please take note of the day on which you will be asked to speak. If any amendments are required please notify Barbara Bailey and your Bulletin Editor. For the month of August we will hear from: - Brad Eldred - 3rd
- Win Fowles - 10th
- Cedric Gowlett - 17th
- Tania Cherry - 24th
Vocational Talk Roster 2017-18
Barbara Bailey
2017-07-24 14:00:00Z |
As you will note, there are no notes from the meeting as we were celebrating Christmas in July at King Ludwigs. For those of you who were able to attend and for those of you who were not, Win Fowles took some great photos of the merry event which I have included below. Thank you to Barbara Bailey for organising the event and thank you to everyone who attended and made it such a fun night!
Christmas at King Ludwigs
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-24 14:00:00Z |
Rotary Making a Difference 2
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
Committee Lists 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
RYDA is a road safety program designed to reduce the trauma on our roads by encouraging Year 11 students to take a more responsible attitude to driving. It was developed in consultation with road safety authorities, state departments of education and the police and is delivered by Road Safety Education Limited, a not for profit community initiative delivering evidence-based road safety education programs. RYDA is designed for students who are approaching that time in their lives where they can independently use a car. RYDA Program Days are: Wednesday 19 July – Unity College Thursday 20 July – Caloundra State High School Wednesday 2 August – Kawana Waters State College Wednesday 9 August – Meridan State College Tuesday 10 October – Beerwah S.H.S. & Glasshouse C.C. Wednesday 11 October – Siena Catholic College The learning objectives for students attending RYDA are:
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
I hope you enjoyed these last time, because I have some more puns for you. Again, thanks to the Rotary Club of Galston.
Puns - Part 2
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
Thought you might enjoy some of the following puns. They made me smile, and I hope you smile too. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Galston for sharing these in their Galston Weekly Bulletin, Vol 36, No. 17.
Puns - Part 1
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
Manny Pacquiao  You may know Manny as a professional boxer as he is widely considered to be one of the greatest boxers of all time. He is the first boxer in history to win ten world titles in eight different weight divisions, and was named "Fighter of the Decade" for the 2000s by the Boxing Writers' Association of America. You may also know that Manny is currently serving as a Senator of the Philippines in the 17th Congress. But did you know that Manny is an active Rotarian and was president of the Rotary Club of Manila 101 in 2012. Guglielmo Marconi Marconi was an Italian inventor and engineer known for his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission and for his development of a radio telegraph system. He is often credited as the inventor of radio and received a 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to the development of wireless telegraphy. From 1932 until his death in 1937 he was a member of the Rotary Club of Bologna, Italy which he also served as Club President.
Famous Rotarians
Stephanie Day
2017-07-14 14:00:00Z |
Peter Higgs was introduced as the 40th president. He welcomed guests, Russ Stephenson (guest speaker) and Kurt Martin. Frank Price gave some sad news that Pat Lawton (wife of Mike Lawton) passed away last Sunday. The funeral will be held on Wednesday 19 July 2017 from 12pm at the Catholic Church in Caloundra. Win Fowles completed the international toast - Rotary Club of Singapore. They held their inauguration at the Pan Pacific Hotel, but they meet for lunch every Wednesday at the Tanglin Club. They have 200 members and are the oldest club in Singapore. They do good work including supporting the Malang Children Project which focussed on disease prevention and treatment in East Java. They also support the specialist Rotary Eye Hospitals along with several other Rotary Clubs. Peter thanked everyone for their support and reminded everyone he is always available to talk to at any time. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 20 JULY Barbara told us that Christmas in July at King Ludwigs is going ahead with 52 people confirmed. Barbara thanked Greig for all his help. The bus will be leaving the CCSA hall at 5.45pm sharp. 21 JULY The Rotary Club of Alexandra Headlands contacted Peter to see if we would like to have a team at their golf day. The day will be held at Alex on 21 July 2017. 27 JULY Don Wilkie reminded everyone that the board meeting will be held in 2 weeks, on 27 July 2017. 4 AUGUST A Council Grants Information Session will be held on Friday 4 August at 10am. Kevin will send someone from the Community Service Committee. 12 OCTOBER We had to postpone our trip to the Salvation Army which will now be 12 October 2017. We are hoping for a date in September where everyone can attend different Rotary Clubs in groups. 2 NOVEMBER The TAFE Dinner will be on 2 November 2017. VOCATIONAL TALK: Dave Handy completed the 2 minute vocational talk for the week. He is currently running a small building company and has been in the industry for many years. He said it has changed dramatically over 40 years and unfortunately there is not as much workmanship as there used to be. Once upon a time it would take 16-20 weeks to build a house, now it only takes 6-8 weeks. There are a lot of trade skills missing these days but he has enjoyed his time in the building industry. RYDA UPDATE: Kevin Curd thanked all of the volunteers for RYDA. Rosters will be going out this week. Andrew Wallace, our local federal member, will be attending the course on the 19 July 2017 COMMUNITY MUSEUM: Kevin Leadbetter thanked Marilyn Harris for working on the community museum idea. She will continue working on this project and Graeme will join her. EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION: Bruce Radford showed us the emergency medical information kit that will be supplied to pharmacies to pass on to the public. The kit is kept in a convenient place (like the door of the fridge) and contains information on current medication so that in an emergency the ambulance officers have access to this vital information. This is another wonderful initiative that can positively impact lives. ROTARY SHIRTS: Ross Harrison told us we can have the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific embroidered onto our Rotary shirts for an extra $5 per shirt through Rotary Downunder. The best way to order is to let Ross know your size and he will put the order in. Polo shirts are $28 and corporate shirts are $36. CONGRATULATIONS: Mike Healy presented awards to Les Pontin, Bryan Mason and Bruce Radford who were not in attendance on Changeover Night to receive them. GUEST SPEAKER: Russ Stephenson from the Rotary Club of Nambour was our guest speaker. Russ is working on a project involving food plant solutions for PNG.  Malnutrition affects 1 in 3 people on the planet: nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to undernutrition and this translates to about 3 million children a year; 160 million kids are stunted (growth) and 50 million are wasted (skin and bone). The project involves working to understand the local foods in the area and how to teach the locals sustainability and self-help. The project is based out of a place called Maugulu which has no roads, infertile soils, extremely low income (<$10 per person per annum) and a banana diet which leads to extreme under nutrition. In 2015-2016 there was a drought that affected the area and the Bedamuni people were forgotten, leaving 28,800 starving people. Malnutrition in PNG is the worst in the world. There are 27,500 different food plants in the world and they are working on teaching the PNG people how they can benefit from eating different plants and fruits to get their minimum daily intake. There has been $32,000 raised with a goal of $67,000. Birthdays – Anna Leadbetter – July 13 Anniversaries – Aub and Lyn Tucker – July 14 Join dates – Mark Paton – July 19 – 2 years Peter thanked everyone for their help tonight and asked us to enjoy next week at King Ludwigs!
Notes from Meeting 13th July 2017
Stephanie Day
2017-07-09 14:00:00Z |
| | | | Month | Sergeant | Fellowship | Room Set Up | Jul | Greig Lee-Archer | Marilyn Harris | Bruce Radford | Aug | Will Waterford | Evelyn McCorkell | Brad Eldred | Sep | Peter Hovey | Graeme Bowden | Dave Handy | Oct | Manfred Kilnk | Tatiana Porter | Kevin Leadbetter | Nov | Stephanie Day | Di Latham | Bryan Mason | Dec | Mark Paton | Allan Gillespie | Aub Tucker | Jan | Dan Thomasson | Barb Bailey | Mike Healy | Feb | Tatiana Porter | Kim Berghofer | Ken Hinkly | Mar | Peter Asher | Frank Price | Ian Aspinall | Apr | David Johston | Tania Cherry | Geoff Leddy | May | Tony Long | Stephanie Day | Cedric Gowlett | Jun | Brad Eldred | David Millar | Win Fowles |
2017 - 2018 Duty Roster
Ross Harrison
2017-07-09 14:00:00Z |
In light of President Pete's comments about how significant Rotary is I thought I'd share this sign: Found on
Rotary makes a real difference
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-09 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Stephanie Day
OUR NEW PRESIDENT: Peter Higgs was introduced as the 40th president for Rotary club of Caloundra Pacific. Peter’s motto for the year is Rotary's motto of "Service above self". Peter introduced the guest for the night, Ruby (Barbara’s granddaughter) and also welcomed back Will and congratulated him on becoming a Pop again. Peter thanked everyone for their hard work at the QAM open day, and commended the excellent comradery! $5k was raised with a net of $3k which is great work by all! The student exchange dinner was held at Dicky Beach Surf Club with all of the parents and students in attendance. Gertrud went home last Wednesday, and it was sad to see her go as she was great fun! Our next exchange student, Clarissa, arrives 21st of July. Nicole from WPC has volunteered to be a host family for the new students. Peter spoke about why we are here and where we are going. The Rotary Wheel needs to be bigger so we can portray to others how much difference we make in the community. There are 1.2 million Rotarians and the number is declining, but we are a big enough group to have a seat on the UN and in the top 10 foundations in the world – THIS IS A BIG DEAL! Our motto – Service above Self is all about doing good in the world. Peter said we need to collaborate with fellow Rotary groups to make a bigger impact and fundraise more. He would like everyone to think of fundraising ideas and bring them back to the next meeting to discuss. INTERNATIONAL TOAST:  The international toast was completed by Win Fowles were he did a makeup in 1999 at the Rotary Club of West Jerusalem in Israel. They meet at the King David Hotel every week with around 15-18 members with 12 attending meetings each week. The language used predominately is Yiddish as opposed to Hebrew which is more commonly used in the area. There is a German pastor there also and the only common language was English, which the members used to help Win understand. ROTARY ANNIVERSARIES: Dave Millar – 48 years Kevin Curd – 36 years Gordon Watson – 35 years Win Fowles – 22 years Peter Asher – 11 years RYDA:  Kevin Curd would like to thank Don Wilkie for assistance with setting up RYDA. The program dates are as follows and we still need volunteers for set up and the day: 19 July, 10 July, 2 August, 9 August. Volunteers are much needed on 1 August for set up, 8 August for set up and 20 July for assistance with the children. SLEEPOUT: Les spoke about the sleepout raising funds for St Vinnies. There were 74 people who all started on the beach but as it started to rain around midnight they had to move up to the surf club veranda area. It took Les 3 days to recover after some creaky bones and arthritis but it was well worth it as they raised over $126 000. CLUB UPDATE: Les, as Sergeant, asked people to sit at different tables every week to get to know new people. Barbara spoke about vocational talks, she will be creating a roster to get this up and running again. Everyone will be involved and have their chance to speak during the year. Dave Handy will start next week with a 2 minute talk. Kevin Long reminded everyone the Golf Day is 6 Oct. He still needs 6 more teams to compete. THE YEAR AHEAD: Kevin Leadbetter spoke and asked everyone what community projects we would like to be involved in this year: · We will continue with Hope Within Reach · We will continue helping with Zonta even though the project has been completed. We will help with manpower at fundraisers but not provide physical support. · We will continue with Caloundra Biggest Morning Tea · We will continue with Clean Up Australia Day. Kevin will also put some thought into how we can make an educational proposal to this cause · We will continue with QAM Open Day Kevin also had an idea to develop a community museum, a subcommittee has been approved to be formed. Rotarian of the Month is Tatiana Porter. Unfortunately Tatiana had to leave early therefore Nicole accepted the award on her behalf. Peter reminded everyone of our theme which is “making a difference” . He also said the new Corporate Member has brought extra motivation to the group.
Notes from the meeting 6 July 2017
Stephanie Day
2017-07-05 14:00:00Z |
Open Cockpit Weekend at Queensland Air Museum
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-03 14:00:00Z |
King Ludwigs 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-03 14:00:00Z |
.png) Introducing Zane Jenner Pictured left are Kevin Jenner, Honorary member of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific since 1977, and his grandson Zane. When I met Zane I asked if he was enjoying the evening and he told me he was very much. He seemed remarkably comfortable among so many Rotarians in a semi-formal setting, so I asked him if he had been before. He told me he had attended many meetings, and had come almost weekly since he was a baby, accompanying Kevin to the meetings. It was lovely to have them both attend Changeover Dinner.
Zane Jenner
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-03 14:00:00Z |
Gertrud's Adventures in Australia
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-03 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
 If you have a smartphone you can download the ClubRunner Mobile App, giving you access to the contact details of all Rotarians in your club. It's easy to do and it's free. Once downloaded, you will have to login, but you can then selectively add contacts to your phone's contact list or you can dial directly from the app. I use it and it works well. I've had a couple of hiccups when the saved mobile numbers are missing the first '0' - instead 04xx xxx xxx it tries to dial 4xx xxx xxx - but my phone lets me know quickly that it isn't working.
Club Runner Mobile App
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-02 14:00:00Z |
A Paul Harris Fellowship is a recognition by the Rotary Foundation of a donation of USD1,000 with the presentation of a certificate and medallion. In many parts of the world, it is simply a recognition of a donation. But in Australia, clubs have used the Fellowship to acknowledge Rotarians and members of the wider community for their service to humanity. The Club makes the donation on behalf of the individual to be honoured and then presents them with certificate and medallion.
Paul Harris Fellowship
Tatiana Porter
2017-07-01 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific Changeover 2017
Notes from Changeover 29th June 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-28 14:00:00Z |
As you may be aware, John Sargent, a member of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific, is in Hanoi, Vietnam for a few months as a Business Advisor on Australia's Business Volunteer Program. He is working with the Vietnam Center for Women and Development (CWD), which sits under the umbrella organisation – the Vietnamese Women’s Union. One of their projects is to assist in ending human trafficking.
Peace House Shelter Project
John Sargent
2017-06-24 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
WELCOME: Les Pontin welcomed everyone, including our guest speaker Terese Finigan, Keith and Nicki Perkin from Melbourne who came as guests of Ross Harrison, our newest member, Dave Handy, and partners Robyn Hills and Suzanne Lee-Archer. OPEN: President Mike officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST:  Win Fowles proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Custer, South Dakota. It is in Rotary District 5610 which serves 41 clubs across South Dakota, northwestern Iowa, southwestern Minnesota, and northeastern Nebraska. The Rotary Club of Custer meets Mondays at noon and the current Club President is Rex Jorgensen. Amongst other activities, the club runs a food pantry, which receives and distributes to those in need; they participate in Highway Cleanups; they collaborate with the Lions Club and the Local Council in park improvement and maintenance projects (picture), including installing a wheel-chair accessible fishing pier. Custer is near Crazy Horse and Mt Rushmore, and it's income is derived primarily from tourism, precious metal mining and timber. The coldest ever recorded temperature was -41.7°C in 1963. CHANGEOVER NIGHT: The Sunshine South Cluster Changeover Dates for 2017: Mooloolaba - Monday 26th June Caloundra Pacific - Thursday 29th July Alexandra Headland - Wednesday 5th July Caloundra - Friday 7th July Buderim - Friday 7th July Kawana Waters - Friday 14th July District 9600 - Saturday 1st July COMMUNITY SERVICE: Win Fowles advised that the LNP government, under the guidance of Tim Nicholls, has announced that if they are elected Queensland will have its own Veterans’ Affairs Minister to assist with issues such as homelessness and employment for former service men and women. It is important that any policy designed to help ex-ADF personnel return to civilian life, is apolitical and a letter has been sent to the Premier stating this. Win also heard Major Susana Fernandez speak and recommends that anyone who has an opportunity to do so, should also go along to hear what she says. Major Fernandez was the first female Australian Defence Force Academy graduate to complete the Army’s pilot training course, and then became a Squadron Commander of an Australian Army helicopter detachment in Afghanistan where she flew Chinook helicopters. GOLF DAY: Tony Long updated us on the golf day - we currently have 2 corporate sponsors, Shadforths and Workplace Central; 29 invitations have gone out and we have 11 confirmed teams participating, a few that are fairly certain, and only 11 to go. Peter Hovey has again donated his ''Eagles' Nest" in the Bunya Mountains and Robyn Hills has donated a photography session. Tony has done a wonderful job to have the golf day so far progressed at this early stage. We still need AUCTION ITEMS and RAFFLE PRIZES. OTHER NEWS: Ross Harrison spoke on behalf of the Club when he said how lovely it was to see Suzanne Lee-Archer at the Meeting. Invitations have been sent for Christmas in July at King Ludwig's. Please note that it is on Thursday 20th July. LES PONTIN raised $2500 for the Sunshine Coast Community Sleepout to support of St Vinnies. He thanked all those who donated and purchased the Art Union tickets. We'll be thinking of you on Changeover Night Les, when you are supporting this great cause and we all wish you well. Les also said Meals on Wheels are short on drivers, so if you can put in one morning a week or a couple of mornings a month it would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested, please speak to Les. QAM OPEN COCKPIT WEEKEND, as we were reminded by Peter Higgs, is a TWO DAY event, which provides us with an opportunity to raise funds. He has plenty of volunteers for Saturday, but not enough on Sunday. Hands went up around the room to volunteer on Sunday, but if you would like to come and assist on the 1st or 2nd of July, please contact Peter. OUR PENULTIMATE MEETING WITH THE CURRENT EXECUTIVE: GORDON WATSON advised that after Changeover, Wendy Gillson from the Rotary Club of Kawana would be the Assistant Governor for the District. He also provided the dates for all the Changeovers in our cluster, (noted above) including the District Changeover which is in two weeks on the 1st July 2017. Gordon has attended his last Cluster meeting as Assistant Governor, and he presented President Mike Healy with a small gift and thanked him for his support, his leadership of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific and his continued community involvement. Mike thanked Gordon and also appreciated the support from everyone in the Club. RIKI TIKI: Manfred Klink conducted a successful Riki Tiki. SERGEANT at ARMS: Aub Tucker was a well-informed sergeant. NEW MEMBER: Dave Handy was inducted as our newest member. Dave Handy has been actively involved in the building industry for over 40 years and brings his vast knowledge and expertise in all facets of this to the Club. He has also been involved in sports including cricket, water polo and rugby league in a variety of roles, and benefits the Club with this diversity. President Mike Healy presented him with his badge and Rotary Pin. Welcome, Dave Handy. GUEST SPEAKER: Terese Finigan was our guest speaker. Her current role as Caloundra CBD Curator has her interacting with local business, property owners, council and other stakeholders to progress initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the vision for the Caloundra CBD. She also has a long history with Rotary, being an International Exchange Student more than 30 years ago. She spoke to us on how we could use techniques to increase our publicity and increase our membership. She suggested we use 'stories' for connection. RAFFLE: Conducted successfully by Graham and Les. CLOSE: President Mike thanked all for attending and thanked the duty team. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Notes from the Meeting 22 June 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-22 14:00:00Z |
Christmas in July
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-16 14:00:00Z |
On 9th June, Dave Handy attended our dinner meeting as the guest of Ross Harrison. He liked the club and asked to join. At the meeting on 15th June he was unanimously approved by a vote of the Board for membership in the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific.
Welcome our Newest Member
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-16 14:00:00Z |
An evening of TAFE Hospitality
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-16 14:00:00Z |
Changeover Night
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-16 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
WELCOME: Les Pontin welcomed everyone, and our guest Steve Thompson. OPEN: President Mike officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST:
 Win Fowles proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Coronado, in San Diego, California.  He was passing through and met some of their 230 members. The club was established in 1926 and now meets every Wednesday at noon at the Hotel Del Coronado. Amongst other things, the club is involved in the clean water initiative, the campaign to eradicate polio, literacy projects, Interact, Youth Exchange as well as a local beach cleanup and lawn bowling. SAVE THE DATE: Barbara Bailey let us know that: CHRISTMAS IN JULY would be at King Ludwig's in Maleny on 20 July. The cost is $60 per person which includes the bus fare. We will return to the RESTAURANT AT TAFE on 2nd November. For those who went last year it will be half price. Les Ponting is participating in the Sunshine Coast Community Sleepout on 29th June in support of St Vinnies. This is to raise awareness and funds for the homeless. He thanks Rotary for their donation and has so far raised $2300. He also thanks Ross Harrison for donating a joy flight for 2 people to the raffle. If you would like to make a donation of buy a book of tickets, please contact Les. Les is doing this for a great cause, but it also means he will miss his first Changeover Night since commencing with the Club. We all wish him well and will be thinking of him. RYDA: Neville Woodforth told us he would be transferring to the Rotary Club of Caloundra, but that it would be Business as Usual for RYDA. Transport Main Roads (TMR) have given another $170 000 grant which will take the program through to 2019. There has been a 100% success rate in funding applications with TMR for RYDA. The Sunshine Coast Council also supports the initiative both through grants, and the discretionary funds of councilors. The funding doesn't cover any administrative costs which is why it is necessary for the 4 Rotary Clubs of the Sunshine Coast to continue sponsoring the program. With continued funding this life-saving program can be delivered to more schools and more students. Program Days 2017 Wednesday 19 July – Unity College Thursday 20 July – Caloundra State High School Wednesday 2 August – Kawana Waters State College Wednesday 9 August – Meridan State College Tuesday 10 October – Beerwah State High School & Glasshouse Christian College Wednesday 11 October – Siena Catholic College With new funding applications for another $200 000 from TMR it would be possible to further increase venues and with a total of $750 000 in grants the program can continue until 2020. Queensland Police Service and local businesses provide in kind donations which brings the program total to $1.5 million. Partners of Road Safety Education include BOC, Bosch, Bridegestone and Toyota.
Neville will continue as District Chair for the RYDA Program, and is now in his fourth year. As an active Board Member at District level for the last 17 years he is hoping his succession planning will mean he can pass over the reigns in the not too distant future, but for now he will continue at the helm. He has done an incredible job with this program and it has made District 9600 unique. He is going to have a busy year travelling the world - he has booked 5 cruises in the next 12 months. UPDATE FROM THE TREASURER: Brian Reith updated us on projects and outcomes for the year - his last opportunity to do so before he embarks on his travels for 6 weeks. He assures us we are solvent. The club receipts totaled $52 500 which is about $4300 less than last year. So far this financial year the club has contributed to youth projects, including supporting exchange students and Conoco Phillips scholarship and citizenship awards. A contribution of $3700 for capital purchases was made to RYDA. The Golf Day was a great success - it brought in around $29 000 and cost just under $11 000 giving us a profit of $18915. RIKI TIKI: Nicole Martin strayed into Australian culture by asking questions on Ned Kelly in Riki Tiki. SERGEANT at ARMS: Kevin Leadbetter was a wonderful sergeant. RAFFLE: Conducted successfully by Graham and Les. CLOSE: President Mike thanked all for attending and thanked the duty team. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem, unaccompanied.
Notes from the Meeting 15 June 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-14 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Neville Woodforth
RYDA 2017 Road Safety Education Program Rotary Caloundra Venue Corbould Park, Pierce Avenue, Caloundra Rotary District 9600 Program Days Wednesday 19 July – Unity College Thursday 20 July – Caloundra State High School Wednesday 2 August – Kawana Waters State College Wednesday 9 August – Meridan State College Tuesday 10 October – Beerwah State High School & Glasshouse Christian College Wednesday 11 October – Siena Catholic College Neville Woodforth Rotary RYDA Program and Schools Coordinator – Caloundra Venue Rotary District 9600 RYDA Chair
Neville Woodforth
2017-06-14 14:00:00Z |
John Sargent, with walking stick, is doing a few months in Hanoi, Vietnam, for Australia's Business Volunteer Program. A Business Advisor for the Vietnam Center for Women and Development (CWD), which sits under the umbrella organisation – the Vietnamese Women’s Union. CWD’s mission is to build the capacity of and the Women’s Entrepreneur Network, to promote a network of economically empowered women and future women business leaders and strengthen skills and resources of women entrepreneurs in business management.
Vietnam Volunteer
John Sargent
2017-06-14 14:00:00Z |
Seen Somewhere
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-11 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
You may have noticed that you haven't received a regular Bulletin since I took over in May. My sincere apologies for all the missed information. I have taken meeting notes and written some stories, but I put them on the website. To keep you all informed I am compiling this Bulletin which shares some of the stories from the website and notes from prior meetings which you may not have seen yet.
Sorry you haven't been receiving the Bulletin.
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-11 14:00:00Z |
Volunteers contribute their valuable time and skills across many different areas to deliver much needed services and programs to the community. Officially there are over 4 million volunteers but it is widely believed the number is well over 6 million. The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific recently recognised four of these amazing people who make a difference to the lives of others. Volunteers are happier, healthier and sleep better than those who don’t volunteer – doctors should recommend it. (Volunteering Australia - Key Statistics)
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-10 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
WELCOME: Les Pontin welcomed our guests, and all the volunteers receiving recognition, including Joel Archer, May Gowlett and Gary Hall. OPEN: President Mike officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST:
 Bryan Mason proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The 2017 Rotary International Convention is will be held at the Georgia World Congress Centre from 10-14 June and guests from over 100 countries will attend. This year Bill Gates will be one of the keynote speakers. Some facts about the Rotary Club of Atlanta are that it was founded in 1913, and has been honored by Rotary International as one of its truly outstanding affiliates, with its members referring to the club as "the world's greatest Rotary Club." With over 500 members it is one of the largest Rotary Clubs. It has been a long tradition that a member of the Club must be a key leader in his or her field, a person of integrity whose sense of values includes an obligation of community service. The Club is pleased that not one week goes by that does not bring recognition of one — and usually several — of its members for significant leadership of a major civic enterprise. ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group) will host a Post Convention Workshop to discuss their strategy and highlight their Tree Planting Challenge - 1.2 Million Trees by Earth Day, 22April 2018. FUNDRAISING AT THE QUEENSLAND AIR MUSEUM:  The Open Cockpit Weekend at the Queensland Air Museum is on the 1st and 2nd July this year. We will be providing hamburgers from 9am -4pm on Saturday and Sunday. As in past years, we'll devise a roster so people can commit to a few hours, and as always we welcome family members to assist. An email has been sent to all regarding this. This is one of our major fundraising events and is also a lot of fun, so everyone is encouraged to attend.Peter Asher informed us that along with the F-111 there would be a range of other aircraft visitors could see up close, and that over the weekend we could expect more than 5000 visitors to pass through the gates. That's a lot of hamburgers. DONATIONS IN KIND: Don Wilkie and Bryan Mason travelled to Brisbane to assist other Rotarians in their efforts to send much needed items to schools and hospitals abroad. There were about 50 Rotarians and many were packing shipping containers, but Don and Bryan were sorting books in a large warehouse owned by the Uniting Church. There was a plethora of items from clothing to beds to dental chairs which had been donated, but the real challenge is finding the funds to pay for the transport. GOLF DAY:  Tony Long says we now have 9 confirmed sponsors for our golf day and Ross Harrison has again agreed to do the Helicopter Drop.The Golf Day will be on FRIDAY, 6TH OCTOBER 2017. The recipients of the proceeds will be Life Flight and STEPS. RIKI TIKI: Win Fowles conducted a very educational Riki Tiki teaching us a few facts about the USA. SERGEANT at ARMS: Don Wilkie was a fair sergeant and did a great job. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION: .jpg) Barbara Bailey did a wonderful job at coordinating our recognition of some local volunteers. As she said, volunteers build better communities and do so by meeting real life needs. Each of the recipients has embodied the spirit of volunteering and contributed to community while changing the lives of the individuals they touch each week. Pictured here (from left to right) President Mike, Joel Archer, May Gowlett and Gary Hall. They were all humble recipients, and shared stories of the people whose lives they touch. RAFFLE: Conducted successfully by Graham and Les. CLOSE: President Mike thanked all for attending and thanked the duty team. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem, this time accompanied by music.
Notes from the Meeting 8 June 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-06-07 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin welcomed all members and guests. OPEN: President Mike welcomed our guests and officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: The international toast was again to the Rotary Club of Manchester, UK. Their meetings are at the Manchester Hall in Bridge Street on Thursdays, and their pull up banner is similar to ours. They state "we're for community; we're for making a difference; we're for giving something back. Are you?" They do a lot to serve the local community and each April they run a 'Know your blood pressure' initiative. In addition they are actively involved in the End Polio Now campaign and strongly support Inner Wheel. COMMUNITY SERVICE: The Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea, hosted by Mark McArdle's office was a great success. Thank you to all who participated and the CCSA did a wonderful job. ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH: Due to a double ordering of badges we had more than anticipated, so all who attended the Relay for Life breakfast in May were recipients this month. VOLUNTEER AWARDS NIGHT: Next week we will present Awards to four volunteers who have been recognised as providing great service to the community. In addition to general community participation, they volunteer for Gateway Care, Blue Care Auxiliary, Hope within Reach and the Salvation Army. We look forward to meeting them and some of their colleagues. KIVA: Dave Smith updated us on the Kiva loan. $500 has been paid back and we are now looking for another worthy project in East Timor. CENTURION: We are looking to increase our Centurions - funds are down on last year. It isn't too late - presentations will be made on Changeover night. RIKI TIKI and SERGEANT at ARMS:
Were both conducted splendidly. PRESIDENT ELECT, PETER HIGGS: Peter Higgs gave an update on Rotary International policy changes with regards to Child Protection. Rotary International will create a register for people who work with children. They are standardising procedures, and as not all RI countries have the equivalent of a Blue Card, you will be required to complete additional forms. You will receive an email regarding this so please complete and return. (For Australian regulatory purposes you will still require a Blue Card or equivalent.) Rotary is also on a membership drive. Numbers are declining and the USA has fewer members than Asia. As the number of members declines, the fees will increase to cover costs. Our district has growing numbers, but when member numbers in any district fall below 1100, it triggers a redistribution. Each club is purposed with creating a strategic plan. Tony Long has already presented ideas on building capacity within our club and we will use this. We want to increase our membership to 50 in the next year. CLOSE: President Mike thanked our guests and guest speaker, the duty team and all for attending. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Notes from the Meeting 1 June 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-31 14:00:00Z |
OPEN: President Mike welcomed our guests and officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Peter Hovey proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Manchester, UK. It was formed in 1911 and has been actively supporting many causes since, including the End Polio Now campaign, the Disaster Aid UK campaigns, the Christie Hospital, the Francis House Children's Hospice, The Stroke Association, the Narrowgate Homeless Shelter and others. After the recent Manchester Arena attack, Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland said they were greatly saddened and shocked following the tragic event. They sent their heartfelt condolences to all those affected but noted that in these times, "strength and compassion is needed to rebuild lives, restore faith in humanity and show the world that no matter what, community spirit and togetherness will rise above everything." Many Rotary members both locally and across the globe attended vigils to show support. The Rotary District which included Manchester and surrounding areas set up a Trust to provide practical help to the victims and families of those killed or injured by the attack. FOUR-WAY TEST ROTARY GRACE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kevin Leadbetter updated us on the Breakfast for Cancer, hosted by Mark McArdle's office in the CCSA Hall on Friday 26 May. The Banner is currently in the hall and volunteers were to assist from 8.15am. ZONTA HOUSE: Will Waterford informed us that the Zonta house was completed today and is expecting its first occupants on the weekend. RELAY FOR LIFE: Dan Thomasson said 530 people were given breakfast at Relay for Life on May 21. CENTURION: It isn't too late to become a Centurion. Presentations will be made on Changeover night. RIKI TIKI:
An impromptu session was conducted by Patrick King: some may say shameless self-promotion, while others learnt something about iPhone microphones. SERGEANT at ARMS: Dave Smith again did a splendid job. RAFFLE: Conducted successfully by Graham and Les. GUEST SPEAKER: Kane Dalley, principal adviser and director of boutique financial advisory service, Sterling Advice, was our guest speaker for the evening. Although unable to provide specific advice to individuals he gave an informative and entertaining presentation. The crux of it all was that the world has changed markedly in recent times and will continue to do so, and this can be seen in changing markets and strong growth investments. He suggested the tech industries and especially medical technology and bio-tech would be good investment options, but that you should seek advice which takes into account your individual circumstances. CLOSE: President Mike thanked our guests and guest speaker, the duty team and all for attending. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Notes from the Meeting 25 May 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-24 14:00:00Z |
The Relay for Life, held at the Sunshine Coast University on the 20-21 May, was a great success. Over $84,000 was raised by 59 teams and 569 participants. It was a great effort and all funds raised enable Cancer Council Queensland to invest in research, prevention programs, and patient support services. Thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers and participants.
Relay for Life
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-24 14:00:00Z |
State Member for Caloundra, Mark McArdle, hosted Caloundra's Biggest Morning Tea on Friday 26th May. The Cancer Council is the leading cancer charity in Australia and their Biggest Morning Tea is a chance for Australians to get together and raise money for a great cause. Everyone knows someone affected by cancer and according to the Cancer Council's website, there are more than 1.1 million Australians who are either living with cancer or who have survived a diagnosis. The Cancer Council works to create hope, provide support and ultimately save lives.
Now in its fourth year, this community fundraiser was held in partnership with the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific, and 2017 was the biggest year yet. Many thanks to all those who participated and made the event a success. If you'd like to find out more or donate, please visit Mark McArdle's webpage for Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea.
Caloundra’s Biggest Morning Tea
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-23 14:00:00Z |
Posted by Tatiana Porter
Last year, three employees from Workplace Central attended a Rotary function and from that moment they all wanted Workplace Central to be a part of it.... The Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific worked hard to make us the first corporate member and for that, we sincerely thank you. The values of Rotary align with our personal values, and the focus on service and community support our corporate commitment. At present, Tatiana Porter, CEO of Workplace Central is a member and Stephanie Day, Tania Cherry, Denise Billsborough and Ben Haycroft are Friends of Rotary. Here are some of their thoughts:
The Corporate Member
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-23 14:00:00Z |
OPEN: President Mike officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast. INTERNATIONAL TOAST: John Sargent proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Hanoi, Vietnam. John will be visiting Hanoi in June to participate in an Australian Volunteers Project for the Centre for Women and Development. Hanoi has a population of 8-10 Million and June temperatures are typically in the mid 30s. The Centre for Women and Development has over 20 million members. ROTARY FOUNDATION: Dan Thomasson provided the following update: Donations in Kind need volunteers to assist in packing on 3rd June. Relay for Life still needs some volunteers to make breakfast on Sunday 21 May. The Breakfast is from 5-6.30am near the Students' Guild at the Sunshine Coast University. There are currently 11 Centurions. This status is achieved by giving $100 to the Rotary Foundation. Youth Exchange will see an incoming student from Horizonte in Brazil. Clarisse will be arriving on 16 July. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kevin Leadbetter reminded the club of the Breakfast for Cancer, hosted by Mark McArdle's office in the CCSA Hall. It is on Friday 26 May and is a sell out. At $30 per head and 181 tickets it will be a great fundraiser. We still require volunteers to assist from 8.30am. DV HOUSE: Peter Higgs informed us that the landscaping for the DV house is almost complete. All that remains is some planting and any volunteers can meet at the house at the arranged time. Tomorrow morning, weather permitting. RIKI TIKI:
Demonstrated how little we collectively knew about the Pumicestone Passage, but Ian showed us he was knowledgeable in this area (or was it lucky?) GOLF DAY: Tony Long told us preparation for the Golf Day is well underway, and he already has a sponsor for the Hole In One Insurance. This year there will be 2 recipients of the proceeds: Life Flight and STEPS SERGEANT at ARMS: Dave Smith did a splendid job. RAFFLE: Conducted successfully by Graham and Les. CLOSE: President Mike thanked all for attending and thanked Graham for Fellowship and Brad for room set up. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Notes from the Meeting 18 May 2017
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-22 14:00:00Z |
Open Cockpit Weekend at the Queensland Air Museum Saturday 1st July Sunday 2nd July 9am-4pm
Open cockpit
Tatiana Porter
2017-05-20 14:00:00Z |
MEETING NOTES FROM 20th April 2017 The meeting was opened with the introduction by Les of a prospective new Member Tatiana Porter, welcome. Kevin Curd proposed a toast to the International Rotary Club of Antigua in Guatamala where he found picture of a Rotary Badge on a composting toilet door - a good reason to celebrate! President Mike Healy recognised birthdays and anniversaries. David Smith talked briefly about the success of the KIVA project - 5 loans had been extended and 4 have been completed, so the project will continue. Barbara Bailey has finally had an email response from our sister club in Seoul who are very pleased to continue the association. Mention was made to the fact that Suzanne Lee-Archer is again in hospital and our thoughts go out to Suzanne and Greig. Patrick King, as usual, did an innovative fines session. Les Pontin - sourced some interesting question options for Riki Tiki and left one man standing. Our guest for next week is Cameron Tuesbury, the meeting will be held at the Caloundra Golf Club, 6 for 6.30 pm on Thursday, 27th April 2017. Bio for Cameron - As an Integral Technology Solutions, Cameron is an innovative entrepreneur, with strong business acumen combined with extensive IT experience. Under his leadership Integral has become a market leader when it comes to delivering innovative and complex IT solutions for clients. Cameron is passionate about mentoring young people in IT and exploring sustainable engineering. These passions collide in the Team Arrow project. Creating a solar car that raced in the World Solar challenge in the NT, and being th first Australian car to cross the finish line, was an outstanding feat for the small team. As an Integral Technology Solutions, Cameron is an innovative entrepreneur, with strong business acumen combined with extensive IT experience. Under his leadership Integral has become a market leader when it comes to delivering innovative and complex IT solutions for clients. Cameron is passionate about mentoring young people in IT and exploring sustainable engineering. These passions collide in the Team Arrow project. Creating a solar car that raced in the World Solar challenge in the NT, and being th first Australian car to cross the finish line, was an outstanding feat for the small team. MIKE HEALY - we have our combined Sunshine Coast clubs meeting at the University on Wednesday 10 May. As usual, this will take the place of our normal Thursday meeting for that week. Although the date is still a couple of weeks away, we must provide final numbers and make payment by next Wednesday (3 May). So that we can meet this deadline, I will send out a ClubRunner invitation later today and I ask that you please respond by Tuesday 2nd May so that we can send off our payment the next day. I’ve attached a flyer for the event which promises to be an interesting night and I encourage you to attend. The meeting ended with a Board Meeting. BULLETIN FROM THE WEEK BEFORE WHICH DID NOT GET PUBLISHED - There is nothing more to report as there was no meeting held on Thursday before Good Friday. From Geoff Leddy: Hello all – Caloundra Pacific Rotary Club is holding a Vocational Service night on Thursday 4th May. The night is proposed to be like a mini seminar on how technology has and will impact on the lives of our members, their businesses, and the community. The idea is to promote each person’s vocation as a worthwhile part of our society and how the leaders in our society (i.e. Rotarians) keep on top of change. I have attached hereto a “briefing paper” for your consideration. I am sending this out to 11 of our members and I am hoping that at least about 6 or 7 of you will be willing to participate by giving a 2 or 3 minute talk as set out in the briefing paper. I hope to have a session lasting about 20 to 25 minutes and then a 10 minute question/discussion session of the members. Please let me know by email in the next couple of weeks if you are willing to be a speaker on the night for a couple of minutes. Happy to take any queries in the meantime. REMINDER: Casablanca Evening at the Queensland Air Museum on Saturday 22 April from 7-11 pm. Click here for details. It promises to be a fun night and Diana Latham and Evelyn McCorkell will be attending with a few friends. REMINDER: Combined Rotary Clubs meeting at the University of the Sunshine Coast will be on Wednesday 10th May, guest speaker is Katie Toni . As from 1st May, Diana Latham will be the welfare officer while Eve McCorkell is away, till end of June, thanks Diana; then hopefully she will carry on the pleasant task of sending members greetings for the following twelve months. Mark Paton will be taking over the Editor's role for the Clubrunner during May and June, again while Eve McCorkell is away - thanks Mark. NEXT WEEK: Next meeting will be Thursday 20th April at the Caloundra Golf Club 6.30 for 7 - 8 pm
20 April Calpac Capers
Eve McCorkell
2017-04-20 14:00:00Z |
TWO MINUTE VOCATIONAL TALK | | | | | | | | | | 30-Mar-17 | | Salvos | | | 06-Apr-17 | | Club Meeting | | David Millar | 13-Apr-17 | | Easter Thursday | | | 20-Apr-17 | | Board Meeting | | Allen Morgan | 27-Apr-17 | | Club Meeting | | Stan Nawrocki | 04-May-17 | | Club Meeting | | Frank Price | 10-May-17 | | SCU Combined | | | 18-May-17 | | Board Meeting | | Bruce Radford | 25-May-17 | | Club Meeting | | John Sargent | 01-Jun-17 | | Volunteer Awards | | | 08-Jun-17 | | Club Meeting | | Dan Thomasson | 15-Jun-17 | | Club Meeting | | Aub Tucker | 22-Jun-17 | | Club Meeting | | Don Wilkie | 29-Jun-17 | | Change Over | | | | | | | Neville Woodforth | | | | | Gordon Watson |
Two Minute Vocational Talks
Ross Harrison
2017-03-22 14:00:00Z |
Marion Harris has given us an update of the community house - The RISE project is well underway with the house now having a roof!!! Photo attached. Our Club has agreed to pay for the Landscaping with Pres. Elect Peter Higgs and Will Waterford designing and undertaking that part of the project. This is a tangible contribution to our community. Zonta is very appreciative of our Club's help with fundraising and practical help for this project. Marilyn Holness from Zonta and leader of this project has just been awarded Inspirational Woman of the Year for her tireless work to bring this house to fruition- which started by the identification of the need and a generous donation of the land. Well done all who have supported this project to meet the need in our community. It's a great example of Service Club's collaboration.
Zonta _ RISE Project
Marilyn Harris
2017-03-17 14:00:00Z |
I mentioned tonight about our 2000 exchange student Theresa from Germany. She and husband Matthias were here last about six or seven years ago - she's been busy producing babies since then, and is expecting her third in July. Lives near Munich. Lovely family. A couple of pics (received Tuesday) are attached. One is Theresa with son Korbanian on the pony - the other pic is of daughter Nora and Korbanian. Many club members would remember Theresa, so you may want to put something in the bulletin. Thanks. Cheers, Win
Theresa from Germany
Win Fowles
2017-03-17 14:00:00Z |
President Mike opened the meeting.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Proposed by David Smith to the Rotary Club of Eureka, California. It was chartered in 1923 and the current president is Mathew Owen. They meet on Mondays at noon. They are renowned as having 100 Honorary members which include past presidents of the USA Bush, Carter and JFK.
VOCATIONAL MINUTES: Cedric gave his presentation. He was born in Crows Nest near Toowoomba. He became interested in motor mechanics when a relative decided to fix some machinery and showed him how it was done. In 1952 he was called up to do his national service. He has spent 42 years as a motor mechanic and enjoyed every minute of it. He joined Rotary in 1978 after he was expelled from Jaycees. He was at the Britannia Garage at the bottom end of Bulcock Street for many years and from there set up his own garage in Grigor Street. In 1994 Manfred Klink came along and bought his business. His motto thought out his life has been to meet every challenge rather than pass it off.
VOCATIONAL SERVICE: Barbara reminded us that the Pride of Workmanship Awards are on 24th November, a good role up for this important night would be appreciated be the recipients. On 2nd February will will have avocational visit to Parliament House hosted by Mark McArdle.
ROTARIAN of the MONTH: Graeme Bowden was presented with the Rotarian of the Month Award for his commitment to the raffle every night.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: The club presented Graeme with a cake and sang happy birthday in honour of his 70th birthday!!
SECRETARY: Don Wilkie advised the club that we will have a special presentation to Cynthia Morgan and John's family to honour John's 50 years as a Rotarian.
SERGEANT: Mark Paton did a great job as sergeant and had us in stitches with some of his jokes.
RIKI TIKI: Greg Lee Archer asked the questions and Cedric was the lucky winner.
Peter Higgs will be the incoming president.
Nominations were called for the following positions and the lucky winners were!!
President Elect: Vacant
Secretary: Don Wilkie
Treasurer: Brian Reith
Club Service: Ross Harrison
Community Service: Kevin Leadbetter
International Service: David Smith
Youth Service: Dan Thomason
Vocational Service: Barbara Bailey
The auditors report was unavailable so this will be presented to the club when it becomes available.
AGM Meeting was closed.
- Brian Mason advised that the ROMAC Trivia Night will be on 2nd March 2017. Also ROMAC has been granted $500,000 in global grants from RI.
- International toast - there has been little response from clubs we toast to our electronic communication. It was hoped that our club responds in a timely fashion to any electronic communications.
- Evelyn McCorkell will investigate a cocktail party or similar event to invite prospective members to come along to to find out about Rotary and Caloundra Pacific.
- Any members free on December 5th at lunch time are encouraged to come along to Dicky Beach to meet the current inbound and outbound exchange students - all 34 of them.
- It was suggested that board meeting decisions be published in the bulletin.
- It was suggested that members commit or respond to requests for volunteers in a timely fashion, whether it is positive or negative response. This will allow those organising events to plan more efficiently. It was suggested that requests be made in a similar fashion to the invite to each dinner meeting.
RAFFLE: Was drawn.
CLOSE: President Mike reminded us that the next meeting will be a board meeting - all are welcome to attend!!
He thanked all for attending and contributing to tonight's meeting and closed the meeting.
Last week's Meeting & AGM
David Johnston
2016-11-15 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant Les called the meeting to order.
He welcomed the guest speaker Lochie smart as well as the partners and guests of members. Alan Bethune from the Rotary Club was also welcomed as was exchange student Gertrud.
President Mike then officially opened the meeting with the loyal toast.
Kevin Curd proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Lae Huon Gulf in PNG.
PNG has 12 clubs with a total of 183 members. The Rotary Club of Lae Huon Gulf has 23 members and meets at the Lae International Hotel on Tuesdays at 7 pm. their main projects include an Annual Charity Golf Day and an Annual Black Tie Ball. Their projects include providing school equipment, community projects, Pride of Workmanship Awards, sports and mentoring program, school scholarships and medical equipment for Angau hospital.
Tony long has the golf day in hand. He will have a mystery guest for the post round presentations.
Barb bailey advised the club that Pat Lawton is very ill. Also Lyn Mason is undergoing surgery. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mike and Pat and Brian and Lyn.
We also now have a formal agreement in place that establishes a sister club arrangement with the Rotary Club of Onah in South Korea.
Kevin Leadbetter reminded the club of the Melbourne cup function sponsored by the Rotary Club of Caloundra to be held at the Power Boat Club. See the flyer later in the bulletin.
Our club will also support the Little Ray of Sunshine project by donating toys that will go to Joel Archer's project to help disadvantaged children locally.
A successful 2 days have just been concluded.
RIKI TIKI: not held.
SERGEANT at ARMS: Ross Harrison did a splendid job.
GUEST SPEAKER: Lochlan Smart.
Ross Harrison introduced Lochie to the club.
At the tender age of 16, Lochie set a goal of flying solo around the world. He gathered a good support team around him and with his parents he set about fund raising and obtaining sponsorships to bring his goal to fruition.
Lochie spoke of his "adventure". He started from the Sunshine Coast Airport at 4 am and his first stop was Fiji. Shortly into this leg Lochie realised that he had left his laptop and lunch box behind. After some drama these were delivered to him in Fiji by a kind commercial pilot.
From here he flew to American Samoa, Christmas Island and on to Hawaii. From here it was on to California, which involved a 14 hour flight over open ocean and through the Intertropical Convergence Zone at the Equator - this produces heavy storms.
From here, with the company of Fred the teddy, he flew to Las Vegas, Texas, Nashville, Niagara Falls, St John in Canada and to the Azores. The flight from the Azores to Biggenhill UK was difficult as he had to have waypoints every 50 nautical miles. Lochie's great grandfather flew spitfires from this area in WWII. Lochie was able to have a rest period here and was able to catch with family and do a bit of sightseeing.
The next leg was to France via the White Cliffs of Dover and onto Crete. From here he the flight path took him to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Jakarta. From Jakarta he flew to Broome, Darwin, Longreach, Bundaberg and finally touching down at the Sunshine Coast Airport after 8 weeks of flying.
He currently holds the record for the youngest pilot to fly solo around the world, an achievement that Lochie freely admits that will be broken in the future.
His future goal is to establish a foundation to help and support Young Achievers.
Peter Asher had the privilege to thank Lochie for his excellent presentation. He noted that Lochie is a very confident young achiever and on behalf of the club wished him every success in the future.
RAFFLE: was drawn
President Mike thanked all for attending and congratulated Lochie and is parents on his achievements so far. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-10-16 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant Les called the meeting to order.
President Mike welcomed all, especially the partners present, the guest speaker Jeremy Scott and visiting rotarian Judy Clark fro the Caloundra Club.
Kevin Curd proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Honiara. District 9600 has four countries, PNG, Nauru, Solomon Islands and Australia.
Honiara has 28 members and meets on Tuesdays at the Honiara hotel at 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start. They have an association with club in Malaysia that raised $300,000 in a golf day as well as 120,000 in donations. These funds go towards the Rotary Against Malaria project aimed at clearing mosquito breeding areas.
GOLF DAY Friday 14th October:
Tony Long reported that we have 20 team sponsors.
- 100'S BOARD AND RAFFLES .............................. LES
- PHOTOGRAPHER ............................. PETER HOVEY
- AUCTION............................................................... LES
- REGISTRATION ................................................... BRIAN
- BETTING HOLES.................................................. FRANK
- HOLES IN ONE..................................................... ROSS & TONY
- HELICOPTER BALL DROP ................................. ROSS
- CARTS ............................................................. WILL
- PRIZES-RAFFLE/AUCTION ............................... TONY
- PRIZES- COMPETITION ..................................... PAUL B
As Bill Lawrie would Say "Its all Happening.
Les reported that Gary Robertson has the clus's historical material and is looking for someone to take over the role. David Smith generously offered to take over the role.
Barb Bailey presented the pin to Ken Hinkley.
Ross Harrison suggested that as a club we support Caloundra Rotary Club's fund raiser at the Power Boat Club.
Please see attached Flyer.
Conducted by Barb and won by Greg Lee-Archer!
Ross did a wonderful job with very few complaints, those that did paid heavily.
Evelyn McCorkill introduced Jeremy Scott.
Jeremy was born in NZ and at the age of 4 years had open heart surgery. Following this surgery he was aable to keep up with his peers and gave him a drive to be successful.
After school he lived in London and worked in an Architectural field.
In 2004 he saw an article in a TNT magazine that made him decide to ride a bicycle from London to Auckland.
On 5 th October 2011 he set off from London. He found the first few weeks very difficult but he kept going.
His journey took him from London thru Amsterdam, Vienna and Prague. From he he crossed Turkey where he encountered temperatures of minus 30 degrees.From here his journey took him thru Iran and Central Asia. He found the Iranian people to be very friendly and helpful (he did encounter drug dealers but managed to extricate him form that situation).
In Western China he encountered major dust storms. In South Korea and Japan he found incredible scenery. From here he went thru Vietnam, Malaysia and on to Australia. In Australia he travelled from Darwin to Cairns and then to Melbourne. From here he flew to NZ and finished up at the Auckland Medical School after 2 1/2 years and 51916 Kms and only 7 punctures.
He has self published a book titled "A Long Road from a Broken Heart" which cost $65 of which Jeremy donates 10% to the Heart Foundation.
See his web site at
He was thanked by President Mike.
RAFFLE: Was drawn and won .
President Mike closed the meeting after thanking all. He reminded us that Lockie Smart will be speaking next Thursday.
6th October Meeting
David Johnston
2016-10-09 14:00:00Z |
Friday 14 th October
Friday 14th is our annual Charity Golf Day in support of the RACQ Life Flight Rescue service.
Help is needed on the day and is a good opportunity to meet the sponsors and players.
Golf Day
David Johnston
2016-10-03 14:00:00Z |
Thursday night was a good social night held at Dominico's Restaurant at Kings Beach. The night was organised by one of our newest members, Alan Gillespe. He even went to the trouble of organising a fireworks display!! Those present enjoyed a two course meal in traditional Italian style. Judging by the level of noise and the animated conversations everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
29th September meeting
David Johnston
2016-10-02 14:00:00Z |
Vocational visit to Caloundra Garden and Pet Supplies.
Barbara Bailey welcomed all to Will's establishment. During drinks and nibbles Barb conducted quiz and there were many winners. This was despite the fact that despite instructions many answers were shouted out without raising hands.
Will then spoke of his business. He established this during the Global Financial Crisis which he felt was a good time. He has put a lot of market research into his business which has allowed it to grow despite the uncertain times. He obviously still conducts market research as evidenced by his expansion into pet supplies. He and his staff have very good knowledge of the products they stocks and also have a good relationship with suppliers.
Will was thanked by acclamation.
We then adjourned to the nearby Golden Beach Tavern for a social meal.
22nd September meeting
David Johnston
2016-09-26 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant: Ross Harrison
Fellowship: Frank Price
Room Set Up: Geoff Leddy
International Toast: Kevin Curd
Please remember, it is your responsibility to arrange a substitute if you are unable to do your duty.
October Duty Roster
David Johnston
2016-09-26 14:00:00Z |
21st September was International Peace Day. Relevant quotes:
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
"If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies." - Desmond Tutu
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
International Peace Day 21st September
Win Fowles
2016-09-26 14:00:00Z |
The main thrust is the fact that 2 of the original loans have been fully repaid and we are well on the way to funding a new lender.
International Committee - Kiva Report
David Smith
2016-09-26 14:00:00Z |
Clarification of RYDA TMR (Transport and Main Roads) funding as Follows:
RYDA Caloundra received a total of $48,630 from TMR in 2015/16.
Further TMR funding has been approved for RYDA Caloundra organised by the Rotary Clubs of Caloundra, Caloundra Pacific, Glasshouse Mountains and Kawana Waters to deliver the RYDA program to approximately 1500 year 11 students per year from eleven local schools over the next three years.
The new TMR funding for RYDA Caloundra is $40,500 per year for 2017/18/19 with reasonable additional funding to cover additional costs after the first year.
The five established RYDA venues in Rotary District 9600 will receive a total of $426,222 from TMR over the next three years.
Neville Woodforth
RYDA Program and Schools Coordinator – Caloundra Venue
Rotary District 9600 RYDA Chair
RYDA funding
Neville Woodforth
2016-09-13 14:00:00Z |
Les opened the meeting by reminding us that Caloundra Pacific was chartered on 7th September 1977. He then introduced President Mike Healy.
President Mike welcomed guests Ian Aspinall (to be inducted tonight) and exchange student Gertrud. He also welcomed Gordon Watson, Mark & Judy McArdle and visiting Rotarian Julianna Neill from the Caloundra Club who is also the host parent for Gertrud. Mike welcomed the partners present and thanked them for coming.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Peter Hovey proposed the toast to Gertrud's sponsoring Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Odense in Carolinekilde in Denmark. It was chartered in 1964 and conducts its meeting in English. It sponsors a Rotaract club and currently has two inbound exchange students, Jade from Texas and Peter from Taiwan.
GOLF DAY 14th OCTOBER. Sponsors required.
Neville Woodford advised that the last two RYDA days for this year are on 11th and 12th october. See report later in the bulletin.
Win Fowles on behalf of David Smith presented Gertrud with two badges for her collection.
Will Waterford reminded to keep looking and ASKING people to join Rotary.
Kevin Leadbetter from Community Service reminded us of the projects we have this year. Zonta Safe House, Joel Archer (requires children's toys), Golf Day, Clean up australia Day, Cancer fund raising breakfast.
Barbara Bailey from Vocational Service congratulated Patrick King on his well present relocation celebration. Also we will be having a Vocational visit to Will Waterford's business in two Thursday's time.
COMMUNITY AWARENESS: Win Fowles advised us that the Sunshine Coast Art Prize night last week was a terrific event. Also that the previous owners of Little Mountain Produce (Jeff & Kerri-anne have a daughter with type 1 diabetes.
INDUCTION of Ian Aspinall, proposed by Greg Lee Archer.
Greg spoke to his proposal of Ian. They have been good friends of IAN and Cath for 6 years. Ian is originally from the UK. His father has been the president of the Haywood Rotary Club. Ian's background is in motor vehicle engineering. He moved from the UK to Hong Kong where he spent several decades. His wife is Cath and the have a daughter Amanda who is married to Simon. Ian enjoys reading, gardening, motor sports and is scuba expert.
Ian was inducted by Ross Harrison. Ian is allocated to the vocational service committee and will hold the classification of Government Technical Officer, Retired. President Mike presented Ian with his badge and invited him to say a few words.
Ian thanked Greg and the club for the honor. He spoke of his 20 years in Hong Kong as going very fast, the first 15 years was like a holiday but the last 5 years he had to work. He saw the writing on the wall when the Chinese were to take over so he left..
SERGEANT: Manfred did his usual wonderful job.
RIKI TIKI: not run.
GUEST SPEAKER: Exchange student Gertrud gave her first address to our club.
She is from Volund, Denmark. Her family consists of mum, Dad and two brothers. Her Dad is a vet and her Mum is a mid wife. The family usually has two holidays a year, summer camping in Italy and winter in Switzerland.
Denmark is a flat country, the highest mountain is Sky Mountain at 147 metres (no it is not a typo). It has a population between 5 & 6 million. Danes celebrate Christmas starting in the 1st December with the Christmas celebration on the 24th December. The majors companies are Lego, Carlsberg and Maersk. Denmark is the 4th oldest Monarchy in Europe being 1000 years old. Denmark has the famous author Hans Christian Andersen (Little Mermaid, Girl with the Matches). Denmark claims to be the happiest country in the world.
Typical food in Denmark is the open sandwich and licorice, Gertrud gave us a taste. The Danneborg is the flag of Denmark and is the oldest flag in the world.
Gertrud presented the club with a gift and a banner and was given a gift in return. She thanked Caloundra Pacific and Rotary for this wonderful opportunity. Asked why she chose Australia, Gertrud responded with it is far away and is English speaking.
Well done Gertrud on a well presented talk !!
CLOSE: President Mike thanked the duty officers and visitors and guests. He thanked Gertrud for her presentation.
He reminded us that next week is a board meeting to follow the regular meeting.
The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
8th Sept Meeting
David Johnston
2016-09-12 14:00:00Z |
Les opened the meeting and introduced President Mike. Mike welcomed guests Steve Thompson (Mark Paton), Ian (Greg Lee Archer), Kassi & Tarique Kim Berghoffer) and of course our exchange student Gertrud.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Proposed by Peter Hovey to the Rotary Club of Champions Sunrise, Houston, Texas. It meets at the International Pancake House on Tuesdays at 7.30 am. Their main fund raiser is a Golf Day.
VOCATIONAL MINUTE: Peter Higgs spoke of his time in the wool industry. He reminded us that the sheep dog is a very valuable animal, sometimes costing up to $5000 which would be tax deductable. These dogs are well bred, highly intelligent and well trained members of the team.
ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH: Barbara Bailey presented Peter Higgs with his Rotarian of the Month pin for his efforts with the Youth Committee.
- Patrick King has his relocation celebration at 6 pm Wednesday 7th September.
- Brian Mason advised us that ROMAC’s application for a US$330,000 Global Grant will be split in two applications of US$190,000 each. This will allow 6 heart operations and includes $40,000 towards training.
RIKI TIKI: Conducted by Graeme Bowden and won by Marilyn Harris.
SERGEANT: Manfred did a wonderful job.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our own Kim Berghoffer was our guest speaker and she spoke on her life journey so far.
She was born in Sydney in 1956 but grew up mainly in PNG. Her dad was in taxation, she has a brother. Kim showed quite a few interesting photos of the times in PNG and Kieta, Bougainville. Her primary school classes consisted of up to 60 children.
Kim left school at year 10 and travelled Australia for 10 years. In 1992 she completed a Commerce Degree and in 1993 she joined the Queensland Police Service. Her first posting was Caloundra, followed by Caboolture then Donnybrook. Her second husband ran Brigalow Electrical for many years and was well known throughout the area. Unfortunately he died 4 years ago. If I have this correct Kim has three daughters, Kassi, Alana and Renee and she has a granddaughter Penny aged 3.
It is always interesting to hear from our members and Kim gave us a great insight into her life.
RAFFLE: was drawn and won.
CLOSE: President Mike thanked the duty officers, the guests and Gertrud for attending. He reminded us that Gertrud will be speaking next Thursday.
The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Last Weeks Meeting
David Johnston
2016-09-04 14:00:00Z |
Les opened the meeting. President Mike welcomed visitor Ian. He also made special welcome to Ken Hinkly, Win Fowles and Mark McArdle.
President advised us that tonights meeting will finish at 7.15 pm so that the Board can conduct its meeting following the general meeting.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Proposed by David Smith to the Rotary Club Prishtina, Kosova. It was charted in 2006 and has 36 members. It has a Rotaract and an Interact Club. It meets on Thursday evenings as we do. It supports Polio Plus.
- Bruce Radford advised that he has replacement Emergency Booklets to replace the faulty ones distributed previously.
- Will Waterford reminded us that Patrick King has his relocation event on the 7th September. Will also reissued his challenge to us to ask someone along to join Rotary.
- Ross Harrison (Club Services) advised us that one of the roles of the fellowship officer will be to ask visiting Rotarians if they want to say something about themselves or their club. There will be a social fellowship meeting at Dominico's Restaurant on 29th September (this is the 5th Thursday of the month). It will be a pizza and pasta night.
Les gave a very uplifting story about the word up.
RIKI TIKI: not held. (Graeme Bowden was the lucky winner last week)
SERGEANT: also not held.
RAFFLE: Many happy winners.
CLOSE: President Mike thanked the duty team. He reminded that Kim Berghoffer will be speaking next week. He invited anyone interested to sit in on the board meeting.
The Meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-08-27 14:00:00Z |
September Peter Hovey
October Kevin Curd
November David Smith
December Win Fowles
January Peter Hovey
February Kevin Curd
March David Smith
April Kevin Curd
May Win Fowles
June Brian Mason
International Toast Roster
David Smith
2016-08-27 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin opened the meeting by introducing President Mike Healy. Mike then welcomed his better half Jenny to the meeting. He also welcomed Dave Smith after his return from his stay in France.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Proposed by Dave Smith to the Rotary Club of Amiens, France. It was chartered in 1987, has a membership of 46 and meets on Thursday evenings at 7.15 pm. One of its projects is Heart of Eating that provides meals to the homeless. Amiens has the largest cathedral in France and reportedly has part of the skull John the Baptist.
MEMBERSHIP: Will reminded us that August is membership month. He issued a challenge to us all - the target is 10 new members by the end of this Rotary year (that is one a month) This is quite achievable - it only requires each and everyone of us to approach people we know (neighbours, professionals, friends etc) to join Rotary. So don't be bashful, ask someone.
VOCATIONAL: Barb Bailey advised that we will have a Pride of Workmanship Award night in October - November. The committee is looking for nominations.
GOLF DAY - FRIDAY 14th OCTOBER: Tony reminded us that the golf day is fast approaching and that we still need sponsors. Currently we have 16 sponsors with a target of 9 more needed. He also recommended Peter Higgs as a landscape Designer - Tony had some work done recently by Peter that he was very happy with.
VOCATIONAL MINUTE: Graeme Bowden gave his presentation.
- He started selling books in Caloundra in 1988.
- 1960 to 1980 was the golden era for book sellers.
- 1990 saw the entry of Big W and Kmart into book selling with varying degrees of success.
- 2003 saw 80 million books sold while in 2015 150 million books were sold.
- 2015 saw a decline for the first time in the number of e-books sold.
- 30% of book stores have gone in the past 8 years.
Graeme has many stories to relate - such as the grandfather who asked for a book about mermaids for his rather intelligent grand daughter. When Graeme presented him with a book, the grandfather replied that it was no good, his grand daughter wanted a book about REAL mermaids !!!
RIKI TIKI: Mike Healy presented the questions and the lucky winner was - Graeme Bowden.
SERGEANT: Peter Hovey did a splendid job.
GUEST SPEAKER: As our guest speaker was unable to attend Barb stepped up to the plate. She asked us to relate a story about our first job.
After a slowish start members started to relate their stories, such as :-
- First male check out chick
- Looking after pigs.
- Butchers delivery boy.
- Chemist delivery boy (Drug dealer?).
- Bunny girl at Woolies at Easter.
There were many interesting stories, many relating to not being paid, all showed a degree of commitment to a good work ethic.
Barb was thanked for doing a splendid job at the last minute.
RAFFLE: drawn and won.
CLOSE: President Mike thanked all for attending and the duty team for their good work. He then closed the meeting by asking us all to sing the National Anthem.
Last week's meeting
David Johnston
2016-08-22 14:00:00Z |
Room Set Up
Allen Morgan
Peter Asher
Bruce Radford
Peter Hovey
Evelyn McCorkell
Kevin Curd
Manfred Klink
Barbara Bailey
David Johnston
Ross Harrison
Frank Price
Geoff Leddy
Mark Paton
Kim Berghofer
Brad Eldred
Stan Nawrocki
John Sargeant
Bryan Mason
Dan Thomasson
Di Latham
Don Wilkie
Will Waterford
Allan Gillespie
David Millar
Tony Long
Marilyn Harris
Greig Lee-Archer
Patrick King
Jan Billett
Kevin Leadbetter
David Smith
Graeme Bowden
Brad Eldred |
Aub Tucker
Ken Hinkly
Cedric Gowlett
Duty Rosters for the year
Ross Harrison
2016-08-15 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant: Manfred Klink
Fellowship: Barbara Bailey
Room Set Up: David Johnston
International Toast: Peter Hovey
Please remember, it is your responsibility to arrange a substitute if you are unable to do your duty.
September Duty Roster
David Johnston
2016-08-15 14:00:00Z |
Ken Hinkly and family thank the Rotary Club members for their condolences at Marie's death. Your support by phone calls, cards and presence at her Requiem Mass are very much appreciated, as is the wonderful floral arrangement the club sent to the church and which now has a prominent place at home.
Thank you
Ken Hinkly
2016-08-14 14:00:00Z |
Those members and partners that were able to get to Ross's hanger had an informative visit despite the rain.
The attendees were treated to a fine BBQ experience (despite or because chef Brad's efforts). Fellowship was followed by a video presentation by Ross on the Cirrus Aircraft, a breath of fresh air in aircraft design. This was then followed by a tour of the hangar and of the aircraft present. It was obvious to all present that Ross and Robyn have a passion for flying. I am sorry I missed the experience, I had some good friends visiting form Sydney.
Vocational visit
David Johnston
2016-08-14 14:00:00Z |
Part two:
The bus trip was about 9 hours and the whole trip was slept with dead sleeping teenagers (I trying not to destroy my back further had created a nest of jumpers in the bus aisle and slept).
Stopping at a servo in Germany I also discovered something that has happened many times to me in Europe. Because of my general looks, when it was my turn in the line at the servo, while everyone else was being spoken to in english, I was met with german. Which is unfortunately gibberish to me, but I was able to save myself with a polite nod and ‘Danke’ at the end.
So at this point i was with my people and I was having a grand old time trying to understand what people are saying to me while my american friend (who actually studies german and can speak decent german) was laughing in my ear.
We arrived in Munich and we were met with a very fun sunday beer festival.
Given free time we wandered around and such until we were taken to our hotel, a nice hotel that was 20 mins outside the center. Had dinner and chilled out still being very tired from the night before.
The next day was slightly dreary weather wise which wasn’t great for exploring castles but we made do. We visited Hohenschwangau Castle and Neuschwanstein Castle (though I will never be able to tell anyone due to the fact I cant actual pronounce either name). Both castles were gorgeous and we had a great time. That night had a great dinner at the Munich Hard Rock Cafe, and were given coupons for the store (great night all around obviously).
Next day was free day, me and a friend walked around the city, found all the wifi hot spots and discovered how to use the trams. We also found out the importance of bike paths in Germany, if you do not move out of their way- they will take you out (and get spoken to very strongly in angry german).
The next day we were traveling into France but first we were very lucky to given the chance to have a tour of a german concentration camp. As a person who has studied this period of time for many, many assignments, tests and just general interest over the years, I felt lucky to see such an emotional place in person. It was such an interesting experience I feel very grateful for the chance to see it.
After this we headed in Strasbourg France. This place was amazing and we were all very lucky. We booked into our hotel, had dinner then travelled out into the city to meet up later, and it came quickly apparent we had come on a good night. Because we had walked into a music festival but this wasn’t just a normal music festival, it was a bloody fantastic music festival. Down every street of Strasbourg were groups of bands/singers/djs/drummers; whatever kind of music you can think of it was there. The amazing thing is you would walk down one street and be chilling out to some bob marley, then you would turn onto the next street and there was a rave in the middle of the street! We saw metal bands, drummers, Zumba, french music, jazz- just anything and everything! It was amazing (we also ate Fairy Floss, again great night). Not to mention the whole place was just beautiful. Definitely one of my favourite cities.
We stayed the one night then was off to Paris for three nights!! We got into Pairs late in the evening, had dinner then booked into our hotel. And oh my god this hotel was tiny, it was budget and when I say budget I mean the toilet was in a closet. All the exchange referred to as the closet toilet and became a good old joke with group.
Next day we taken in to the center of Pairs! We were given free time for the day to wander where ever we wanted and as you can imagine most of headed for the Louvre straight away. I saw the Mona Lisa (and yes it is very small). The museum was just beautiful, I could spend the whole day there. After we walked down the main shopping road, and there was no chance I could buy anything here. The prices were crazy. We also experienced the fanciest Maccas I have ever seen. There were women dressed like flight attendants directing you to seats and would bring your meal to your. Compare that to the Australian Maccas it was crazy. And one of favourite things I did was go on the ferris wheel in Paris, we got this beautiful birds eye view of the whole city. It was amazing.
After that was dinner at an italian restaurant near the hotel, then to bed.
Next day was free time at the highlight of Paris the Eiffel Tower. It was amazing. Me and some friends decided to go to a bakery close by and buy some cheese and baguettes to eat on the field in front of the Eiffel Tower. Felt very french. In the afternoon we travelled by subway to outside of the main city and had dinner at this beautiful French restaurant and then on the way back we stopped at the Eiffel Tower at night to see it lit up. Also at every hour in the evening the Eiffel Tower lights twinkle like stars. I cant express how beautiful it was. From there was back to the hotel at like 12ish (normal return time) and to bed.
The next day we left for Lyon a lovely town in the south of France. It was a beautiful old town that actually reminded me a lot of Italian styled towns. We had a small tour of the church and there were given free time to wander.
Later we took the bus back to our hotel for the our last night together. We had a celebration dinner in a private hall together, and damn if a lot of us weren’t crying. We all signed each others flags (we all had italian flags and would write messages and goodbyes on it). I cry if I read my flag, honestly.
I loved this group so much, new and old friends and it was just crushing to have to say goodbye.
Next day we were headed back to Milan, where we would all catch trains to different cities. The bus ride was spent singing along to Italian music and playing just all this sad music. At the train station a lot of the other kids from other districts left earlier, so who was mainly was left was everyone from our district. And I normally don’t cry much, but oh my god I was absolutely bawling. All of us was standing in this group in the corner just crying our eyes out saying goodbye. Because you would say goodbye to one friend and cry, then you would calm down but then another friend would come say goodbye and you start crying again. It was an endless cycle of crying for like over an hour before people had to start catching trains.
It was honestly one of the saddest most emotional moments I have ever experienced in my life. And talking with the other Australian girl here later we agreed that it is that being an Australian exchange student is definitely harder. Because we only had these amazing people for half a year and had to say goodbye earlier, and we are already predicting the same reaction with the newbies that are coming in at the start of september. Having two of those emotional situations of goodbyes is going to be sad but i’m also so excited to meet the new students and just excited to meet new and interesting people. Because what I have found is people who do exchange are always interesting.
In conclusion amazing trip, loved every minute of it, and had no bad situations or problems. I appreciate the fact that I got to have this amazing trip with such amazing people and will forever treasure it.
Alana's Euro Tour - Part two
2016-08-09 14:00:00Z |
Ciao! The past month has been crazy busy. We had euro tour, which is traveling around on a bus for two weeks though Europe and it was amazing.
Our bus had around 40 exchange students from around the world and they were all amazing lovely people. Most people were from different districts around Italy but my district was very lucky in the fact that everyone from my district who was going got the same bus. So I got to spend possibly one of the best two weeks of my life with an amazing bunch of people, and my god did we have fun.
We started by meeting up in Milan at the train station. We were introduced to everyone and got some photos taken together (photos added to email). From there we were given free time to wander around Milan (honestly we took some pictures in front of the very impressive Duomo church, got some ice cream, and tried not to walk into any stores because everything is crazy expensive). Then it was back to the bus, our mode of transport/the cause of many sore aching muscles. It was a 9 hour trip to a very pretty small town called Innsbruck in the very beautiful country (not to be confused with Australia) Austria! We had an Austrian themed dinner (which was mainly soup), and literally flopped into our beds dead tired.
The next day we were given a beautiful tour of the town. I mean the town was nice and all but possibly the best thing I found in Austria was in the tourist shop. It was a t-shirt saying ‘No Kangaroos in Austria’- literally the best thing ever. Its now my favourite shirt and I wear it constantly amused with myself. So I had a great time in Innsbruck.
We left Innsbruck after lunch and travelled for about 5 hours to Vienna, the capital of Austria. Looking back I believe Vienna was one of favourite cities, I would even being interested in living there for a while (I really liked it).
We stayed in Vienna 3 days & 3 nights.We got there late in the afternoon, unpacked, ate dinner, then was invited to go to an amusement park that was open til 12. So at about 10.30 at night we were brought to a (honestly very shady looking) amusement park and were given free reign for about and hour then had to meet back up. This was a monday night at 10:30 at night, so the park was pretty empty, which meant no lines (which was obviously a win win for us). It was fun, very random but very fun.
We weren’t in bed until about 1, which should have been been the first warning sign for the next two weeks. (You do not sleep on euro tour. Every night we get back to the hotel around 12-2. Which means you try and catch up on sleep on the bus, hence certain muscles have permanent damage. and you find out quickly who gets grouchy with not enough sleep)
Next day we had a tour of the schoenbrunn palace and gardens. The palace was impressive, the gardens gorgeous. There was a maze, a huge fountain and a zoo (not joking), but the best thing was the small very snazzy/hippy cafe. I was with my very lovely friend called Erin (from England, love her accent), and we constantly agree though Italian food is delish, meat wise they are just not on par with actual proper thick meat. So when we ordered this meat burger and what came was an actual proper meat burger, I could have cried. It was first proper burger in months. The fact that I am describing this to you in detail should explain how amazing this moment was for me, such a good burger.
Anyway after that we were taken to the main center of Vienna, where I discovered there to be many, many of my favourite stores. I still feel slight shame on how much I bought 3 days in to euro tour, didn’t regret it (they were great sales), but I do tend to skip over my shopping spree when recounting this adventure to my mother. After that we went and had another traditional Austrian dinner including women wearing the traditional dresses (think old time taven owner or milkmaid) and more soup. There was also ‘traditional’ fiddlers, which played a beautiful rendition of the chicken dance (we taught the Taiwanese and one very confused Finland this strange dance, very amusing). From that back to the hotel, dead tired and slept.
Our final day in Vienna was practically was a huge free day, unfortunately they left us in the center of Vienna again, and the shops practically called to me (I have no actual restraint). After that went back to the hotel had a nice dinner, then were allowed to dress up and travel back into the center (taking the subway). With friends, we found on one side of the river is like a mini beach. With sand and beach chairs out at 10 in the night, very relaxing watching the lights on the river. Later returned back to the hotel and dropped dead.
Next morning we left for Prague in Czech Republic. Again a very long bus trip that killed my back. With traveling a lot many of our lunches ended up being the traditional servo stop for chips or a sandwich, eating healthily was not of high importance to us for the next two weeks.
We reached Prague and were allowed free time to walk around for a few hours in the center. I found this amazing toy store that had a working carousal in the middle of the store. It had a slide and a lollie/chocolate area and all these toys you could play with or ‘test’. I do not regret I spend quite some time enjoying myself in this huge toy store (but didn’t really have the courage to go ride the carousal, mainly for the reason I didn’t want to be the weird eighteen year old lining up with the seven year olds).
We were then taken to our hotel, which was 4 STARS!! So to sum very, very nice hotel that we throughly enjoyed. Though funnily enough for a four star hotel the cooking was really not on par with the rest of the hotel, that or they gave us a very cheap menu option. I say this because for desert we were given an actual ice cream still in its wrapper served on a plate.
That night we were allowed to go out to the center but me and a few other girls decided to have a chill night, which consisted of face masks, chatting and general laziness in pjs.
Next day was a tour of this gorgeous Prague castle in the morning, then free time until we meet up for dinner later. I was with friends and we got lost, so very very lost. We walked around in literal circles for about 2 hours trying to find our way back. At one point our main marker for how to get back was this store called ZARA and we were asking this old security guard about where to find this store (he had no idea). When a girl our age over hears and puts us in the right direction. I asked where she was from, cause I could bloody hear it, and she turned out to be Australian! I neverrr see any australians so in my excitement when she told me I immediately threw my hands up for a high ten very excitedly. She was confused but complied, which was when I explained I was Australian and just very happy to see another another Australian. She found it funny so that was all good.
Anyway we made it back to the hotel and got dressed up because not only were we having a very nice dinner but after we were going to the biggest night club in central Europe.
IT WAS AMAZING, the club had 5 levels, on each level a different style of dance floor with different kinds of music. It was definitely one of the coolest places I have ever been to. We danced until 3 and went back to the hotel as a group. As you can imagine the wake up call at 8 the next morning was not taken well by many. From there we left the hotel for Munich Germany.
Alana's Euro Tour - Part one
2016-08-09 14:00:00Z |
In Memory of Marie Hinkly
David Johnston
2016-08-09 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin introduced President Mike Healy.
Mike then welcomed visiting Rotarians Judy Clark from the Caloundra club and Kevin from the Greenmeadows Club in NZ. He welcomed Ian Aspinall, a guest of Greg Lee Archer as well as partners Anna & Gary. Mark McArdle our guest speaker was also welcomed.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Marilyn proposed the toast to the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is the home club of Rotary International President, John Germ. It was chartered in 2002 and is a breakfast club. Their main projects involve providing safe water for communities in Haiti and Uganda. They also read a story called the Apple Dumpling Adventure to young school children. This story is based on the four way test.
Judy Clark announced that her club has a movie night on 11th August. The movie is the Absolutely Fabulous Movie and costs $25 a head and proceeds go to Mercy Ships.
VOCATIONAL MINUTE: Starring Marilyn Harris.
Marilyn married Gary in 2012, joined Rotary in 2005 and was president in 2009/2010.Her initial career was in nursing at the Mater in Brisbane then St John’s in Perth. She then obtained a Batchelor of Business degree at QUT followed by a Masters degree at Griffith. If I have this right she was the Director of Child Health. She has been heavily involved in the campaign to prevent violence against women. With work she has travelled many times to Taiwan.
RYDA: Bruce asked for volunteers for the 19th August.
RIKI TIKI: Kevin Curd asked the questions and Mike Healy was the ultimate gold medal winner.
SERGEANT: Peter Hovey did a wonderful job in extracting money.
GUEST SPEAKER: Our own Mark McArdle
Mark spoke on the looming traffic congestion problem in the Caloundra region. He gave traffic figures for several roads. Caloundra Road and Bowman Roads seem to be the main problem areas. With Aura, Palmview and Bell Vista all developing this congestion will only increase. Mark gave several proposals to improve traffic flow at the Nicklin Way and Caloundra Road roundabout. His preferred option would be to have slip lanes but this would involve land resumptions.
Mark also mentioned three possible routes for a light rail system between Caloundra and Maroochydore. All would be quite expensive and without private sector investment are unlikely to proceed.
His main message seemed to be that we need to act and plan now to so that the costs don’t become prohibitive in the future.
RAFFLE: was drawn.
President Mike closed the meeting and reminded all that Marie Hinkly’s funeral was to be held on Friday 5th at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Edmund Street.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-08-09 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin introduced President Mike Healy who opened the meeting. He welcomed our exchange student Gertrude to Caloundra Pacific. He also welcomed partners Fay, Yvonne, Penny, Suzanne, Gary, Denise, Sylvia and Jenny.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Marilyn proposed the toast to the Rotary Clubs of Turkey. The first club was chartered in 1954 and by 1978 there were 78 clubs. Their main focus has been on Polio Plus and construction projects.
VOCATIONAL MINUTE: Trevor Steel shared some of his history. He was born in 1940 and had a very early interest in aviation. He married Denise in 1963. He has a son (a film editor) and daughter (teacher). If I have this correct he became CEO of the Metway Bank when is changed from a building society to a bank in 1970. He has been chairman of many influential boards.
- The cheques we presented to the Chappies last week were $500 each.
- Golf Day. Tony Long advised that Patrick offered to contribute to the Golf Day ($400 Value) for Rotary members helping to serve at his launch of his new premises. Many volunteers came forward.
- RYDA. Neville advised that we had front page and page 5 coverage of RYDA in the Caloundra Weekly Newspaper.
- Patrick Kings relaunching of his shop will be on 11th August.
RIKI TIKI: Conducted by Greg Lee Archer and won by Kevin Curd.
SERGEANT: Alan Morgan did his usual job of extracting fines.
Fay Nawrocki, supported by Stan, gave us a presentation on their recent trek along the Milford Track. Part of this trek involved reaching the McKinnon Pass at 1154 metres. They had many adventures on this trek including a helicopter flight over an avalanche area and flooded creek, another helicopter flight down from McKinnon Pass. At Milford Sound there was a film crew filming part of the Alien movie. They managed to see part of the set being blown up at night.
Frank Price gave the vote of thanks.
RAFFLE: Was drawn and won.
President Mike thanked all and reminded those on roster to check the Bulletin.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-08-01 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin introduced President Mike Healy who opened the meeting. Mike welcomed his brother-in-law Errol. He also welcomed Mark McArdle, Kelly Davis, Stuart White, Manfred Klink and May Gowlett.
INTERNATIONAL TOAST: Proposed by Peter Hovey to the Rotary Club of Lille in France. Our own David Smith is currently doing post grad studies there.
RYDA: Neville Woodforth reported that the two recent days were very successful. So far the RYDA program on the coast has reached 6000 year 11 students and involves four Rotary Clubs. He has asked for volunteers the step forward to gradually take over his role in RYDA.
NYSF: Neville reported that Kate Morecomb left today for the Euro Science Forum.
CCSA HALL: Les advised members that there is a concert for seniors in the hall on Friday the 19th August. The cost will be $5.00.
VOCATIONAL MINUTE: Greg Lee Archer Spoke. He has 3 children, 2 grandchildren and has lived on the coast for 20 years. He is currently the Business Banking Manager for Westpac based at Kawana. He is responsible for approving business loans up to $25 million. His area covers from Caloundra to Bundaberg.
Marilyn Harris reported that Barb Bailey is recovering well from recent shoulder surgery.
GOLF DAY: Tony Long reported that planning is progressing well. We still need sponsors/players at $1000 per team of four. Also prizes are required for the raffle and for the auction.
SERGEANT AT ARMS: Alan Morgan delegated this role to Evelyn McCorkell who did a great job, particularly on Alan!!
RIKI TIKI: Peter Higgs asked the questions and Greg Lee Archer was the brilliant person who knew all the answers.
GUEST SPEAKERS: Our guest speakers were Kelly Davis PHF from Merridan State College and Stuart White PHF from Caloundra State High School.
Kelly spoke first. Merridan College has 2600 students and 200 staff. She became a Chappy so that she could care for students – she was formerly a teacher. She has an obvious passion for her role even though she had a fun job organising camps, sports days and the like. Her door is always open to students no matter what the situation they find themselves in.
Stuart then spoke. Caloundra State High has 1100 students and 100 staff. He showed a short video of a program that both the schools are involved in called Building Bridges. This involved a three day hike and overnight camps that covers 42 kms over some very testing terrain in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. This is designed to take the students out of there comfort zones and meet mental and physical challenges. He related several heart-warming stories of students meeting their goals of these three days.
They advised that there is a chaplaincy fund raising dinner on Friday 12th August. The speaker is Phil Smyth. It will be free to enter but expensive to leave.
Both Kelly and Stuart demonstrated vibrant and caring personalities.
Neville then invited President Mike to present cheques to both Kelly & Stuart.
Rotarian Bruce Radford thanked both Kelly and Stuart for their professional and heart felt presentations.
RAFFLE: Was drawn.
NEXT WEEK: Fay and Stan Nawrocki will be speaking on the Milford Track.
President Mike thanked all for attending and closed the meeting.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-07-23 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin welcomed all to the meeting and introduced President Mike.
President Mike opened the meeting and welcomed visiting Rotarian Kevin from Napier NZ and Robyn Bailey to the meeting.
International Toast: was proposed to the Rotary Club of Napier, Greenmeadows. It has 65 members. Napier was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1931 and was rebuilt in Art Deco style.
Vocational Minute: Barb introduced Will Waterford who spoke about his Garden & Pet Shop business. It is currently doing 70% pet business but Will expects the garden supply side to pick up in spring. He managed not to speak too long about his new grandson, Henry.
Youth Service: Peter Higgs advised that the YE student Gertrude will arrive from Denmark on the 25th July at 7.30 pm. He suggested that the meeting on 28th July be a partner’s night to welcome Gertrude.
Riki Tiki: was conducted by Greg and won by Will.
Sergeant: Alan Morgan managed to fine everyone.
Guest Speaker: Our own Barbara Bailey spoke on the wreck of the Netherby. The significance is that her great grandfather was on this ship and that it occurred exactly 150 years ago.
The Netherby was ship wrecked at 7.30pm on this night 150 years ago off the coast of King Island in Bass Straight. All 450 people on board were rescued. The Netherby left England on 13th April 1866 with 3 steam locomotives on board. The ship was supposed to take a route to the south of Tasmania but Captain Owen Owens decided to pass through Bass Strait instead. The ship had encountered extremely rough weather earlier in the voyage that had seen the steerage passengers confined below decks for 14 consecutive days. In taking the passage through Bass Strait, Owens hoped to avoid further rough weather and ease the burden on the passengers. Barb’s great grandfather was an iron monger but because of the loss of the ship he turned to farming. This evening is a special day for Barb as there is a reunion of relatives of the survivors gathering in Currie on King Island to commemorate their forebears.
For more information see this link.
Barb was thanked by David Millar.
Raffle: was run and many happy winners went home with their loot.
President Mike closed the meeting.
Last Week's Meeting
David Johnston
2016-07-15 14:00:00Z |
Sergeant Peter Hovey
Fellowship Evelyn McCorkell
Room Set Up Kevin Curd
Please remember if you are unavailable, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
August Duty Roster
David Johnston
2016-07-12 14:00:00Z |
Les Pontin introduced our 39th President Mike Healy.
Mike welcomed all to his first official meeting as President. He welcomed Kevin McCormack a visiting Rotarian from Napier NZ.
Will Waterford advised the club that he has become a grandfather for the first time. Baby Henry is well and healthy. His second daughter is also pregnant and his son is getting married on 2nd September.
Marilyn Harris spoke on behalf of Kevin Leadbetter (Community Service Director). He is looking for suggestions in the planning stage of this year, in particular in reference to donations, partnerships with other Rotary clubs and community groups.
The meeting then broke into Club Assembly mode.
There was wide ranging discussion starting with Fund Raising. A fund raising committee was suggested, although this has not worked well in the past. Fund raising should not be the sole responsibility of the Community Service Committee – it should be a shared role although the lines are very much blurred.